What is the benefit of not having RDF?

So it seems like it won’t be added due to arrogance or spite? That’s how that reads to me so correct me if I’m off base.

Kinda like an “I told you so now deal with it”?

I don’t have access to the market research. But that’s generally how it works with a company that delivers different types of products appealing to different demographics.

Walking to dungeons isn’t the reason I play

Delayed gratification causes more satisfaction and dopamine release in the end when you get to that dungeon and after having expended a lot of effort, get a nice drop.

Rather than just being ported in and getting a purple dropped on the first boss.

Which one do you think feels more satisfying in the end?

Judging from what they’ve said, it was removed because they wanted to keep the notion of Classic community “healthy.”

They are arguing that more socialization = better gaming experience.

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Vanilla was classic and wrath is classic, genius. They’re of the same vein and released for the same reasons

Your braindead arguments are tiring. Wait till ICC at best although I’m not even entirely sure you actually play this game as I see you on the forums pretty much 24/7. Touch some grass maybe

Is it healthy?

I haven’t played in a while so I genuinely don’t know.

Yup, to experience the game as it was back then. Which means having RDF in Wrath. Glad we agree.

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but who is it marketed to. someone new or returning like the OP or someone who is raiding? kind of feels like the ladder. just saying. if H+ is your answer its a crap answer btw.

He’s mocking the argument that Classic was made to recreate the game as it was.

Anti-rdf posters always like to say such nonsense, yet they support all these changes to Wrath. That never existed originally.

It’s just hypocritical nonsense.

I had no problems walking to dungeons in classic because I knew that’s how it was.

I started playing wow in wrath so I believed it would have RDF at some point because it did originally.

Needless to say, it was a huge letdown when I found out they weren’t adding it at all.

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“Healthy” is a relative and subjective term. If you ask for my personal opinion, people on my server are nice and helpful. I don’t know what the concensus is, tbh.

Many argue that runs are silent and there’s zero socialization in them; I disagree. So far, I’ve had two bad experiences since I came back in August '22, one ended in kicking the guy from the party, they other was resolved by talking to them. The first was inevitable, sadly; the second… I suspect that wouldn’t have happened had RDF been in the game, people might’ve dropped the party and queue for the next one.

Some runs I’ve had have been silent, the rest have been nice and I have my fair share of socialization today. Again, this is my personal experience.


They knew it would be a big let-down for many people, that’s why they announced it back in April 19, '22, so people knew what to expect.

For someone that claims to be a financial analyst you sure did display the usual ignorance in mislabeling the concepts of “classic” and “retail”.

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That’s what everyone expected. I had such memorable moments in Vanilla. I argued against people asking for features like RDF or dual spec in Classic or TBC Classic. For the very same reason I support RDF in Wrath: I want to experience the game as it was.

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i am kind of curious to how the anti-rdfers will react when we have an even more shelled out player base? they always tout social skills gets me dungeons. cool thats about all that will be done once the wrath loyalists bail because this is an abomination of wrath.

That’s your opinion. And technically what I said was my opinion as well.

Wrong, brainlet

The argument from people that wanted Classic was that the game should be released because the game never needed RDF

so this insinuation that the game somehow suddenly needs RDF (on an earlier phase no less) and that also is somehow experiencing “the game as it was” even though during this phase no one even knew what RDF was, is just more of the same nonsense you spew. You have no brain, you don’t play classic, or you don’t know how. Its cool, just accept it

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Thanks for your time guys. Hopefully a miracle happens and they add it in when ICC drops.

There won’t be much of a reason not to at that point since it’ll be the end of an expansion and very few new players once ICC is out for a few weeks.

One day the trolls will be able to make a post without resorting to childish insults. LOL, yeah right.

Anyway, the point of Classic (according to Blizzard) was to experience the game as it was during a certain time period. They chose 1.12 in Vanilla, labeling it ‘the most complete version of Vanilla’. They did the same with TBC. They did the same with Wrath…except for RDF. It’s the lone exception. And why? Well, they lied about their reasoning, since every change they’ve made to Wrath is in direct opposition to why they claimed to remove RDF. Personally, I think it’s incompetence, laziness, and arrogance. And they want to push their little Mythic dungeon project, which doesn’t work with RDF.

In any event, Blizz has clearly abandoned their philosophy of an authentic recreation of the game. So that’s where we’re at.

How bout the fact that I simply don’t care if you don’t want RDF or not? And I do.

As a paying customer, I’ll demand, whine, complain until I get whatever I want. If I want LFR added tomorrow, I’ll start a forum topic campaign until I get it.

I don’t care about your reasons, implications, ramifications, about what happens to the game or how it affects you. If I want a certain feature, see that something seems unfair and feel the need to have it, I’ll let it be known.

Don’t give up hope! They could still stay faithful to that ideal if they release it for ICC.

I admire your optimism.

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