if have the grimtotem spirit wolf as well
I have a lot of original Vanilla stuff. Even have an original Dartol’s Rod of Transformation on an old ret paladin twink.
On my main, surprisingly not much. I have an O.G. Thekal’s Claw, but didn’t get the other one. I don’t think it ever dropped.
I’d say Thunderfury ever since the second Binding of the Windseeker dropped for me in September after four and a half years, but I feel like that’s something everyone able to get it can eventually get with enough time and persistence.
I’d say the Horseman’s Reins as I got it on day one of the event after 17 years across multiple accounts, but it seems like that drop rate got massively buffed this year. I was usually hard pressed to even find ONE new person that got it each year, yet I got it, my ex got it, my best friend IRL got it, and at least two of my guild members that didn’t previously have it also got it.
So no…happy to finally have it, but part of me feels the rarity of it took a pretty decent drop this year with the number of folks that finally seemed to get it this year.
Swift White Hawkstrider perhaps? Finally got it last week, literally the first time I ever saw it drop. Even then I hear whispers that the drop rate gets a bump during Timewalking, so no clue if even that’s rare anymore.
In any case, been a fun six weeks or so for rare stuff as far as I’m concerned
I honestly have no idea. Probably the rarest mount I have is maybe a 2% drop chance I guess?
Which is why I want the flames put back please Blizz!
I have a time lost proto drake I stumbled upon by accident, which ruined some poor guy’s day who had been trying to camp it. I feel a bit bad, still.
Not a single person said Holy Mightstone from the Paladin Epic mount quest. I still havent found a suitable target to burn it on.
I have an unlearned Amani Warbear from tbc sitting in my bank waiting for the day it bugs out and becomes BoE.
I’m surprised how few people have this.
Yeah, as an event mount I always thought more people would have it. But then again, it did resemble the regular brown Dwarf ram mount and also there was it’s beefier Brewfest cousin that could also be picked.
It was tradable last time I looked. So yes, unless they changed it.
IIRC it usually goes for a couple million gold.
This is a really rare one my friend, congratz!
As for me, I have some Vanilla stuff that I probably don´t even know the rarity of, as I don´t track such things down. I would guess my horse could be rare, Palomino or so.
You could buy that at Elwynn in early Vanilla, later on they patched an armored version into the game and removed it.
I still have my light of Elune. It’s a keepsake now for sure.
My original starting shirt
Probably the candle for the DM warlock mount quest that’s been removed.
That’s the thing, you could (still can I think) still buy it as long as you completed that event. I didn’t buy it originally. I bought it the following year when mounts became a collection instead of bag litter.
I got one from a GM who worked here in Austin who happen to be my friend. And I got a bunch of other freebies. Like I still use the year long game time card stack he gave me over 16 years ago.
Got that on my Warlock as well. Makes me sad I dont play him more.
Reward from what I think was the best designed quest ever in an MMO.
Same here. I still have mine. Plus I have the original collector’s edition’s vanilla mini Diablo pet that follows me around most days. I even went and tamed the Karoma model so that I have a second. But the Grimtotem model has LUST where all other spirit animals don’t. So that is the only thing that sets it apart.