What is the point of warlock anymore?

Yep. As a Destro I’m not having any issues with it and neither is the other destro that I raid with. Either players are just salty that they can’t top the meters or they need to learn how to play their spec.


Aff is* Meta.


Didn’t you quit the other day(s)?


Thats not true.

So from a lot of this thread it seems like the OP is a bit of a troll - I’m not usually in the general forum so I don’t know. With that said, Warlocks (and affliction specifically) are great in raids, but we’ve lagged behind in M+ for a bit.

Just checking 15+ Timed Runs:

Only RDPS:

  • Mages: 22.7% (17.3% Fire, 4.3% Frost, 1.1% Arcane)
  • Warlocks: 14% (7.9% Affliction, 4.5% Destro, 1.6% Demo)
  • Hunters: 25.3% (20.4% MM, 4.9% BM)
  • Balance Druids: 21.9%
  • Elemental Shamans: 7.4%
  • Shadow Priests: 8.7%

Balance Druids are present more than Warlocks in general. Shadow Priests would be the highest Warlock spec and Elemental Shamans are right behind Affliction.


  • Hunters: 9.6% (7.6% MM, 1.8% BM, 0.2% Surv)
  • Mages: 8.5% (6.5% Fire, 1.6% Frost, 0.4% Arcane)
  • Warlocks: 5.3% (3.0% Aff, 1.7% Destro, 0.6% Demo)
  • Rogues: 4.7% (3.3% Outlaw, 0.8% Sub, 0.6% Assassin)
  • Warriors: 6.2% (3.3% Fury, 1.7% Arms, 1.2% Prot)
  • Death Knights: 7.2% (3.8% Unholy, 1.7% Blood, 0.7% Frost)
  • Shamans: 10% (5.9% Resto, 2.8% Ele, 1.3% Enh)
  • Druids: 15.5% (8.2% Balance, 4.2% Resto, 2.5% Bear, 0.6% Cat)
  • Paladins: 9.8% (4.2% Holy, 3.0% Prot, 2.6% Ret)
  • Priests: 7.9% (3.3% Shadow, 2.6% Disc, 2.0% Holy)
  • Monks: 6.7% (3.7% WW, 2.1% BM, 0.9% MW)
  • Demon Hunters: 9.8% (6.0% Veng, 3.8% Havoc)

Among the best RDPS specs per class, the most prevalent Warlock spec (Affliction) is second to last (ahead of Elemental Shamans).

For overall ranged DPS representation, Warlocks rank ahead of Elemental Shamans and Shadow Priests. Both of those classes have other roles they can fill though (healing and/or melee DPS respectively).

Among all classes, Warlocks (5.3%) are the second lowest representation in timed +15 keys (ahead of Rogues - 4.7%). The next highest is almost a full percentage point higher (Warriors - 6.2%).

With that said - Warlocks are awesome in raids (thankfully, because I have fun raiding). I wish we were a bit better tuned for M+, but we’re not “awful” - some of the gap is due to people being stuck on the meta.

But even if you jump to the timed 20+ keys, where people might be less likely to be slaves to the meta (on the off chance they pick the player over the class shown on MDI) - Warlocks are only 2.5% overall population. That’s actually the worst percentage of any class.

  • Druids - 17.8%
  • Mages - 15.2%
  • Demon Hunters - 12.8%
  • Shamans - 8.9%
  • Paladins - 8.6%
  • Hunters - 8.1%
  • Rogues - 7.3%
  • Monks - 6.5%
  • Priests - 5.6%
  • Warriors - 3.6%
  • Death Knights - 2.9%
  • Warlocks - 2.5%

And brutal honesty here - I’m not an excellent raider or an excellent M+ player. I’m not applying to +20 keys. But yeah, Warlocks aren’t in a great spot in M+.

Aff is meta and if given multiple externals demo is the highest single target spec in game.

I’m not arguing that Warlocks bad?

The point of Warlock is that you get to summon the Forces of Darkness and compel them to do your bidding, but for “good”. Warlock is hardcore, man. And anyone who plays them despite the metrics, is suitably hardcore.

Also gumballs. Everyone likes gumballs.

I was expanding on your aff comment. Destro also is doing pretty decent on some fights.

Oh ok, sorry. Yeah i mean Aff pumps, its burst without extrenals is good. Demos fine once you get into a smooth rotation. Destro I don’t mess with. The people complaining atm probably aren’t doing the highest content. I prefer Demo overall.

What this shows me is how much of the population fotm hops because last expansion the amount of outlaw rogues, havoc demon hunters, and BM hunters in mythic+ was off the charts.

I mean it’s not surprising that warlocks are less represented than e.g. boomies. Warlocks do great damage in high keys and have good utility, but they’re much harder to play well for a similar or slightly less powerful result. Why play a high skill cap spec when you can faceroll your boomie or fire mages buttons and outperform everyone because the specs are overtuned?

I like Demo, I been Demo since Vanilla. I been through the good and the bad days, SL being one of the worst so far. Demo just got a little 3% buff last week and it’s made a little difference.
I don’t even bother raiding or doing M+ yet. I even took the worst covenant just in the hopes they as in Blizz will buff it next patch . As Venth, has the best graphics and the best mogs. But for now I stay put and just get all the other crap out of the way in SL and do my BGs, not in a rush to get higher gear either. It’s all going to be pointless gear come next raid. So at this point I don’t think it’s worth the effort to pour into this lock to get her up to 226 ilv.

If they don’t buff Demo by next raid and hopefully even out the covs. I will have to take a different cov and spec. But till then I enjoy Demo the best. And it’s fun as heck in Snoreghast and BGs.

And even at my crappy ilv of 202, if I’m properly buffed and the fact I know the rotations and I DO use MY GATE. I can do good to very good DPS on the right fights. And as you can see I haven’t raised for awhile so I just have Normal to compare. But the ilv I’m at is what normal generally is if I am not mistaken?

In time Locks will be at the top of the DPS tower again. I remember when mages sucked and now they don’t. Everything seems to go full circle. And since we have hit bottom now for Locks for the most part. Only place to go it UP. LoL.

But honestly if you can play a lock in any spec. They are one of the most fun classes in the game. And I do remember being way OPd. But that was before all this M+ stuff came to be and WoW took a little more skill.

And come one, look at my locks MOG, can you honestly not love her lol

Destruction is not bottom tier, they’re middle of the pack at the moment and it’s one of the specs that scale better as ilvl increases; I wouldn’t be surprised if destro is top tier for the next two patches.

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Fire mage has always been a dev favorite, can’t argue there.
BM scales better with ilvl too, similar to destruction it has the potential to be top tier for the next tiers.
Boomie is fotm, but we don’t know how long that will last and if it gets nerfed then we druids have no choice but to go a different role. Let’s keep in mind that Boomie has never been a dev favorite like BM or Fire so it’s the most likely to get nerfed or simply fall behind other classes that get buffed.

I’m good with me even if you’re not so don’t be hating now. Heh

Kinda odd that a warrior is raging against locks while championing the call for more Druid/mage/hunters. Like, really odd. Why not just not invite a particular class to your group and live a happy rage free life?

…that’s a ain’t happening in this lifetime thing though. Ahh well. Wish you the best. Maybe the next one. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

That person is a troll who keeps posting with different alts. For what goal… i have no idea

Class/spec representation isn’t necessarily tied to it’s performance.
Warriors are one of the most popular but they’re not really useful in M+.*
Ele shaman on the other hand are painfully underrepresented and they’re one of the strongest casters at the moment. Earthquake damage isn’t only competitive but it also mitigates incoming damage to your tank with the knockdowns.

*Inb4: mah fury can beat any DK!
Cool story brah, DK still brings way more utility in grip, brez and AMZ. (I don’t mean you Zarrin but I’m sure warrior main will jump in, they always do. :grin:)

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Really didn’t think they would engage…omg is that you!! Slick. Like your style. Lil obvious but hey, I was young once too.

It’s not even that. They’re seeing the weekly wowhead post that shows dps rankings in CN and going off that with 0 conception of how ranks are completely skewed due to the amount of people playing each spec and PI

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