What is the rarest item you have currently?

x-45 heartbreaker mount, some leftover wintergrasp commendation tokens and fire extinguishers


My rogue’s Certificate of Thievery…


I have several things from vanilla that were made unavailable with Cata but I imagine there’re many other players who have these things too for one reason or another. I probably don’t have anything that’s actually ‘rare’.

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I still have this on my Druid I created on release in 2004


Not an item but I used to have a quest from Vanilla for Zul’Gurub that awarded a Zandalari Freethinker piece of armor. Got removed by Blizz a while back though :man_facepalming:

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Still have my Drakefire Amulet for Ony’s lair, the key ring/key for original UBRS, The Hunter bow/staff Lhok/Rhok/Quiver and Tabard of the Protector from TBC pre-release event. Nothing really “rare” just old and less likely to find someone with them.


I have bags and bags of stuff on various alts but I don’t know if anything is rare.

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Probably Atiesh or Corrupted Ashbringer, assuming of course we don’t count WoW Classic.

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I mainly play classic but i have the unarmired brewfest mount and the KT phylactery

Like another Warlock above, I still have a Grand Spellstone in my bank.

Not that these are rare (or worth anything, for that matter), but I have the Heart of Hakkar from old ZG and a Runed Titanium Rod for enchanting.

But having “Of the Black Harvest” beats them all. Yes, I’m biased lol


I have a ton of alts and I try to use all my favorite titles so no two alts are using the same one…

… except my warlocks. Yeah all 8 use that title and they’ll never use anything else :rofl: :rofl:


Its not the x-45 its the dang Love Rocket…I really hate they changed the name of that mount…

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Oh yeah, I have that tabard too. Noice.

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Murky - 2005 Blizzcon pet, only about 10k have it.

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I have a couple over my long years:
ZG bracers on my hunter
Warlock still has spellstones, firestones, and the mats for the 60 mount
I WOULD have had an original unarmored mount but I was one of the ones that traded it in, not realizing I could never get it again.
The banked shaman totems from the class quests
Deep rooted ring off of the AV bosses
The helm of latent power on one of my shaman, it was what the skyfury helm was before it became the skyfury helm.
Timolain’s Phylactery on a mage. Never knew what it was (because I wasnt a paladin) beyond that it was a lich’s soul prison until it was removed. Later found out it might have been used for the Ashbringer quests that were never added.
Primitive bow on my hunter
last item was the speedy racer goggles, only because I thought it was cool that it was a pair of googles that didnt need engineering to use. It got removed because everyone chose the carrot on a stick from killing gahz.

Im sure there were many removed quest items I had, namely the ones from tanaris and silithus that got completely changed, but I sold/deleted most of those so those don’t count. Same with ragnaros core, I unfortunately didnt kill rag before it was removed in 1.4, let alone killed him enough for the ring to drop AND me to win it. Knowing how I was back then I probably wouldnt have thought about keeping it once I moved on to ZG even if I had gotten it

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I have one of those eternium roses?

Honestly I don’t know how to judge how rare anything I own is, I don’t think I have anything that crazy.

That’s a tough one since I’m a packrat that’s been playing since 2004. It’s probably some grey piece of garbage that hasn’t been in the game in fifteen years or something that no one else was dumb enough to hold on to.

I guess I’ll just say my Tabard of the Protector from the AQ opening, since Blizz has never made it available to alts and I never deleted the characters I was playing at the time.

But, but like I said, my rarest item is probably some dumb thing that no normal person would think to keep.

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OG Rogue back on Hellscream still has

As well as all of the other items for the tier .5 quests. User’s manual, ghost revealer, etc.

My in-game murloc costume for attending BlizzCon 2007.
The zipper on the back of the costume says “EPC” and it means Ezra Phoenix Chatterton, the name of a child that Blizzard helped through the Make A Wish foundation, for whom they created a quest in Mulgore and gave him the first ever Ashes of Al’ar.


Rarest item i have, is also probably one of the rarest items in the entire game.

This item was only ever available during the very first day, of the very first brew fest, and only for like the first 8 hours or so. Reason being was the quest to get it caused a LOT of issues in the game, like as in would crash people in the entire zone, so blizzard disabled it, and never reenabled it.