I definitely disagree 100%. The weeb crap is a legitimate reason of not enjoying a game. It does not appeal to me at all. Doesn’t have anything to do with me not liking the game because it’s foreign. It could be made in NA and I would say the same.
The game actually helps you learn to play your class as well. You could solo grind to max level then level sync and queue for low level dungeons. The players in those dungeons will legitimately help you learn to play your class. In WoW people will just trash talk you sometimes even spamming you with expletives for hours after the dungeon for not watching a dozen hours of youtube videos prior to trying the content.
combat starts slow but is amazing at endgame, double weaving and ogcds make the combat feel much faster than it did at low levels, most critics never make it to endgame and just condemn FFXIV’s combat before it even gets good, and the music/graphics quality is amazing
Hello everyone! I can give you my opinion on Final Fantasy 14… I played for a few years off and on and I’ll tell you some of what it has to offer that could be a plus or negative to others.
Keep in mind I have played every gosh darn mmo on the market since erlie 2000’s and consider myself a gaming vet in terms of experiencing almost all of them lol…
(This is my opinion and experience also keep in mind I’m trash at grammar etc so read at your own risk but this is my 2cents)
- Questing & Main Story Very good dialog with some good and mediocre questing and story telling. It has a actual story with rich lore where you feel as if you’re one with the story and at times thrilling awaiting to see what happens next as if it was a good movie. It also has S tier cinematics imo some good some bleh.
(This can be boring since there are ALOT of quests & story driven quests to reach end game)
- Combat Feels slow at the start and earlier levels in till you’re higher level with your job and your progress it into it’s secondary form for example a Archer goes to become a Bard…Near endgame I can 100% say that you have 3 to 4 bars full of ability’s so the few second cd’s sort of become okay since you have other buttons to press while waiting for them to come up. ALWAYS have something to press usually.
Jobs/Classes So unlike most mmo’s where you pick a class this game splits off at a certain level to upgrade your class into something better. Like if I choose to be a Pugilist ( A fist fighter) you can later upgrade him to become a Monk carrying over your ability’s you already unlocked and this is a nice system you can read more about some where else since I’m not going to get into details.
(If you commit and get more of your core ability’s around 60+ you will see what I mean.)
PvE End game is nice for the fact enemies show indicators of where they will attack or where you need to stand to avoid damage. This is a very engaging part of Final Fantasy’s pve that makes for some awesome fights that surprisingly get complicated and require everyone not to mess up on.
PVP It’s there but a poor version of what I would consider pvp and don’t suggest playing the game for ONLY pvp… I’m not going to bash on it but all I cansay is I play WoW for pvp and Final fantasy for pve. -
Community One of the greatest community I have ever seen and welcomed in by with Free Company’s aka guilds…I was grabbed up by another fellow adventure to join her guild which she was friend of the leader and they did not hesitate to teach me things about the game and set me in the correct direction asking at times if I needed any help or suggestions for my Job progression.
Professions So I will be honest this is something I did not really do so I can’t give you a honest opinion on it but they’re deftly in the game and a bunch of different choices.
Housing Very neat system to decorate a house you buy and a very awesome place to show off your character amongst your free company’s Friends etc! Think of it as a mount collection but more in-depth and more for eye candy or achievements.
(I never purchased or owned the house but I visit my Free Company’s friends and a lot of our guild mates would hang around there for social purposes.)
Card Game Triple Triad Triple Triad holds a soft spot for me since I grew up playing FF 8 on PS1 and it resembles that card game where you can go around challenging players or npc’s to duels and if you win you can gain points at the casino to exchange for new cards ontop of winning cards also I believe.
(really awesome side mini game objective that brings people together and some nerd bragging rights over the tournaments etc_
TLDR: Final Fantasy 14 is a fantastic game and I suggest everyone at least gives it a try with a open mind and see if you like it. It was a breath of fresh air for me personally with beautiful environments and area’s to explore. I highly suggest you look for players to talk with and try and form friends with some people in that community.
Combat is very slow and clunky.
It is at lower levels. It gets better as you get the higher level oGCD skills. I’ve been playing RDM and there’s a lot to be said for leaping into melee and unleashing a devastating rapier combo on what’s otherwise a ranged caster. It’s really fun. The closest WoW ever had was warlock metamorphosis, but of course fun was detected so they took it out.
It gets better later on when you get ogcds to weave them in between gcds so the combat gets way faster and it isn’t clunky at all, it just feels clunky because your only used to wow combat. It’s like a call of duty player trying wow and saying “combat feels clunky”.
i actually downloaded FF today. Got to level 10. After the initial tutorial and a few quests i think im going to go ahead and buy the game (currently on their trial). This seems like a nice refresh from WoW. I’ve been playing WoW nonstop since 2005. With the most recent expansion i’ve come to terms that blizzard isn’t quite what it used to be and thats ok. Do you really expect to play the SAME game for 15+ years? The movement, user interface, and environment of FF is dope af. Once i kill Mythic Sire Denathrius, i’m going to let my sub run out and play FF exclusively
The people that have been advertising FFXIV constantly on the forums have won, currently downloading FFXIV and playing the free trial to see if I like it or not.
Hope you enjoy it. If you’ve gotten to 27 in Classic, then it’s not like the early ARR grind should be too abusive, as long as you weren’t playing Classic mostly for the freeform / open-path leveling (as XIV will tend to be a bit more linear).
FF is the boss of boss themes, but it’s not like WoW lacks for some stellar field or even event themes: Storm Peaks, Grizzly Hills, Skywall, the Way of the Monk, etc., etc…
Heck, even the less notable tracks like Zangarmarsh or Nagrand’s themes still hold a really high place for me.
…Come to think of it, a lot of my favorite field themes from FFXIV are pre-Soken. Tempest being an obvious exception, ofc.
As an Australian game player:
Was considering playing the game.
Discovered they had no Oceanic Servers with reports of high lag.
No can play
As with so much else.
Well good news. In the next xpac they are introducing Oceanic servers for FFXIV.
Just worth noting that the free trial lasts til 60 and costs you almost nothing, feature-wise. Might as well milk the free period a little more, unless the 15/month is peanuts for you.
Here’s hoping South America eventually gets a data center of their own, too. That and Spanish/Portuguese localization, ofc.
Oh, I’m sure they will eventually.
The player housing can be a lot of fun–we usually chill more in our housing ward than do the endgame slog. There’s a lot more customization than the “place building here” of WoD Garrisons. Actually getting a house, though, involves sitting in one spot–sometimes for 32 hours. Yes, you read that right. 32 hours. You can be beaten out of the purchase by someone using a bot–they will not be punished. Someone who already has a house can relocate to the plot and bam, you can sit at the empty plot they left for another 32 hours. And as someone who has done that camp and stayed with friends while they were making their camp–you’ll find out very quickly the community can be every bit as toxic as WoW has ever been. And the fact this system is still in place debunks the claim the FFXIV devs always listen to the playerbase.
Oh, and if you do not stop in on that house once every forty-five days? It’s gone. They send your stuff to an NPC to hold for a limited amount of days, and after that, it’s gone too. Even stuff you spent rl $$$$ for.
I actually enjoyed the first two expansions of FFXIV, but after that the story gradually lost luster for me, relying too much on lazy tropes and baffling deus ex machinas. I’m honestly not sure where the playerbase gets the idea it’s so fresh and unique and “better”. It literally boils down to Here, Have Another Primal, Book LVII, and they regurgitate popular characters from the franchise, sometimes without any explanation. I saw someone on this forum take a dump on WoW in comparison to FFXIV because of Argus and the sword, which is hilariously hypocritical.
I suppose this might be a good way of illustrating my feelings on the non-MSQ content: I remember minor characters from WoW a lot of times. Dumass to Runas, the Redpaths to Abby Lewis. I’d be hard-pressed to remember even a quarter of the minor NPCs in FFXIV. The writing is extremely dry, and rarely has any more “character” than it needs to–or humor, for that matter. Humor is restricted to mascot races, usually. There’s one quest chain that was hilarious and well-loved by the community, but the devs considered it “stale” and so far, it has not been continued. Supposedly, we’ll see it again in Endwalker, though.
Visually, the buildings are scaled properly to the character, and that was a big plus for me–sometimes the older WoW buildings are distracting. And they’re creatively done. But FFXIV characters are very, very “posed”. The FFXIV devs seem to be afraid of anyone cracking a less than “perfect” face. This is reflected in the character creator, unfortunately. It doesn’t have anywhere near the diverse options as WoW, especially today. You can have the tiniest of fashion scars, but no more than that. You have very limited options on only a couple races if you want your character to look older than 20. There is no meaningful body slider. It only sharpens the model’s muscles, but of course there has to be a boob slider.
The game by default will try to make you watch long cutscenes and you must do the MSQ their way and their way only, like they know it’s overblown and people may get tired of it (and be willing to pay $$$$ to skip it). The game also takes control of your character’s reactions far more invasively than Warcraft, and that never really encouraged me to get invested.
The classes can be fun, but the button bloat just feels like artificial difficulty. Certain classes are punished by ping. And the devs have made some fights needlessly difficult on players with disabilities, especially considering they allow no addons. You would think they would just not put epilepsy-inducing visuals in then, but nah.
Rep grinds got you down in WoW? Well buckle up, there are rep grinds to spare in FFXIV. Some of them require you do crafting, whether you like it or not. You can’t even buy a house without another. Dailies? There’s even an 8-man daily that doesn’t allow you to skip the cutscenes, bloating it to an hour-long commitment that seems like days.
The PvP is atrocious, and again, the devs seem to have no interest in player pleas to fix it.
RPers in WoW vs. FFXIV: I had exactly one gross whisper in my WoW history (Wrath baby)–I was questing in Elwynn on Moon Guard, of course. But I’ve lost count of the times players in FFXIV have forgotten the concept of personal space. In our Free Company (guild housing), we’ve caught randos ERPing in our house. We missed one, once, but they left a charming note in our guestbook telling us what they did. The GMs will do nothing about this.
Your mileage may vary, of course. But the Yoshida’s Witnesses spamming this forum are really good at reminding me of everything bad about FFXIV. ʅ(ツ)ʃ
This is a joke right?
Not every game is about the murder-death-kill, and FF most definitely has its share. When the killing really gets underway, you’ll want it to hold back. There’s a few times when it gets Supernatural level (season 4 and 5, not anything 11+).
Also, remember: the early levels are set to ‘teach’ mode, for anyone that is not just new to the game, but new to MMORPGs. By tenth, you’re mostly on your own, by 16th you’re ready for a dungeons, and by 20th you’ll start seeing where your character will land later on.
Combat ramps up very noticeably; mid to high level, you’ll do what’s known as ‘weaving’ your spells and abilities. It may not seem like it at first, but it’s definitely prepping you for what’s around the corner. Make sure you’re comfy with your class, and if not, you can learn others, which all have speed up mechanics and xp baked in to get the new class to your current level. Unless they are professions, DO NOT overdo adding new classes! At least at first. You will only hurt yourself.
On a bonus note: once you hit about 15th - 17th, you’ll be able to undertake a tutorial for your chosen class role. Do it! It has like eight steps, it gives GOOD gear for your role, and it always looks dope.
Finally, try not to play the game as if its WoW. Shout for help if you need it, you’ll have backup in no time. You can join multiple guilds, and if you see little telephones when someone’s talking to you, their actual language is being translated for you. You can do the same, so your help and dungeon options expand tremendously with this. Have fun!