What is the interest in "cross faction" play?

This is a fair point to bring up. My guess is that they might enable grouping outside of instanced content for new max level zones and areas only.

Personally I would not count of them going back and updating old content for cross-faction play.

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Brewa, you’ve never made a valuable post. Please desist from posting altogether.


It’s basically a way of saying, let everyone play together, because Alliance is dead. The Horde won.

A lot of people who are currently on Horde now also want to be able to go back to Alliance and still play with their guild on Horde since they were forced to transfer for the racials back in the day and now it’s snowballed into a community problem.

Nah, not really. Because he consistently ignores things like Horde having historically better DPS racials. He pretends people who play Horde are just a different breed of player when a large percentage of people who play Horde now, and guilds that are on the leaderboard now, used to be Alliance. They transferred to Horde back when racials favored Horde more strongly than they do now. Blizzard was so glacially slow to add in any sort of balance, like maybe giving similar racials across the board, that by the time Alliance did get some races with some decent racials, it was in BFA when nobody wanted to play the game anymore. It also ignores the fact that when it looked like DID and maybe regular dwarf would be strong for just one fight in Nathria, Blizzard nerfed it before the fight even went live. Horde racials incredibly strong for just one fight though like Kil’jaedin? Eh, we’ll fix it when we have the resources. Then let’s not even get into the fact that at the start of this expac Horde players were getting farmed so hard outside of Venari’s refuge across all servers because of WM that Blizzard hotfixed a solution to it. They fixed a PVP problem that had a PVP solution just for Horde players.

So his idea that Horde players are just better players in all respects is just laughable. Both factions are made up of the same kinda nerds. The difference is the handful of devs that still play their own game exclusively play Horde and always did.


This hasn’t (for the most part) been a signnificant factor for a very long time. The fact imbalance is more a result of everybody having been Horde when the racials were notable advantages, and now there’s no reason to transfer to the faction with fewer people.

MDI/AWC have had people playing Alliance for their arguably better racials.

That’s true. There’s a much higher concentration of endgame-minded individuals on Horde.

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Right but it started when that was the case and adding in some actually balanced racials aren’t worth transferring back for. This isn’t a problem that happened just in BFA like Brewa attempts to assert. This has been a problem for years, it was just egregiously noticeable in BFA. There’s no reason for entire guilds to transfer back to Alliance because of racials unless that far outstrip Horde’s.

People play NE in MDI because it’s easy to skip a lot of trash with Shadowmeld. You’re not going to have everyone play NE for tournament level plays when you just want keys done. Otherwise, some Ally racials are about on par with Horde ones.

Who used to be Alliance. And would like to return to Alliance if they could still raid with their guilds on Horde. A lot of people have expressed that they would go back to Alliance because they prefer it if it meant they still had access to the same community.

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My guild just went Hordeside. We’re not a top-end guild, far from it, but there just isn’t a recruitment pool. For the first time in 9yrs we came up blank for applicants.

Our plan: As soon as they implement a working cross-faction raid/group/guild solution we swap back to our mains and keep our Horde friendships.

I’m enjoying my fox, but I prefer my Alliance characters. This faction divide has become harmful towards the enjoyment of the game. I imagine that is why they speak of cross-faction solutions in interviews now. But it will not be an overnight fix; hence our new Horde sister-guild.


It’s sorely needed. It’s the best option for the game going forward.

A huge pool of players able to enjoy the game, is far better than the current imbalance with regards to mythic +/raiding


Well, for starters, I’d definitely run with both factions at the same time. I personally see no issue with dungeons and raids.

It might actually encourage me to roll an alliance character if I knew I could still raid with my guildies on it.


A Cosmic horror story.

Sounds fun, let’s do it!

No. Let’s go back to fighting on Azeroth please. We miss home.

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We can have the cosmic horror story on Azeroth.

We’ve already directly killed 3 cosmic horror story monsters already with C’thun, Yogg’Saron, and N’zoth.

There can always be more cosmic horror.

Suppose I believe you and that this IS an issue. It’s a mechanical one that Blizzard can work around.

I don’t understand why you’re so against cross-faction PvE. Players just want to be able to play with their friends without re-rolling or paying $$ to transfer.


Without warmode or pvp realms there is no war. The war is just rp

I’m sure it’s been mentioned, but at this point I really don’t think keeping the player base artificially separated like this is very healthy for the game. At least not when it comes to organized instanced content. You’re basically cutting players off from at least half of the population, and that population is unlikely to start growing again any time soon (barring brief spikes in interest when new expansions are released).


Because he’s terminally Horde-brained. He thinks Horde players are actually just better people IRL than Alliance players. He’s still taking the Horde RP seriously in 2022.


Warcraft was intended to be a game about actual historical battles.
it went Orcs vs humans after the fact.

tbh, I don’t care. not interested in playing with alliance at all.

however I can commiserate with the poor souls just trying to get their dungeons run. if there was crossplay dungeons—aka merc mode—then everyone’s queues would benefit.

also I loathe faction tagging so I would not be opposed to that getting axed.

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I made a post for a different topic a bit ago that concisely explains why Alliance would want cross faction play using pictures. I’ll just post it below and scoot.


I wouldn’t even say trolling, he simply tries to prevent the inevitable.