Probably a tie between the headless horseman mount, Invincible, or the love rocket.
I don’t know how rare these are, but they are the oldest items I still have, and I will never get rid of them:
I had some of those haunting ghosts from pre BC. I had 4 at one time during WoD, but then sold a couple. Then put two on the market in shadowlands and didn’t play for a while and think the mail expired, or else i opened mail and didn’t notice 500,000 gold pop into my bag, since that’s what they were going for.
I have a 20 stack of bullets on my huntard.
You know I think I have one of those lamenting in a bank someplace, couldn’t bring myself to sell it but after they changed how it works I didn’t feel like keeping it on me anymore either lol
That’s alright, I mean I have plenty of removed stuff too since I’ve played this game for…way too long lol I’m just curious what uncommon/removed items people have regardless of rarity compared to other things.
Probably Tabard of the Protector. Not super rare, I guess, but it was only available for a limited time during the TBC pre-patch.
I still have the Onyxia pendant too. And some rogue poisons. A trinket from the Battle for Undercity event as well.
I regret not getting that, I was playing at the time but had no idea what I was doing or that there was even an event going on lol
Oh neat, I heard you can still summon the bosses for those for the transmogs. That info may be outdated though but if true I imagine you could probably charge to summon them for people lol
when i was going through all my characters to consolidate items/gold into my warbank , some characters i have not played in over a decade, i found a character with 5 ruby shades I do believe I purchased way back in TBC, was happy to find out they go for 200k+ each on the ah because they are not bought in the game anymore.
Forsaken Heart from my first PvP kill
A bugged bottomless Brewfest mug that has endless beer in it and 0 on the timer. I can keep drinking from it and it never vanished after Brewfest ended. I submitted a ticket years ago and the GM said it wasn’t a problem and I can keep it. I guess its a pain to remove it, and it doesn’t affect anything in the game so they just said its fine.
Oh and I have on my Hunter a cat pet…not just any cat but a ghost cat. Its from a quest way back in vanilla that you would summon the cat to kill. It was mistakenly marked as a Beast and not Undead. To tame it ment never finishing the quest as the item is consumed and you couldn’t get it again unless you died (which you didn’t as you tamed the cat).
Now the best thing about it is that its see through, then it has prowl (stealth ability) and then if you cast Camo the pet vanishes completely. Even flare won’t make it show up till Camo ends or it attacks.
I got the whole 0.5 set on my Mage still in void storage.
I’m curious if its tradeable a collector would probably pay crazy for it
A benediction and T2 set on my priest. I have a bunch of junk on a second account that was unsubbed in wrath that was played since vanilla, probably would be worth a few million gold if I re-subbed it and AH’d it all.
Used to be the Ghastly Charger mount until it became a freaking twitch drop.
My rarest would probably be my Blue X-51 Nether Rocket. I think I’ve only ever seen less than a handful of people that own it.
I dont know maybe Ironbound Proto-Drake and love rocket
Digital rarities? Pixels hold no such real value.
Basically anything named can be reobtained.
The corrupted Ashbringer and the name ‘Mograine’ on classic wow. In retail I have of the black harvest title and warlock challenge mode gear
I have my Benediction/Anathema and my Atiesh splinters and frame (never completed the staff before TBC, guild gave up raiding after it was announced). I also have my Ony Scale cloak, pendant, and kept all 8 of my T2 and most of T3 in my bank from back in the day. None were exactly rare at the time (except the Atiesh parts) but I kept them.
Edit: This was all from 2004/2005 wow.