Trolling is probably a little far I agree but this topic is quite literally a hill he is going to die on. There is no way cross faction isn’t happening in 10.0. The amount of guilds dying on my realm or faction changing this tier alone is quite terrifying and there is no way Blizzard doesn’t notice this across every Alliance based server.
This is all it really comes down to. Alliance side is virtually dead on most servers. Anything else is just an excuse to try and convince the devs to add cross faction play as a short sighted way to fix that problem. Instead, they should be trying to convince them to fix their design philosophy that has been breaking the alliance faction for players and quite possibly adding in a third faction to spice things up.
This is a problem that can be corrected via two methods. Server mergers and allowing players to have 1 free character server change/faction change every 6 months (or whatever time frame they might believe would work best for their company to still make a profit from the system).
They could keep the faction theme going, but when joining a horde majority group the alliance characters get some appropriate horde race template put on them when in the instance. Kind of like the last bosses in Battle of Dazalor in BFA.
Dwarves zone in as Orcs
humans zone in as Undead
And for added realism factor any keys under 10 people zone in as Alliance. Any keys 11+ zone in as Horde.
Splitting your population down the middle worked when this game was a big deal but not anymore. Deliberately cutting exposure to other people in half is going to be another reason for this game feeling empty despite still being one of the most populated MMORPGs.
Wow it’s only 8AM in Australia and I’ve already read the worst post I’m going to read all day.
Honestly I said this in the other thread but anyone from Horde who actively is against Cross-faction play has no idea what it’s like to play the game from the Alliance perspective. There is a World rank 400 guild in the Alliance Hall of Fame.
This isn’t a knee-jerk reaction from people who play Alliance, the issue is most elite guilds went Horde because that’s where all the good players are with the only exception being Oceanic region.
Why on earth would you stay on the faction which is rapidly dying with a significant less player pool when you don’t get any benefit for doing so?
Less high end raiders, less high end m+ pushers, less high end PvPers. It’s a joke that anyone is against it.
There are 51 guilds on your server which have killed a Mythic boss and only One of them are Alliance. lolololololol
Of the Top 60 guilds in the world, 4 are Alliance and 3 are Oceanic. What good player would want to stay Alliance with that situation?
It’s not much but please accept my apology for the die-hard people from my main faction. Prideful people can be found on both sides but those with the superiority complex are always problematic.
I have none. If I wanted to play with Alliance, I would play an Alliance character. I’ve played both sides and vastly enjoy Horde more; as I’m sure there people on the other side of the fence. If they wanted people to play cross-faction, I think they would need to have some kind of opt-out. Kind of like Sylvanas loyalists in BFA.
Because my Horde friends understand that all I want to do in this game is play a Draenei. Not playing one hinders my enjoyment, but so does not playing with my friends that just want to play a Tauren/Orc.
Third faction is a foundational thing, it’s way too late to make one and populate it. Why would anyone go for a third faction over just staying with the faction they’re already on? Doesn’t make sense to add a third faction into a game nobody but whales and NEETs play anymore.
And the only way to balance the factions now would be to add insanely OP racials to Alliance and then wait for like 4-8 years for everyone to switch back. That’s also not ideal.
The only realistic solution is to allow xfaction play and allow people to just play on whatever faction they enjoy the most.
I’m ready for cross faction play because I am tired of watching friends, guildies, acquaintances and others consistently faction change to horde for being unable to find groups on alliance.
I’ve seen several mythic groups guilds, pvpers, casual socialites and others all leave due to the inability to find others like themselves
It’s never too late to attract new players and try to coax old players back. If all they do focus on are the whales and NEETs as you refer to them, this game really is going to end up on the trash heap.