What is so good about FF?

I hear this literally all the time. People go off about how good FF is but I’ve never seen any reasons as to why. What makes this game in your opinion better than wow? Personally I cannot get behind the weeb crap in that game, but maybe with good reasoning I’d give to a try.


I tried it today and I can confidently say it is not all it is hyped up to be. Combat is very slow and clunky and you don’t even get into any combat until at least a half hour into the game.

It’s pretty but that’s about it. I am now convinced the only people who can say it is better than WoW is just embittered and desperately trying to find another game to call home.

Which I totally get. That’s what WoW was to me when I first started playing. My MMO that I loved was dying and I needed a new home.

PS - this game is far from dying. Anyone who thinks it is has never played a dying MMO before.


It’s something new, and to be honest, probably 90% of the mentions are just wannabe edgelords taking a dig at Blizzard. The other 10% probably enjoy it and want to share experiences.

I’m not a fan of the graphics and combat, but it’s a pretty well put together game that’s worth a try.


I’m not getting it either. You can’t mod it (not openly, at least), two races can’t use hats and have low customization options (viera and hrothgar), and from what I’ve been reading, the main story (ARR) is drawn out hot garbage.


It’s for people that would rather watch a movie than play a game.


Yeah I saw several mentions of 30 to 40 minute long cutscenes! That’s insane.

Every quest I have encountered has a cutscene and none of it is voiced.


I like it a lot and just started last week, my one complaint is the lack of voice acting in a story focused style like it is that I would see in SWTOR or ESO but I’m told that changes in later expansions so there’s that


Yes, that was very offputting. It has SWToR-style quests without voice acting.

I have 30 days and I’ll keep giving it a shot. I’ve heard it gets better in later expansions but it seems like it will be a real slog getting there.


it’s different , it’s slow paced , lots of grinding , they do have better transmogs , your own house , pets etc .

i mean wow and ff are completely different

very rich in story telling

i kind of like it , only thing i don’t like is the long queue timers holy heck some times wait for 1 hour for dungeons / or raiding

I played it for a little while

  • The story telling was without a doubt better than wows has ever been. I actually cared about the characters and there was some plot twists I didn’t see coming. Easily ffxivs best asset is its story telling, it’s phenomenal

  • Job system was interesting

  • Professions felt more fleshed out

  • Learning new zones/systems/classes felt refreshing

  • Pve duties/raids etc were interesting, especially the limit break feature

  • PvP was pretty poor imo

I started ffxiv after getting the mmorpg itch after a few years of not gaming. Played 3-4 months, all it made me want to do in the end was come back to old faithful, World Of Warcraft.


I’m doing MSQ now. Doesn’t seem bad


Combat starts out slow but let’s not pretend the combat in wow also doesn’t start out slow.

You tried it for 5 minutes and went “yep all my biases are confirmed because I wasn’t actually trying to give the game a fair shake because I know the start was slow because literally everyone on the WoW forums who has played FFXIV has said that it starts off slow.”

You want to not like FFXIV, that’s up to you, but give it a fair shake before you decide that’s not a good game.

Yes ARR is kind of a slog, but it sets up the rest of the story thus far.

Spoken like someone who’s never actually played it.

yes some cutscenes are long, but not all of them. In fact most of them aren’t.

You mean the game paused to make it seem like you’re having a conversation with the quest giver? Trying to immerse you into the world instead of “Wall of text that you don’t read and instantly just accept and follow the map to the objective”.

But yes, not all of it’s voice acted. So what? The voice acting gets more frequent as the game progresses, unlike wow. How much of WoW is voice acted?


Msq is the best party of the game.

ARR is abit meh, but the heavensward story quest especially the ending is so damn good

And just upwards from there


Or maybe it is because people are burned out on the way Blizzard treats their playerbase…


I would never trust someone who says FFXiV is better than WoW but cannot get off the WoW forum. If it was so much better they’d be over there playing the better game, or on the better games forum discussing the better game.

It’s foolish to even take these people serious.


Or, and follow me on this one, people can play more than 1 game.


WoW forums are more fun than WoW. Let that sink in


Imagine thinking bashing a video game rated T for teens is even fun. Just quit if you don’t like it, clearly you don’t since you constantly bash the game. Find something you actually enjoy doing with your time… unless, of course, bashing a video game on a video game forum is fun? I couldn’t begin to imagine. lol


Because I can play a Gladiator in a short skirt and stockings with a wizard hat and . . . oh god I can’t take that seriously lol.

That’s what my toon looks like and I don’t know why. Like . . . who comes up with this?

Also, I’m only like level 8 because I got bored. And haven’t really played in 3 months.

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