What is the Creepiest mob you've ever seen in WOW?

My ex (a Gnome Mage) while I was in Stranglethorn.

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For me, it was the old scarlet monastery, graveyard wing. There was a torture chamber with a boss who would say “naughty, secrets. I’ll rip the secrets from your flesh”. And he said it real creepy like.

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Especially Thaddius.

Half of the content in Drustvar… I’m both repulsed and fascinated by it.


No contest. The creepiest most grossed out I got was the mad moonkins in that glen in Val’sharah/Broken Isles, who were melting centaur/fawns into hungry blobs of goo.


“Rawrsquawk! Must make fawns into oozes! Rawrsquawk!”


… great, now I have “Ah, ah, ah, ah… composted alive, composted alive, ah, ah, ah, ah, composteeed ahhh” going through my head (sung to ‘staying alive’)


Abby Lewis is all that needs to be said.

(drops Mic and leaves)

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I’m creeped out by large things underwater…so kraken or those huge whale sharks in vash’jir. Needless to say, I’m not looking forward to any underwater stuff in 8.2.

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Surprised no one’s mentioned Varimathras’ Argus debut.

Looking at that model gives me chills.

I normally find creepy things all throughout Azeroth whenever i am just out in the world exploring. Not always mobs, but creepy things nonetheless.

One of the creepiest things i have come across while exploring was this thing…

It can be found in the ocean of Vol’dun just north of the Temple of Sethraliss, in a place called Heyman’s Hideaway. (Its one of those underwater bars)

Whenever a new expansion comes out i always take my time leveling the first character to the new max level so i can discover neat little things like this. I stumbled upon this thing early on in BfA when i was leveling my Hunter to 120. It seriously creeped me out when i looked into the depths of the ocean and saw that staring back at me lol.

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those stitched pig people in drustvar are pretty wack

Spiders…I actually have sever phobia I didn’t realize how sever it really was until I ran into my very first spider in game…I freaked out!

it isn’t so bad in game now but I still get the heedby jeebies and will still to this day ever, ever, ever by the spider mount…it could be the only mount in the game that i need to finish my mount collection for that super duper awesome mount no one has and i would still never buy it.

Undead ice trolls, if their portrait is any indication.

Those meat monsters from scholomance are really up here for me.

I think my first time to Strath before all the changes. Plague lands and ghost lands pretty creepy to. Oh and the basement in Scholomance the guys that use to look like Rattlegor always gave me the creeps to again before the changes.

… Scrollsage Nola is -really- starting to creep me out.

“Your calligraphy is impressing the children! Look at their little eyes light up!”

What has she done to those children?!?! Brainwashed them?

Any group in Goldshire on Moonguard

I remember back in Classic WoW I fought so many wolves and bears and boars for the first time and that’s what I got used to for quite a few levels.

But then as I got to the second half of Ashenvale I started to see that area with the doomguards and the infernals and I was like holy crap… this ain’t no bears or rats anymore, these are demons! And it scared the heck out of me the first time.

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Sylvanas… wait! Scratch that, Nathanos. :yum: