What is the rarest item you have currently?

PROBABLY the Razzashi Raptor from ZG (removed from the game)

I still remember when I got it. I was playing with some RL friends from work, it was my first raid and so my contribution was probably nil. I was a troll, which already have raptor mounts, so everybody was super pissed when I won it.

All in good fun, of course.

P.S. Still one of the best looking raptors in the game, imo. Although, I do really like this one as well: https://www.wowhead.com/item=163645/skullripper

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Let’s see…

  • Excalibur, my hunter’s ghostly wolf pet with the sword through his head.
  • A Teebu’s Blazing Longsword from way back when.
  • The Swift Razzashi Raptor that my hunter got on his very last run before it became unavailable.
  • This guy’s certificate of thievery and his original thief’s tools, plus his original level 1 clothes and weapon.
  • A couple of haunted mementos.
  • Complete collection of steamy romance novels, plus a goblin gentlemen’s magazine.
  • I think there’s some blood of heroes in someone’s bank somewhere.

I’m glad I’m not this bad of a packrat in real life!

Probably something like a gurubashi coin

But in terms of actual, useful items- probably something like a mount (Invincible or Mimiron’s Head) or Thoridal.

I guess that would have to be all the various items needed for summoning a dreadsteed of Xoroth (warlock epic mount quest). Those items no longer exist in the game, and I imagine that number of active accounts that also still kept all of them are pretty low so :dracthyr_shrug:

Otherwise, I’m sure some of the

  • 500+ mounts
  • 1600+ battlepets
  • various pieces of gear (like thunderfury and twin blades of azzinoth) and other transmog items
  • etc…
    fit the bill
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This is my pride and joy, the Vanilla “Hurricane” bow BUT in retail, not Classic. 0.13% drop rate with a Winterspring mob otherwise it falls to 0.07%, 0.06%, 0.03% with 3 other mobs then 0.01% with 6 others and the rest is under 0.01%. Sooo rare.

Hurricane - Item - World of Warcraft

I got it from a Twilight Avenger in Silithus so I’m 1 of only 13 times it was looted out of 1 837 704 times from that mob. :exploding_head:

Drop rate is so low they say “0%” lol but 13 out of 1 837 704 is more like, 0,0007% drop rate.

I’m so proud and treasure that wonderful bow with all my heart. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


that bloodseeker mount from nazmir im pretty sure, unless arfas has a lower drop rate

I have a Forsaken Heart still in my Mage bank. Also a MC water item.

I have obtained a bunch of cool things over the years deemed rare & precious, but none holds more prestige & value to me than my old school retired Betrayer set from MoP Challenge Mode with my also retired “of the Black Harvest” title.

For me it’s my tabard of the Argent Dawn (the original black & white one) and my haunted memento. I am so sad that they nerfed that. :pleading_face:

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I have old items from vanilla here and there. My lock still got warlock quest items. I have haunted memento. For mounts i have Prestigious Midnight Courser, I got it in Legion doing pvp towers. I thinks its pretty hard to get with todays honor depend if you pvp alot.

Timolain’s Phylactery

Hmm, maybe the original Argent Dawn Commission? Not sure how rare that is but I got it in vanilla and I don’t think you can get it anymore.

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I got this yesterday. Dear god, what a mission. I server hopped so many times to get that darn rare.

Maybe some weapon drops from MoP remix.

it dropped in (Fresh?) Classic? I dont know if that mob was even there when it launched?

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Lets see:

In terms of mounts, going off Data for Azeroth (and excluding extremely new mounts), my rarest appears to be the Silent Glider off of Soundless.

By pets, using the same standards, my rarest is the Invertebrate Oil, from Oily Invertebrate in Maldraxxus.

Titles, it’s Veilstrider.

Toys it’s probably Vulgarity Arbiter.

But as for actual items? I got a couple treasures. The Yellow Brewfest Stein from the old Brewfest (actually got an achievement for owning it), Verigan’s Fist for my paladin, Abrogator Stones from the WoD Legendary Ring questline, Dusty Focusing Crystal from Legion Order Halls, and some old Vanilla Mage reagents, Rune of Teleportation, Rune of Portals, and Arcane Powder.

I have a habit of not throwing away or vendoring stuff that I think might not be available anymore.

Oh no the one I have is for the hidden Legion artifact for Paladins (and to this day its annoying AF to get) not the original classic one you have! (Although it ties super well into the Classic NPC stories, it’s really cool how they did that).

ETA: This one:

Idk probably one of my mounts

Or actually maybe my Scarlet Tabard, spent quite a while trying to get it on my paladin…

Don’t have the willpower to chase something like Invincible, still trying to get Midnights reigns to this day on my DK is annoying enough

Hmm :thinking:

I have a Zulian tiger from original ZG.

My warlock still has all the items to perform the ritual to summon a dreadsteed

That’s probably it as far as items go. I wasn’t very good at keeping things back then

I have absolutely no idea lol