What is the interest in "cross faction" play?

I wasn’t aware of the longer queue times for Alliance and it makes sense that people IRL would want to play with each other regardless of faction. This feels like a pretty big departure from the core elements of the game though. Also doesn’t almost every super hero movie have some redemption arc when the bad guys team up with the good guys to defeat their shared enemy?

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We went to war against the legion

We went to war against the scourge

We went to war against the Iron Horde

We are at war with the forces of the Jailer .

World of Warcraft does not have to mean the Alliance an Horde are always at war .

For the most part other then BfA and MoP the faction war pretty much ended with WC2 and both sides outside of minnor skirmises and previously mentioned xpacs have been living pretty much peacefully since WC3


In that cutscene where Sylvanas is sleeping…

And Uther is at her side…

Thrall should just mortal strike Jaina with his giant axe. If she survives she could blink away and start launching ice magic at him.




specifically for instanced content where there’s 0 alliance

being able to do m+ or arena cross faction would allow people to play alliance without being significantly handicapped by the lack of alliance players
and it would give horde a little more access to even more players which is never a bad thing

i think nothing in the game or story changes
we’ve teamed up in the lore several times in raids
and historically thrall and varian were like on an arena team or something at one point

i don’t think people want to join groups w/ opposite faction to do world content
it would ideally probably just be a zone like the dal sewers where you could group with the opposite faction and queue for instanced content but leaving that zone would disband your group


I don’t see why not. In these type of threads you tend to see a lot of people who say they begrudgingly went Horde because of opportunities.

But a lot of it will depend on how they handle cross-faction grouping itself. Will it be open to everyone with no restrictions? Or will you have to be in the same guild? Will guilds have to have an Alliance and Horde chapter?


Jaina touched Thralls arm and she liked it. Tastes like cherry Chapstick. Jaina touched Thralls arm and she liked it. :notes:


In the end it’ll be a mess and of course they’ll add restrictions nothing come free in the game and with all the twists and turns I wouldn’t doubt it


Thrall BLADESTORM on Jaina.

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You cannot have people grouping together in non-queued instances without removing the factions entirely, though. That’s the problem.

Can you do cross-faction for LFR, LFD, and holiday bosses? Yes.

Can you do it for regular raids and instances, including M+? No. Because you must be in a group together BEFORE you enter the instance. And the only way to have people able to group together is if they’re not hostile anymore, which means factions must be removed. That’s how the game is programmed.

People really need to put down the canned responses, the memes, and the tired tropes, and actually think this through for a change.

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IF that were to happen, they could just as easily keep the PvE content cross faction while PvP content is faction specific…or an even better idea would be to make Faction Choice a political decision instead of a racial one.

Like there are very good political reasons why groups like The Defias Brotherhood would join The Horde, or similarly a group like the Amani Trolls would join The Alliance of Stormwind.


War can be with anything. The title doesn’t specifically say “World of Alliance-vs-Horde-craft”. We’ve gone to war against illidan, the lich king, the legion, the old gods, etc. They need to get rid of the faction divide, mythic/heroic guilds and high end M+ players are leaving Alliance in droves.


Omg, you’re right so it is either you do it totally or not in regards to raid and dungeons.

Raids, M+, pvp, etc. Players feel like they have to play horde because that’s where the population is.

Class Halls

That would have been a great opportunity to change how players break out into “factions” and still allow us to work toward separate goals within the war against whoever the current Expac Big Bad is.


Ice block! Jaina touches Thralls arm again. A shiver goes down his spine. She leans in and whispers…Aggra ain’t got nothing on me, babe.

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THIS times a thousand percent! Having factions in 2022 is outdated and foster racism among players and it’s aggressively toxic.


It’s folks who can’t comprehend boundaries because they are spoiled brats.

Agreed. Also in Guild Wars multiple races work together it’s not that hard to officially break off the Humans vs Orcs philosophy that racists continue to romanticize and worship.

I’d like cross faction play for two reasons.

  • I want game play to reflect the story. Both sides have worked together countless times over the years. As the hero and savior of Azeroth you would think we would be above petty faction conflicts. Especially if it stands in the way of doing what’s right for Azeroth. We are playing the hero, after all. Blizz had the opportunity to commit the player character to being neutral in Legion and promptly dropped the ball. For me the story has been terrible ever since.

  • I want to be able to play with my friends no matter what characters we are on. Often times people say “I don’t want to play with no stinking (insert faction here).” We are playing with the person on the other end, not someone from the Horde or Alliance. Chances are if Blizz allows cross faction play it will be optional so the hard core people who want to keep the faction divide don’t have to play with the opposite faction. That’s probably for the better because who wants to play with someone that uptight? I get RPing your character that way but some take it too far.


Almost every expansion sees both factions coming together to fight off a “big bad” that threatens to destroy the town/city/continent/world/galaxy/universe.

Then, we immediately go back to squabbling on Azeroth as if we didn’t just kill literal gods.