What is the interest in "cross faction" play?

I’ve seen several posts about cross-faction play and I don’t understand fully understand it. It feels like there is a fair amount of cross-faction play if you are not flagged for PvP (I routinely bring down world bosses with Alliance players by my side) and on PvP you can join either side. Is the idea that there is no longer a Horde or Alliance just a collection of different races? Is this more of a problem in lower population servers or geographies?

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Play Alliance and you will find out.
But in all seriousness, it’s as simple as people want to play with their friends. More and more people don’t want to follow the faction war/hate story anymore and after how BfA was handled I don’t blame them.


I think the people that want to team up with the filthy, immoral horde simply want quicker raid and dungeon queues and want to be declined from even more groups in the premade tab.


The story is cross faction.

Players want to play the story.

How about stop having Jaina and Thrall work together? Stop having Alliance and Horde lore figures team up? This makes it seem possible. Then to not provide cross faction play… it leaves players feeling disconnected.


“Omg you play Wow? I do too! We should totally play together! What faction?”
“The other faction”
“Oh okay…”


Have you seen how declining alliance is over the last years? Compare horde lfg with alliance lfg and repeat the question.

I find it a bit absurd that I have personally saved the lives of some of the Horde’s leaders on more than one occasion, and that said leaders have repeatedly expressed their gratitude to me, and yet I can’t go near a Horde outpost or city without the guards coming after me.


It started in BfA with the Hall of Fame. People saw there were more Horde high-end raid teams than Alliance, and freaked out. This had been the case since Burning Crusade, but people didn’t freak out until it was plastered on a scoreboard for everyone to see.

And then this panic broke out and people started demanding drastic solutions.

When did all of this commotion start? BfA
When was Hall of Fame added? BfA

That’s it. Nothing more.


It’s really very simple. The current dwindling playerbase is split into two factions: Alliance and Horde. Now stay with me here. This means that people who play Alliance must immediately eschew anyone who plays Horde and visa versa. Still with me? Good. Now ultimately this means that when you play WoW, you’re playing without access to the full playerbase. You can only play with your faction. This restriction prevents you being able to play with as many people as possible and thus have access to as many groups as possible and limiting what you can do and when you can do it. You can still do those things. It’s just you have less chances/options due to having access to less people than you otherwise would.

Still with me? Yes? OK good! Now cross faction play means all of that restriction goes poof!


I’ve been saying to my hubby for years, it would be awesome to have a raid that is for both factions, bosses that both sides can defeat, together. Bosses that threaten the very fabric of Azeroth and beyond. Completely removing factions? Not sure how I feel about that.

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Imho, it’s a greed issue ,people want and they want it NOW!


Faction divide was fine in the early parts of the game when WoW had a huge pool of players.

But overtime that pool is shrinking so the playerbase often feels the need to consolidate on one faction to be able to get the most talent or be able to find the most groups. This is a behavior we even see plague the Classic servers.

Its better for the overall health of the game not to divide the community any longer and open up raiding and M+ for cross faction and cross server grouping.

  1. I play Alliance because Horde PVP feels like bandwagon riding.
  2. Horde has some cool races and quest lines I’d like to try.
  3. Group imbalance is absurd bordering on game-breaking.
  4. We gain little to nothing from having factions anymore.
  5. It incentivizes “Us vs. them” storylines which are awful.

What is Warcraft without war?


Classic Sylvanas response! Boo-urns I say! Boo-urns!


for the last few xpacs we team up and kill the big bad only to start another war (because the writers)… it feels pointless.


Question is will this be a permanent part of the game when the population come back and can be reversed?

we have been at war with force far beyond the mortal plane. i think us not fighting over things because you were “born” in a different place is not going to break a game with war in its title. there is plenty of thing to war about, together.


Jaina: “We gotta save Baine.”

Jaina… Baine wants to charge, mortal strike, and execute you to death. He SHOULD at least… based on factions.

“But that’s not the story.”

Then drop factions if they’re not story anymore.

The solution if they’re NOT going to allow cross faction PVE is simple. Stop showing us stories about Alliance and Horde acting like best friends.


Factions are outdated.

I know Blizzard sees it as the basis of “Wow”, but it is time:

They’ve done it with Battlegrounds and “Mercenary”, now they should do it with the rest of it.

“Your Horde pals are doing this “whatever”, do you elect to be the opposite faction race to temporarily join with them on this endeavor?”