What is the point of warlock anymore?

As M+ player, with zero CN experience with an exception of LFR x1 clear, locks are meh in M+.
I’ve seen some real babes. REAL BABES, good 2k DPS ahead of everyone else being roughly the same ilvl. Rare. But happens. As the majority of time they are behind.

Cookies are really good and underrated. Cookie on every pride = BIG heal CD and can save you from a wipe. Brez is nice. But DK does it better imho. +bubble.

They defo need to do something with warlocks.

They are I main a aff lock, they are op around 200 ilvl

200ilvl ain’t it man. You can’t say that’s overpowered unless your whole group is also 200ilvl

My guilds 3/10 M I’m Demo. I’m clearing 16 keys so tell me what are we not doing that others are?


Clearing 16keys mean nothing, you can get carried to 15key on any class with an ilvl of 140. So clearing +16 on anyone that is competant and of correct ilvl mean nothing, since it can be achieved on any spec/class.

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Affliction is literally top dog with Balance druid in Raid.

All 3 specs are solid in M+, they just suffer from the same thing that all “non-meta” classes struggle with and that’s not being able to PUG.

At least make your whining semi-reality based…like how affliction feels gross playing it or how much ramp up demonology can take


Warlocks are junk this expansion.

Is this a joke? Demo is one of the top ST specs in the game in raid.
And destro is doing VERY well right now absolutely NOWHERE near the bottom.
I’m destro and one of the top Dps in my guild and usually the top in any pug raid I join.
And also usually the top in m+.
Destro also slaps m+. Cataclysm+CDF+havoc up every single trash pack.

Just cause you’re awful at warlock does not mean it sucks.

And take the wowhead articles with a grain of salt. Affliction is artificially ahead because all the top logs get 5pi’s in raid fights which inflates the heck out of the logs


Warlocks bring Nova Bomb and healing rift. Well of Radiance is nice too.


WoW warlocks. My bad.


There are a lot of factors but really the players in your guild are just bad. Destruction is pretty bad in the rankings right now.

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In raid maybe not in M+

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Destruction in the bottom 3rd of M+ also. Check out warcraftlogs when you get some time.

Did you just tell me to check out warcraft logs for M+?

Also: That’s not how Logs for M+ work


Affliction is a top 3 dps spec.

Locks have multiple utility lock gate skips in mythic plus.


Yeah, it gives good rankings per spec by completions of M+. You can even check out raider.io if you want as well. You will see the information lines up pretty well.

You’re just a terrible lock.

Completion does not equal DPS or how well a spec does. If people don’t play a current spec or its not meta and unable to PUG with, it is obviously going to be low. It is generally why Warcraft log mythics match raid logs. Not to mention the data is skewed even further because nobody even logs. These logs are only worth using as toilet paper during a COVID outbreak

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If I cared about raids, etc, my opinion might be different, but…

I’m having fun playing my lock, for the most part. I mean, it’s not as fun as MoP locks were, but the playstyle is ok.

Mind you, I’m not amused Howl is now a talent,and you can’t have it and death coil at teh same time.


You know there is a reason why some classes/specs complete more keys than others right? It comes down to DPS and utility. Destruction Warlocks aren’t bringing that very well.

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No you’re just bad. Anyone who looks at the rankings and assumes specs are bad because they’re not at the top 5 spots is a complete mong.
This is also why you’re posting on a lvl11 alt so people can’t see that you don’t do any actual challenging content in the game