What is the Creepiest mob you've ever seen in WOW?

That’s cool and sounds like a lot of fun to be honest. I should try that sometime!

That’s whom I was going to mention

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Nothing is creepy in the game.
It all reminds me of home.
On Sundays the parents would sacrifice a lamb to Zuul.


Ah yes! That’s why they seemed so familiar. That and I think I’ve seen something in D&D.

LOL Even in death they are creepy.


I don’t think any singular mob creeps me out.

Being underwater or under the world, though… /shudders

Some of the models in this game make me feel physically ill, but that’s because of trauma.

The Answer is: Spiders. Anywhere. They creep me out.


Those pig people are hands down the most terrifying!

The mob of players in Goldshire on Moon Guard.

oH lOoK aT mE iM a gAmErRr gUrLll epic xd
You must be talking about events dating back 2007 or something.

Nah, I’m talking like every day in the game.

It’s closer to, “Well I have my trilby and Ed Hardy shirt on in real life, I bet she’ll want to cyber with me once I tell her I got a walking cane too” :slight_smile:

All the Blood Troll mobs and decorations. Spiders of any kind were top on my list until this expansion with all the blood. Not just creepy…have a real life sick to my stomach feeling from it.


Hexed pigs…all I wanted was some bacon.

Abby Lewis in Drustvar…super creepy.

A lot of the hexed stuff really…


Probably a trollolo reply.

But… no. Just a few months ago, some creepy people convinced me to join their Discord and apparently had a bet if I was a girl or not before I joined (I’m not mentally, but sadly am physically).

One of the guys kept getting uncomfortably close to my female characters. Also wanted me to “teach him how to RP” and kept insisting on ME doing it, despite my ever-growing anxiety.

I’ve also been told to “cover my character up” when I complained about being harassed, despite my character being covered head-to-toe (like she is now). Victim blaming. /sigh

The weird pig and bird constructs in Drustvar.

Oh! Just remembered something. Not a mob, per se, but there’s this cave of ice spiders in Storm Peaks and all around the cave there are kobolds cocooned in webbing. What’s creepy the cocooned kobolds stir from time to time. It’s very unnerving and makes you feel bad you can’t free them. Granted they are nasty little buggers, but still!

Here’s the spider. Too bad none of the pictures have any of the captured kobolds.


This, coven witches be creepy

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Raal is creepy when you realize the curse and the cannibalism and the gluttony involved.

He’s the creepiest boss for me in recent memory.

Alliance players.


Gonna have to be the Fel Reaver. Probably said before…but how can something so BIG be so dang sneaky?

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Same here. Probably the only creature in WoW that actually makes me uncomfortable.

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