What is the point of warlock anymore?

I deleted my locks the day after they killed Lifetap. I only ran solo with lock and that was the best part of the personality of the spec. No interest in playing it at all after they turned it into a cheap mage wannabe

False. Affliction is weak in low level mythic plus.

Destro and demo are both good in low keys.

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Well WoW logs shows a different story at least for raiding. I mean Demonology is doing so bad it’s the second DPS spec locks have in the top 10. There are classes that wish they had a SINGLE spec in the top 10.

They aren’t really doing any worse than most other classes in mythic+ either. Sure there is a drop off between Aff and the other two but that is true for most classes with more than 1 DPS build. I mean you think Assassination rogues are doing just awesome with their about 1% above 10+.

I am wondering why he hasn’t quit yet. After all he said he was weeks ago but continues to haunt the forms on his various alts.

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Waste of words.


Best bet is to roll a FOTM toon and enjoy.

They are not going to balance out anything the only time they do it’s so late in game the Xpac is finished.

To look badass while setting things on fire and making things go BOOM!

Warlocks are off meta for the first time in years. Forgive me if I don’t feel that bad for you.

Funny thing is locks aren’t off of meta.

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I just scrolled through some posts.
Hunters, Rogues, and warlocks cant ALL be the worst performing class.
Y’all need to sit down at a table and get your stories straight.

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Warlocks are doing great in raids, cookies, Gates oh my! /s Afflic is the only spec worth having in raids. Some fights the other 2 specs do ok but it’s almost not worth the effort.

Affliction is great, but it has too many buttons. Destro is fine. Demo could some help because the only way to do top dmg as demo is to get multiple health buffs right before casting Tyrant.

Summoning, and a few cookies. yeah.

What’s the point of your trash posts?

Play for the aesthetic. If you put time into learning your class and getting good gear… every spec is viable. So dramatic…

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In CN*** destro has a huge niche in that it’s literally the best spec in the game for on demand priority cleave damage… CN sucks, theirs only 1 mythic fight that requires that niche and its council.

But if you go back to nyalotha in BFA, 10/12 of the mythic fights very much required the niche destro brings.

So to say affli is the only spec worth having in raids is completely and utterly wrong. All that spec really brings to a raid is boss damage.

But Control Demon is so useful in Shadowlands!

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Anyone that is saying warlocks are trash or just bad at warlocks.


Preheàt just stop :raised_hand:

Please do this and follow your own advice


Huntsman as well.

Well, Iʻm having a blast on my demo lock in open world content so thereʻs that.


And yet, its still one of the most fun specs to play in the game.