What is the benefit of not having RDF?

I make a lot of posts on the subject, but not because I hope for or expect RDF to ever be in Wrath. I’m here for the comedy and entertainment.

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It’s always better than the alternative. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Good for you. Keep wasting your time on the forums instead of playing.

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Shouldn’t you be switching troll alts to another character by now? Or will this one last a few days.

I do both. If I don’t play, the game is going to pass by me. All I’m saying is all that fluff you said up top means nothing.

What do I care about some dossier some researcher put out about how or why I play some stupid video game?

Your very first post in this thread was a childish insult

you get what you give, but like someone else once said, your usual go-to is to say something stupid or ignorant and then play the victim when someone calls you out on your bs.

What’s childish (or stupid, really) is your refusal to understand both why Vanilla was released or how it came to be in the first place, and your refusal to understand the sort of authenticity Blizzard is going for when they’re releasing Wrath Classic (as opposed to your idea of “authenticity”) It can be explained to you a million times, but when all you offer is hypocrisy and brain dead takes that all the other same dips****s post every day, it gets a little easy to just dismiss it all together

Horse beaten to death. See thread linked earlier with pros/cons.

What do I care about some dossier some researcher put out about how or why I play some stupid video game?

Because people like me advise companies like Blizzard as to where the money is at.

If they hired me as a consultant, I would tell them NOT to implement RDF the same way I would tell Apple to continue selling a phone that is technically outdated (iPhone SE) compared to their newest product (iPhone 14) for people that demand it.

Let’s keep it civil guys…It’s just a game after all :joy:

You serious right?

My man Z there doesn’t turn ugly unless that ugliness came from elsewhere first.

Maybe you check the tone of that purple one over there and how he came into the topic.

But of course, you and that poster are one and the same.

Ahh, so you would have that kind of power?

Lucky for them, this Lich still plays well without RDF. It just sucks playing without it.

And you, and whatever equivalents behind this decision are only benefitting from it because of that leverage this game has over us.

It’s the only reason I’m still playing and have a vested interest in this game.

Without this leverage, your market research means nothing, and the end of Lich’s cycle and/or the commencement of Cata will demonstrate that.

Just like that poster who predicted there would be no queues the day of Ulduar and some even challenged him on that and lost that would-be bet.

You can see all this coming a mile away.

I played through Classic and BC to get to this point for some ahat like you to decide how I get to play a stupid video game?

You and I are both paying customers. It’s just a game of demographical power struggles. For whatever reasons, yours is winning and you’re getting to play the video game to your optimal fun. That is all. All that fluff about market analysis is just that, fluff.

I’d bet every piece of gold I have that if they added RDF for ICC and advertised that they added it, there would be a nice long queue.

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It isn’t. You’re asking blizzard to re-release a game they already released which is the natural progression of classic if it were to be released exactly as you want it or describe

The reason vanilla got away with being released the way it was is as follows

  1. it was an early time period of the game, the earliest and most “original” thus the most different from Retail

  2. No one knew how much farther it would go or how it would progress, or if there would be more releases after vanilla

Now that we DO know that releases can and have happened after vanilla, it makes sense to try to keep the same sort of things we were trying to gain from re-releasing the game in the first place

Blizzards first gripe, from the very beginning, about the idea of releasing old servers is that it would be pointless or unplayable or that people wouldn’t be able to progress past the old expansions again without RDF. RDF was added and a good change, thus the rest of the changes were good or necessary too (that was their logic) They didn’t WANT to rerelease what they felt they “already released” and steadily “improved” upon. They wanted you to keep playing their mainline product

It’s because people objected that we are where we are, and it’s this mindset that causes things to be either removed or delayed indefinitely. Classic was not meant for RDF, if it was, there would have been RDF from the jump or soon after Somechanges, especially since a lot of pro RDF people consider it a feature almost separate from content which is why they’re still asking for it to be released early

Queues are a demonstration that everybody wants to play.

Now to get back on topic, the premise of your topic…

In a moment though, the other negatives have decided they haven’t had enough.


This is just a few and they’re a little milder than they used to be coming from you. A bunch of forum suspensions for someone who only plays the forums is bound to make them rethink their posting behavior a bit.

Because it would be the end of Wrath topped off as it was last time

But it would also be the end of classic/old WoW, like it ended up being last time.

Gotta think long term, not short term. A lot of people would argue that it’s the short-term thinking that caused WoW as a whole to deteriorate

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Never did answer the question. Seems the only negative is that gatekeepers lose some power and control over others, and trolls lose a topic to troll about. But they’ll find a new one.

Yeah but where’s the data to back up those thoughts? One could argue just as easily that it was cross server/layer implementation that killed WoW and not a stand alone RDF.

I used to be able to go outside in front of org and see the same people every day. It’s just not that way anymore.

To me, wow died the most when they started merging servers.

I get to win forum arguments against mad nerds.

My guy, it’s the fact that layering was already added to classic, and not being removed, that we’re trying to prevent you from instead doubling down by asking for instanced PvE to be crossrealmed or make it more randomized. Even if there was no layering, if layering alone is considered bad for you, why would you want or feel the need to crossrealm pve in another way? Why are you asking for push-button solutions when there are other better solutions feasible

Where’s the data? The data is playing retail and realizing it was bad enough that a big portion of people demanded to go back instead of keep playing or relying on retail. Again, remember where you are. This wasn’t just a retail tourist site

Just like the other guy there instead of playing semantics or asking for sources etc you’d probably have a better understanding if you’d have just… you know… played the games, or focus on where you are at the moment and why.