Oh yeah, so much this. I don’t even realize that I’m watching the cutscenes half of the time. I always let the group know it’s my first time in the dungeon. I feel like as long as I’m not a drain on the healer, I’m doing well enough, lol. I love playing around the boss mechanics. It’s nice to be able to wipe, and no one gets mad, too. Big fan of FF. Can’t wait for FF7 remake to come out on PC.
I think the games are different enough to where there’s no tried and true way to know if you’ll like one of the games, both of them, or neither of them. Well, except actually playing them.
Maybe. How many times can I run the same dungeon in WoW without wanting to claw my eyes out.
It’s pretty good at annoying GD, I guess, that’s about it
I tried if a few years back, but two things made it not work for me
The anime-like art style was something I worried that I wouldn’t get over… boy, was I right. Played for about 20 hours and just kept bothering me more and more.
The terrible gcd and overall slowness of the combat. Terrible, just terrible.
Friends tell me, to this day, that is gets better later and I didn’t give it a fair try for not sticking to it more time. I’m sorry, but no. 20 hours is enough for a fair try. If the game was still bad after 20 hours, it is not my fault that I didn’t stick for seeing the “good part”, it is the game’s fault for being so terrible for so long.
Not the game for me. Other people enjoy it and I have no problem with that, but I just can’t get into it.
I think you first of all need to get rid of that ‘weeb crap’ mentality. It is the archetypical arrogance of a western moron, just because something is from a foreign country, does not make it inferior, not does it make it some kind of internet meme - weeb crap, cheesus, get over yourself and get your head out of your own rear.
What is it about FF that makes it better? Well, first of all - the developers actually take great care, and consider the best approach and future for the game that they are developing. The gameplay is similar to WoW, but with overall better class design. The PvE aspects are smaller, as I understand it - boss mechanic developers are not popular in Japan, so they do not have a big enough team to make larger “raids” with more bosses and such, atleast not without half-assing it. As mentioned, the developers actually care for the game, and they care about making a great game.
Sadly square enix sits ontop, but you would trade Activision-blizzard for square enix, and the latter is still far better.
The PvP in FF is bad… no doubt about that. The graphical style is not as great as WoW, I much prefer WoW’s cartoony style, as that is a graphical style that overall looks better and does so for many, many years to come. I never get why games would go for a realistic or even semi-realistic artstyle, it’ll quickly start to look ugly.
Now we come to the thing that makes a big difference for me. The story. The story in FF is actually coherent, it is consistent and it is leagues over Warcraft nowadays. Warcraft held a special place in my heart for the longest time, but World of Warcraft have absolutely demolished it the last couple of years and… it… saddens me a great deal. It was the last thing that made me play WoW in earnest, and it is now gone.
Overall. FF does all the same things that WoW does, it just does it better - the gameplay, the music, the story, boss mechanics. It is just PvP that is lacking, but I have never been much of a PvPer in MMORPGs. MMORPGs are NOT for PvP.
It’s good if you like the FF franchise. It’s like a mashup of an MMO and a normal FF game. Lots of story, cutscene, anime-inspired graphics, and a lot of combo-based combat.
If you’re not into FF I don’t see how it would have much draw.
If you’re not into FF I don’t see how it would have much draw.
It can have a draw because it is the superior MMO. You don’t have to be into Warcraft 1, 2 and 3 to be into World of Warcraft, as an example.
Beast Tribe dailies
Up until you finish the rep
Savage raids that are designed with everyone in mind
Again – looking in Party Finder. So Lobby simulator
Crafting dailies
But lets not ignore that Roulettes (a main endgame for tomestones) and Bozja are both heavy end-game important activities and basically turn into lobby simulator. Its all the same.
Battle content come endgame is Lobby Simulator.
Shadowbringers OVER trimmed jobs too. What they did to the Scholar and Summoner still makes me mad–they cut far too much. But, while I consider FF14 the superior game, wow classes are better imo. Casting Broil 10,000 times a week on my Scholar doesn’t feel good…it’s a terrible experience, and it’s all because of Yoshi-P and his idea about creating pure-healer. Utter rubbish.
My chocobo has never left the FC stables in like over a year. It just sits there eating onions.
Well that’s just foolish. I use mine all the time and the extra dps and heals are quite useful. Why on Earth would you not use it?
Thank god I main tank lol.
Which might’ve been okay if the class design was anywhere near par, let alone close to WoW. I have more second-by-second decision making at level 20 in WoW than level 50 in FF14, at least, this was the case for my Scholar. The classes are 10 years behind and with the popularity of RIFT (at one point) and WoW, I would’ve hoped that the great class design might’ve rubbed off over the years.
s anywhere near par, let alone close to WoW. I have more second-by-second decision making at level 20 in WoW than level 50 in FF14, at least, this was the case for my Scholar. The classes are 10 years behind and with the popularity of RIFT (at one point) and WoW, I would’ve hoped that the great class design might’ve rubbed off over the years.
Exactly. FF14 is a great game, but they have overly homogonized and dumbed the experience down too much. If dur-durs can’t figure out a good rotation on a reasonably complex character–that’s their fault. Creating overly simplistic designs isn’t the solution–and that’s what they did with the 5.0 release to many jobs.
I’m hoping they reverse course in 6.0 and return some of the tools they stripped away from jobs like the Scholar though…praying actually.
I don’t think it’s superior. It’s just different.
I prefer WoW’s music, look and feel, and combat, and until they nerfed crafting to the ground I liked it better. The add-on system makes the game very customizable and the raid content is the best of any MMO hands-down. Combat is fluid and the game engine consistently responsive. PvP is solid, although it’s not my thing. There are mounts, pets, transmogs, achievements. The only thing WoW conspicuously lacks is player housing.
I prefer FFXIV’s story, job switching mechanic, and level capping dungeon queuing system. Combat IS OK, but hindered by animation locks, fiddly skill queuing, and UI limitations. FFXIV’s crafting is overly complex, inventory management is a nightmare, and while there is housing they’ve made getting anything other than an apartment expensive and convoluted.
Definitely superior.
WoW’s music is used in such a boring way, FF is also much better here. WoW can have a few great soundtracks, but only few and usually only used in cutscenes. They know how to use OSTS effectively in FF.
The UI does not have to be very customizable, and FF overall is largely customizable by it’s own, no need for an addon there - but I would love some more precision tools.
Combat is similar to WoW, I never noticed animation locks but I guess it is either bad or proper rotation that makes it seemless. Never noticed bad inventory management, but it is kinda like a messy apartment - you don’t notice it if you clean up often.
And yes, housing is indeed expensive, as for convoluted - not so much. Just requires a lot of restless nights to get a hold of a plot… and quick fingers.
And yes, housing is indeed expensive, as for convoluted - not so much. Just requires a lot of restless nights to get a hold of a plot… and quick fingers.
And you consider that good design?!?
As to the rest, we’ll have to agree to disagree. But that’s why both games are a success.
And you consider that good design?!?
No, I just don’t care much about housing. I didn’t in WoW, why would I care more about it in FF?
As someone who has played ff14 for almost to years at this point, ill say this. ARR is pretty slow and kinda meh at most, but as you progress into the other expansion the gameplay picks up thanks to more spells and spells off of GCD that you weave in. I think thats one of ff14 biggest problems is the early game, because thats the part that is suppose to HOOK players into playing longer. I’ll quote a random player on what they told me at the end of Grayflox Longstop “Hang in there, it truly does get better”
One thing the developers recently did is that, they cut out a lot of the filler quests to make a little more faster to get into heavensward. So that was pretty cool of em.
Even by level 5, you know WoW is something special. Or at least I did.
Same here. I remember when I finally decided to give WoW a chance after learning that it offered a free trial version. I had no idea that there was any solo content/questing in it and was blown away. If I tried a new game, and it didn’t manage to hook me at all within a few hours of playing, I would drop it.
If you’re judging a game by its tutorial mode when you’re already a seasoned MMO vet, you’re not a great judge.
If you have to convince me to like your game, you don’t have a very good game.