What is the interest in "cross faction" play?

That’s actually not remotely true. For example, Alliance players didn’t work with any Horde NPC’s in Nyalotha, nor Hellfire Citadel, nor Antorus. Among many, many, many others.

No. Cross faction play is for dungeons and raids, due to the imbalance between factions in instanced content.

Some want factions dissolved. I don’t. I think it’s a bad idea.


It is. We always end up putting aside differences and focusing on a big bad.

That’s called nitpicking. Both sides still fought the same raid and same bosses to defeat the same evil. THAT is what people are referencing.


I am indifferent. It would be neat though if we could build rep w/ opposing factions. If they are smart they could make quests and specific mobs to do it with. Eventually let us champion with the tabards and do material turn ins.

I would find it fun.


No, it’s called looking at the actual facts.

I am looking at the actual facts. Both Horde and Alliance go into Nyalotha, yes? Both Horde and Alliance kill the same bosses, right?

Those are facts. You want to nitpick in order to claim we don’t fight the same evils. But we do. No one cares if we talk to some opposite faction NPC. It’s irrelevant to the actual point: if we’re running the same exact raids with the same exact bosses, that’s fighting the same exact evil and zero reason why we can’t do that together.

And yet ,they can play with friends easy make a toon of the other faction. This the same reason given to people about cross realming did it help? What is really going on with this deletion of factions?

Not everyone wants a bunch of alts. Some of us stick to one character and have a hard time playing others. It can also be time constraints. Blizz has said people do not play the game like they used to. They game has evolved a lot over the years and this seems like a logical evolution. People asking for this don’t want to delete the factions. The one doing that is Blizz with their story concentrating on Horde and Alliance and not the individual factions within.


In truth, in the open world I don’t really care for faction restriction I just want to play and do quest i could careless what faction people play(within reason considering pvp now)

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“War” apparently means Merc mode for PvP so you can play on the other faction against your own faction wheeee. Weird how in a place where factions should matter, they don’t.

“War” in the Lore means watching the Horde do everything and win constantly, while the Alliance is totally winning you guys, all this stuff happened, but we didn’t have time to show you, but it totally happened! you wouldn’t know her she goes to another school.


What is this ? There are more factions than Horde or Alliance? Or do you mean other faction of time we went through?

queues that dont take an hour only to zone into that lfr and have the “raid leader” insist it isn’t necessary to bother with the dogs on huntsman because “they share health so whatever”. Yes it does happen on horde but it’s like regular and commonplace on alliance. Casual doesn’t have to mean incompetent and willfully ignorant yet it does too often.

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I want to play arenas with friends :frowning:

If i transfer horde i leave my partner behind on alliance
If he transfers horde with me he leaves his partners behind on alliance
If horde friend transfers alliance to play with us he leaves his guild and partners

Population is too small atm to limit who you can play with


I wish there was an easy solution to that but even cross faction with the population as it is the outcome would be little. I guess we’ll have to see in 9.2 how it would fair.

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AHM, oh geesh, :disappointed_relieved:

It actually is. lol

Do people forget that we worked with not only Wrathion, Magni, Ebonhorn, Lorewalker Cho, but Baine and Valeera were working with Anduin and others to get into Ny’alotha to fight N’Zoth and minions?


I probably should have used racial factions, ie Ironforge, Darnassus, Thunder Bluff, Darkspear Trolls, etc… Not only that but class factions as well, since they are pretty important as well.

All too often I feel those stories and cultures are ignored in favor of the main story. In MoP the dwarven player character went off in search of Anduin. Wouldn’t they make curing their king (Magni was an inanimate diamond then) a priority? Tauren, and pretty much any Horde druid, had to side with Sylvanas after the burning of Teldrassil. Just because that Tauren is Horde don’t they still have a ties to Malfurion if they are members of the Cenarion Circle?

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Factions matter in PvP and they not matter in PvE simple as that is the core of Warcraft we been doing this since Battle of Mount Hyjal.

Team up to fight a common enemy
Start to kill each other after

That is the Warcraft soul

PvE for everyone!
PvP Faction vs Faction


So, your experience with BGs is positive? From a Faction standpoint?

The Alliance has a PVE reputation.

Factions matter in pvp… ok then remove merc mode.