What is the point of warlock anymore?

No, it is because people are smooth brains and see someone struggling in raid and think it correlates well with M+. Mythic is an AOE fest, raids are ST. You know who is also solid in M+? Survival hunters, they are absolutely dog poop on ST though, so they suck in raids and this correlates to perception of “the class sucks”. Literally look at the mythic logs and compare them to raid logs, there is basically no difference because people no longer know how to think for themselves

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Let me guess you want to compare pixles because you are bad?


Post on your main and lemme look up your logs boi prove me wrong


Who cares about survival hunters. You still have yet to show that Destruction Warlocks are great in M+.

Sorry friend I don’t use the forums at all on my main account. Go compare pixels with someone else.


There is no objective data that shows DPS in M+ as a community.

Nova bomb plus void helmet for trash clearing extravaganzas.

Correct, but we both know that Destruction isn’t optimal for M+. The warlock would do much better as Affliction.

Thank goodness for that. Coil or howl is already a nightmare to deal with in pvp.

LOL enough said dude get back to your pet collecting

Only after you do, but you might be bad at that as well.


Well there is that one pvp legendary that is really overpowered for rbgs.

Except its not nothing. Were not talking about carries. 15s are the highest M+ content that gives gear. Mythic raids are the highest content that gives gear. Warlocks of all specs can clear it. No, you probably aren’t gonna get CE in the first few weeks unless ur class is meta or you’re a god but lets be honest very few of us are gods. A person who has mastered their spec will be better than someone playing FOTM.

Destro actually does way better than affliction until post KSM keys in M+… afflic is actually pretty bad for lower keys

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I can’t count the number of Warlock tier lookalikes I’ve stolen as a shadow priest over the years.

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I don’t spend my time doing lower keys do you?

We used to have both, and it wasn’t game-breaking. Plus, I could drop my teleport on one of my gates, and then to a double jump away, no clicking.

I’m also pissed that Aff is nothing but shadow spells, no more fire stuff for when you got locked out of shadow.

but, in terms of just running around in the world, Aff is fun to play for me. I only do raids or dungeons because there is something I must get from the instance to level a prof, etc.

Locks are weak in low level M+ because trash dies too fast for their ramp and they’re a gear scaling class. They have the best scaling ratios in the game, but they aren’t as strong a low gear levels. Unless you’re doing high keys with high gear levels this doesn’t mean much. All the lock specs are much stronger in high keys, though they’re not performing at the level of a boomkin/fire mage which are over-tuned. They can certainly do your standard 6-8k overall dps in a high key, and can do big 20k+ dps uncapped aoe bursts on every spec.

They should just make soul stone and/or shadowfury instant cast to make the utility less awkward, but their class utility is great (bres, portal, healthstones, aoe stun, dispel). Most people aren’t even using their portals at all, much less using them well.

Warlocks are current meta in raiding.

Demo lock reporting in, no it isn’t.