What is so good about FF?

I don’t really see anyone calling FF dead, however though, those who keep calling WoW dead/dying than FF is completely dead because WoW has a lot more active subs than FF does.

What you wrote translates to, “I would never trust someone that plays both ffxiv and WoW to give a reasonable comparison between the two games.”


It’s very anime-like, and I hate anime, so I stopped playing after a couple weeks of giving it a hard try.

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Almost right but still wrong. I suppose I’ll spell it out since logic and context were ignored.

I’d never trust someone who spends hours a day casually bashing a video game they don’t pretend to play but claim to have found something more entertaining.

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You have been malding out in this entire thread. It’s kind of funny.

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I think you misunderstood. I was referring to WoW.

I’m currently waiting in a queue to get into my FFXIV realm and popped back here (because I still love wow, but just can’t stand playing it anymore).

For me, it’s about how it feels to play the game and I honestly can’t describe the difference I feel playing FFXIV.

Playing WOW, I could almost feel the developers hostility towards me, or at least, that’s how the game feels. Like they want to punish me for wanting to play in a way that I want to.

Playing FFXIV? It feels like the developers are inviting me in with open arms, telling me to take a load off, and doing everything they can to enable me to enjoy myself.


Oh and I’m not a huge fan of the bunny/cat girls but thats pretty easily sorted. I play a massive Roegadyn :smiley:

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In the past when people have been trying to make a point that they’re upset they’ve also been;

  • The Rift forums.
  • The Age of Conan forums.
  • The SWtoR forums.
  • The Warhammer Forums.
  • The Wildstar forums.

You get my drift. This is just the latest thing before the next thing. Nothing new.

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If you’re judging a game by its tutorial mode when you’re already a seasoned MMO vet, you’re not a great judge.


Yep. The moment I saw a trailer for the latest expac to FF promote dudes with bunny ears as a central feature, I knew it wasn’t for me.

God no.


All the forum FF advertisers finally got to me and I checked out the classes and races. None of the races looked even remotely interesting to me. So I can can be a human, an elf, a lion dude, or have different ears?

That’s as far as I got.

You can play it that way if you want, but there are many more ways to play for real progression. These include but are not limited to:

  • Beast Tribe dailies
  • Crafting dailies
  • Special mats that spawn on a predictable schedule
  • Savage raids that are designed with everyone in mind

WoW, in contrast gives covenant campaigns, WQs, and Choreghast.

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Tied FF a while back. Did not like. It was even slower than classic and that anime esthetic is gross.

The sound design is really bad too. If someone was just listening they would say im playing a pornographic Japanese pinball machine.

When I need a WoW break I go play some SWTOR for free. Its visually very dated but as an RPG I really like it. The class stories are superb. And its 99% voice acted.

Give him a break, like come on. He played for a bit, and he didn’t enjoy it. It happens all the dang time, that’s not being biased. I played games for 90 minutes that i got on steam and i refund them if i don’t enjoy it, because i don’t want to waste my money on something i don’t enjoy. He’s not going to conform to whatever arbitrary thing you deem to be a “fair shake”. :roll_eyes:

"What? you only tried the free trial and leveled all the way up to 60 then decided you didn’t have fun?! You’re doing it wrong! in order to give it a fair shake, you need to buy the game and it’s expansions, play for 1000 hours exploring EVERYTHING this game has to offer, then. and only then… it is a fair shake. But if you love it even if you played it for 5 minutes, then that’s okay because i love it too. :smiley: "

Where did you get 5 minutes from? He didn’t even said anything about 5 minutes in the original comment of his. You just made up the 5 minutes. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Sounds like you were expecting him to like it after 5 minutes. Maybe you should consider that your the biased one?..


Well for one the devs care about the players. Oh yea and the ACTUALLY play their own game!

Played wow from vanilla to now, but the dev team has killed wow. It’s a mockery of its former self. Ffxiv tbb just feels soooo much better, and it really respects my time.

Only problem ffxiv has is ARR is a slog, but wow had a very similar problem till recently tbh. Once you get passed ARR the story in ffxiv makes the wow writers look like they are incompetent.

And don’t get me started on wows devs being obsessed with making content its players hate ,aka choreghast God its trash.


I’ll give FF this one, really wish WoW would stop with this time gating BS they have going on

Except for the cap that’s in place for the current tomestone…

Guess they ignore all those gil selling spammers in shout, say, yell and message chats then…

Their story is the same as WoW’s , it all boils down to the “champion/WoL” doing the heavy lifting and about half way through you get an obligatory nude Y’shtola scene.

How so? Because with Road to 70 you can bring a Job up to Shadowbringers in a few hours with a good group in dungeons or PotD

While I though this was nice at first it basically just boiled down to my static needing one or two jobs for me to master and I really only ever played those two and the rest I just messed around on in pointless content like Bozja.

Another I’ll give to FF, but their crafting system just leads to inventory bloat which is a major flaw the game has right now.

My chocobo has never left the FC stables in like over a year. It just sits there eating onions.

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I enjoy both WoW and FFXIV.
There is so much to do in FFXIV, but not so much in Shallowlands.

There are ups and downs to both games. I stopped playing WoW in WoD and barely played Legion and BFA to play ARR, HW, and SB in FF14. Now I’m burned out on the combat system of that game and am enjoying WoW’s a lot more.

I think the games are different enough to where there’s no tried and true way to know if you’ll like one of the games, both of them, or neither of them. Well, except actually playing them.

It literally does not matter. Call WoW’s level 20 the progression equivalent of XIV’s level 40 or even 50 if you will. Regardless, I access that kit within about 4 hours, tops, in WoW and it has as much actual decision-making as anywhere from a XIV level 64 to 80. The early experience hits a more broadly satisfying pace far sooner in WoW and better manages to provide room for many an interaction, through group content tuning and design, with a given breadth of toolkit than does current XIV.

And gods, no. Stormblood may have had more buttons (Invigoration, Quelling Strikes, Refresh, Tactician, and similar non-decisions or awkward threat-drops being the worst of it), but most jobs therein certainly had a lower portion of bloat relative to actual decision-making than they do in Shadowbringers. I don’t understand how anyone could have played Monk or Machinist, for instance, or pre-4.1 Warrior or StB Ninja, and think otherwise.