What is the rarest item you have currently?

So I recently found out an alt I haven’t played in years has a few pieces of the vanilla twilight cultist set, curious what others have laying around.


Proooobably my Big Blizzard Bear? Even though it’s account-wide now, I never deleted the original item either. It’s still sitting in one of my characters’ banks.

It’s an important item to me as well. My boyfriend at the time gave it to me… sixteen years on and he’s my husband :blush: And we still play WoW together almost every day.


I have a thug shirt. And I can’t bring myself to sell it, nor can I bring myself to equip it.


A Thug Shirt and Primitive Mantle still in BOE form.

Fabulously valuable because most players never took them off and it was years between starter shirts changing and them becoming soulbound. But also the kind of thing that nobody would pay a million gold just to have an oddity like that.

Also a full set of R6 WoD crafted item upgraders, one for every profession. Late in the last patch they stopped functioning that way and are now completely useless items that can be broken back down into their mats.


Not sure if it’s the most rare thing i got but it’s my fav of my rare things which is my Amani War Bear


Not sure I’d say rare but I have various removed items I never seem to get rid of. Several vanilla characters have the ZF mallet, the Maraudon staff, the key to UBRS, etc. My vanilla warlock has spellstones in their bank as well as my shaman with her banked totems.

Someone gave me one of these one time for helping them move some rare items to another character. They had quite a few BoE removed shirts I held while they made a new character and when I passed them all back, they threw up a mantle and said it was for my trouble. I did not hesitate to equip it and still use the mog on a few characters :smiling_face_with_tear:

Edit - One of my alts also has a pair of these somewhere


I have an https://www.wowhead.com/classic/item=22115/extra-dimensional-ghost-revealer from the Tier 0.5 quests. My warlock still has the items to summon the Dreadsteed boss in Dire Maul. I’m fiercely proud of those :slight_smile:


I have an unused cata shoulder enchant.
The enchant is long removed, so it’s a grey vendor item.

But it’s a thing I have lol.



Probably this:

I also have my Holy Mightstone from the old paladin class quest that no longer exists.


i always wanted that twilight sets

the ones i have are the aegis of scarlet commander shields

i also have the furen’s favor shield that is 5% possession according to dataforazeroth, but not sure how is this that much rarer than the whirlwind axe


Can you not get that anymore? My warrior might have his still. I remember my friend helped me get it and we put Crusader enchant on it.

Then I destroyed everyone in WSG :joy:


I’ve got the Scholomance dungeon set for warlock still, I think the spell stones that turned to grey items as well. My paladin has the paladin threat buff of their hotbar still from when it was a toggle.

Think my rarest thing in WoW though is friends, seems very rare here. /s


I still have some of the old original DK sigils from when relic slots existed. Still have an old Furious Gladiator one from back in wrath. Still have some old runes, candles, and similar reagents from when you used to need them to open portals on mages, give out buffs on priests or similar. Heck I recently found 5k rounds of old hunter ammo from wrath.

Funniest one I have is an old vendor trash item that’s a Crystallized Tear I took off a dead alliance guy back when Wintergrasp was a thing. NEVER getting rid of that lol.


Maybe not the rarest, but I found it amusing to discover a couple of years ago that the shirt I’d been wearing since the day I started was now considered a rare since only elven and dwarven hunters created before Cataclysm got it.

( I would not be surprised/upset if a new source is added, if there isn’t one already )


A Love Rocket, and some Ruby Shades.


Sleeveless T-Shirt … Inspected by Earl Z. Moade
Zergling pet (vanilla CE)


I also found out when they linked accounts to bnet account that I had not in fact deleted the paladin I did the lvl 20 iirc? Mace quest on, as well as the green recolor of warbringer/sul’thraz from the brs quests. Was pretty jazzed to find them in my transmog list lol


For me too.


My favourite thing is my Pet Rock. My sister pick-pocketed it for me back in Vanilla because I didn’t have a rogue.

It’s always been in my Main’s back pack, but when Blizz introduced the ‘Sell Junk’ icon to vendors I put it in my bank so I don’t accidentally sell it.