What is the point of warlock anymore?

-Demonology is bottom tier spec in raids and M+.
-Same with destro.

-Affliction is the only spec holding it’s ground and even then just barely in raids. In M+ it is with the other two in bottom of the pack.

For M+ though what does ANY warlock spec do right?

Is the utility worth it? You mean a gate and a few cookies?

Is it?

Is it really?

Compared to something like balance druid or fire mage or hell even HUNTER has more utility…


Locks bring lock-gate, and lock gate ranges from important to mandatory on certain fights. There are 0 kills of Mythic Sire that don’t have a Warlock.


What about m+ tho :frowning: for raid that makes sense

I thought destro and aff was doing good…

Been playing my warrior as of late, haven’t been on my warlock for a month, but destro seemed to be doing good in M+…

Why do you insist on making stupid threads all the time?


Affliction is the top dps spec on half the raid encounters in CN.


So you can respond to them lol…


You got a point there


Literally 5 days left on my account over how locks were treated in Shadowlands.

They made a bad wrath version of Affliction that turned out to just be a boring combo-spender with all flavor gone and dots that tickle. Destro is also psudo wrath destro gated behind needing haste so they suck 2/3 of the expansion till the end. Demo started 17 dps ranks below BFA demo and they have cried non-stop until blizz just buffed them to the moon. Locks also the worst at pvp now thanks to other classes being buffed, and our flavor spells have been replaced by toys/potions/food other players bring.

Are there improvements? Yes… and I’ll give Blizz credit for surprisingly faster improvements than usual too. That’s how dire of a situation locks were/kinda still are in when being sat 100% for any M+ and passed in raids/pvp for classes with better burst/movement.

In conclusion the OP’s correct in that there’s still no reason locks are needed in WoW anymore other than they fit the lore. All the mystery is gone. The favored classes are zoomers (mage and druid) and warlocks are the boomers.


In all honesty this lock is not my main because of how they are in SL… Other than issues the OP mentions, they are just plain boring. Blizz refuses to add any sort of customization to them, the demons are old and boring. Green fire is old and boring…


What won’t you whine about, Preheat?


That is true.

…if priests spam power infusion on you the whole fight. Lol

Shadow priest does superior ST.

The class is ok but feels absolutely terrible to play

To you? I love all the warlock specs. How something feels is personal.

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You’re one of the rare breeds then man. We do not enjoy the spec it is not fun it is very good damage but so bad at doing everything that it doesn’t make up for the damage

You aren’t a “we”. You’re one person.


So are you, and you don’t spend enough time in the warlock community so maybe you can start there and take notes. It’s been 5+ months

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Point of a Warlock?

Cast Chaos Bolt!


It has a great casting animation.

Also, warlocks have some of the best mogs in the game.