What is the point of warlock anymore?

Another preheat post :fishing_pole_and_fish:

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It is pretty true and it does make sense.

There is another aspect to it though, which is pretty relevant for M±style in general. Fire Mage’s can annihilate packs of mobs and bring Lust. Boomkins offer great burst on demand and AOE. So in a setting where you need to basically burn down large groups of mobs, quickly, with burst … a damage over time class/spec isn’t going to excel.

It’s just the nature of the content and the class/spec. If you need massive area damage and/or burst, a class that relies on damage over time effects is going to lag behind. Doesn’t make the class useless (and I hope nothing I put in came across like that) - representation is just lower because it does require a lot more work to succeed in that content.

In contrast though, on a raid boss that evens out if each get to use a roughly equal number of “burst” windows. Sometimes it even edges in favor of damage over time if mechanics limit casting.

The point of a Warlock to get everything back the other classes took from us! :rage:

And you’re a sterling example of the toxic garbage community that just goes for the cheap shot. You will not be missed.

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Stop making cry posts with no facts.

Warlocks are currently in the top 3 for CN. If anyone is being sat in raid as a lock its because they are flat out bad.

As far as mythic plus goes, all three specs of warlock are capable of pushing 20 keys. You wont ever see them at MDI because they are VIABLE not META for mythic plus.

Please learn the difference and stop spreading false information.


I don’t mythic plus or pvp, but if you are being passed in raids then it’s a you problem, not a gaming one. Affliction is near the top of the meters and Destro can hold it’s own.

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I have stuck by my Havoc DH, even if they are sub par at just about everything so far in SL :slight_smile:

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I am just thinking of leveling my Demo warlock, I like the summoner style more that the Metamorphosis one tbh.

The specs just seem very slow in building up. Not terrible in terms of mechanics, but then factor in the lack of class balance and they do look poor compared to some.

Affliction is one of the best m+ specs in high keys.

Destru is strong mid tier

Demo is only not so good one

Whoa whoa whoa. You have a mouse in your pocket? You speak for no one but yourself. You don’t enjoy the spec.

Hey look more tripe from Preheat.
2nd best performing spec in CN “barely holding it’s ground”.

Can we just petition to get them off the forums for their own health.
These trolling attempts are beyond sad these days.

Don’t listen to OP friend. They are a prolific troll who has absolutely no knowledge of the game.
They have about 5 different alts they just cycle through, probably whilst the other ones are banned.

Whenever I see someone who has not only hidden their profile but also locked away the Activity tab, my first thought is to quote certain well known characters…what are you hiding?

My suggestion: if you really want to make a statement about hiding your activity, post on a Classic toon. That way, not only can no one check out you, its also patently obvious you are trying to hide something…

But in answer to your question: play what pleases you. And one day, in the fullness of time, Warlocks will again shine in all their Fel glory. What goes around eventually comes up top.

“An Illusion!”

For some reason, that has morphed into me saying that with a horrifyingly bad attempt at a British accent. It’s still far better than the female Elmer Fud telling me, “Another turtle made it to the water!” but I put it a little below “Buttons!” and “MRAAAZZ!”

Your mileage may vary.

We’re simply building our power, biding our time – awaiting the glorious day that we can sacrifice a powerful Demon Hunter and -


I mean I play Destro, but I enjoyed having the aesthetic available …

Perhaps we’ll get some other dark magics / Old God juju in the roads ahead aside from just ‘Fel’ I mean we do dabble in many kinds of various dark arts afterall … :smirk:

Didn’t or does S Priest have the same dot ramp up problem?

It can also end arena games in a blink of an eye

I’m just waiting for the day Blizzard admits we don’t fit the narrative and we never will so they’re just going to merge us into Demon Hunters so they get a third spec.

There really aren’t any protagonist Warlocks alive in the story. But man there have been more than a few Warlock loot piñatas.

It’s fine though - I liked the Illidari more anyway.