What is the rarest item you have currently?

my warlock earned the Haunted Momento during the original WotLK prelaunch event.

i also have the infinite timereaver mount which i got many years ago.

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I still have all the reagents for summoning the Dreadstead of Xoroth

Additionally, I imagine I have a number of mounts, battle pets, titles, achievements, feats of strength and transmog items that are fairly rare

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Yup, that’s what I was going to post.


If I say what it is it could wind up on the Traders post. No whey or way am I going to do that.

My shaman still has its ankh though.

My Warglaives of Azzinoth set probably idk, that or my MoP druid challenge mode set.

I still have my s9 and s10 elite throwing weapons sitting in my rogues bank. Can’t imagine many people saved those since they turned grey when they removed the ranged slot from rogues and warriors. They were also only available during their season and required 2200 rating, plus weren’t used for transmog so no real reason to ever save them.

I have Thunderfury, Warglaives and Fyr’alath.

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Probably the prestigious midnight courser, got it back during legion before the honor grind got bloated to high hell.

Got my Swift Spectral Tiger before the dupes.

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Skyfury helm from the vanilla shaman quest line.


I have various UBRS, Onyxia, ghost revealer type items on various alts. I also have an item that was rolled back/hotfixed in 2008. Somehow I managed to keep a copy. I’m a fugitive.

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rarest thing I know I accidentally vendored?

The guitar axe from the halloween event in Kara during BC

I have the ghost revealer, Theramore tabard, tab & pet from the Olympics (spirit of competition)

I used to keep almost everything but changed characters, moved them across accounts, deleted so many I know I lost a lot of things

Pales in comparison to a lot of people’s junk here, but I got the Dark Shaman set before they added it to SoD. Still sad that they did that, kinda ruined the prestige.

Also, I have the full set of doomsayer pamphlets from the Legion prepatch in my bank. Dunno why I kept them.

I’ve long sold everything else I might have that would be considered rare.

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I think it’s either the Formal Dangui in my appearances or Benediction/Anathema.

Granted the BMAH has cheapened some things but I still have the original Arcanite Ripper from the TBC event. I wish they’d make it a toy.

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I have many old stuff like the tabard of Protector, Competitor, Scarlet, Illidarii and so on as long as your item has the word “unique” in it the item is no longer in the game but my most favorite is my Rhokledar Bow of the Ancients because on classic days hunters were trained to be hunters to get that item knowing your skills and timing.

Probably Feldrake. Got it from the tcg card years ago.

Who’s gonna tell him? …


I’ve still got my Breastplate of the Chromatic Flight, Competitors Tabard, Big Blizzard Bear, Deathy, Tabard of the Argent Dawn from the original Naxx event, Mr Chilly. I’m not sure how rare these things are, just old… Like me now.


Tossup between the extra soul eater and tigies.