What is so good about FF?

You’re the one comparing post level squish level 20 in current WoW to A game that’s never done a level squish.


Literally played every job in FFXIV to max level except Blue Mage.

I can’t think of a single class aside from monk and paladin that have abilities that I don’t use on a regular basis when playing them. And if you played prior to Shadowbringers, which I did, you know they trimmed pretty much every class down. If it were Stormblood, I would probably agree with you about the bloat. But currently, I don’t agree. I don’t think there is an ability bloat problem in FFXIV. What happens going forward in Endwalker may change that opinion.

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It’s really simple. WoW is exclusively fixated on raiding, timed dungeons, and rated PvP. In FFXIV that stuff is pretty much for cosmetics. The meat of the game is elsewhere. There’s a rich and engaging leveling experience and a relevant crafting system that treats professions like their own classes, complete with levels, gear, and rotations. Basically it’s incorporated all the engaging casual content that WoW has chucked by the wayside into its main game. The FFXIV devs haven’t forgotten that reward systems are meant to entice players to play more. WoW, on the other hand, feels like their rewards should model real world salaries that reward high performers while getting everyone else to leave the company. Their reward system is working just like they designed it. If they were actually boosting productivity by exclusively retaining high performers, I would commend them on a job well done. Instead they’re bleeding revenue by doing such a great job of getting players to quit.

TL;DR - They have:

  • Flight that is unlockable immediately with no time gating
  • A VP/JP system where all players can buy high end gear from a vendor with no stupid timers in the way
  • Mods that actually review chat logs and bring the hammer down on bad actors
  • A compelling and coherent story that develops characters as opposed to trashing them like WoW does
  • A real leveling experience that lasts longer than two days
  • Player and Free Company (guild) housing
  • All classes playable on a single character
  • A relevant crafting system
  • Everyone gets a pet that they can level and assign skills to

I’m always confused by this comment. We’re on a forum for a cartoony game with Panda, Fox, Cow, and Goat people, and somehow FFXIV is the weeb game? That’s like the mathletes calling out the chess club for being too nerdy.


It’s endgame structure is similar to an older era of WoW (notably, Cata and MoP). Apparently they’ve admitted that was their inspiration when they were revamping the game for A Realm Reborn. I always figured, because it’s blatantly obvious, but someone told me today that they said as much in an interview or something too.

That’s the reason so many disgruntled WoW players click with FFXIV. It’s basically just alternate WoW.

But FFXIV isn’t really better than WoW. It does SOME things better. And other things worse. And yet other things just… different.

The very basics of combat are the same. It’s a traditional tab target MMO. The major difference is, of course, the full second longer GCD. It makes the early game almost unbearable. I’d almost recommend playing a caster just because at least you’ll feel like you’re casting a spell instead of just… waiting. But certain classes have passives that reduce that GCD, and FFXIV relies a whole lot on off-GCD abilities to weave between the longer GCDs. You don’t always have them up, so it never really bridges the gap to WoW’s combat pacing, but it does help. And lastly, WoW leans into filler spam / proc fishing a lot. FFXIV leans into combos (typically 1-2 and 1-2-3, sometimes with branches). Ultimately I prefer FFXIV’s class design better, but it IS very rigid (zero customization) and I understand that it’s easier to design unique classes when you have, you know, maybe a 3rd of what WoW offers.

Let’s see…

Endgame / Gearing Structure. Crafting aside (it’s mostly for catchup unless you’re rich enough to pour money into RNG bonus gem slots - but it IS much much more in depth which many people enjoy), it’s basically…

  • Dungeon Spam for Justice / Valor equiv.
  • LFR Raids for rewards between JP / VP ilvl.
  • Ex Primals (1 boss raids) for rewards between JP/VP ilvl.
  • Savage Raiding for BiS.

Ex Primals IMO are sorta Normal Raid difficulty - but like a later boss, not Shriekwing. Savage Raiding from what I can tell from an outside perspective is probably closer to Heroic than Mythic, but let’s just say it’s somewhere between them? Anyway, very familiar, I think.

What else…

Story. That’s probably where it differs a lot. FFXIV’s MSQ (the mandatory story) is almost literally ALL story. As in, you’re going to be sitting there reading it. 90% of questing is running from point A to point B to read some dialogue. The story is much more in depth than what WoW offers and manages to be more grounded most of the time despite being a Final Fantasy game, but it’s going to be a love it or hate it type thing. If you can get invested in the story, cool, it won’t be a chore. If you can’t, it’s going to be a massive chore every xpack/patch to unlock everything you need to unlock.

I’ll end it on Housing. FFXIV has it. WoW doesn’t. It’s an adequate housing system once you get into it. Nothing spectacular, but it’s a half-step up from something like BDO which is probably bare minimum for Housing. It does have a Guild and Individual version both using the same system. The downside of all of this is that the method for actually GETTING your housing plot is quite literally the worst thing I’ve seen in video gaming in my entire life. Play on a server with any amount of people and you will LITERALLY have to bot if you want any chance of actually buying a plot, no matter how much gold (gil) you have. Basically, plots are finite and when a plot opens up because someone gave it up or got auto-kicked from not logging in for however long, there’s an RNG timer that no one can see before it can be purchased by someone. That timer IIRC is up to 48 hours. In that time, anyone that ALREADY has a house can freely relocate to that plot if they want to. Which means the place THEY moved from is now the only open plot on the server. And the timer is reset. So there’s potential for an infinitely resetting timer that no one can see all the while 12 people are running bots / macro loops to spam the signboard every second hoping to beat the other bots to the punch when the RNG timer is up. Freaking. Awful.

Gets better when your lvled

Bruh when did these forums go from being the Wow forums to the Final Fantasy forums lol.

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I’ve tried getting into ff14 three times: once before the ARR version, twice since. My draw was “I love Final Fantasy games, and my favorite game is Final Fantasy Tactics. This should be a no brainer.”

I cannot get into ff14. The flavor of the world is just not my bag. The combat being slow- fine. The storytelling being front and center- great, one of my favorite aspects of swtor.

My issue is with the world. It felt sterile.
Rift felt more alive to me, dunno.

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Probably because the developers of FF haven’t abandoned the game like WoW developers seem to have.


well they are not wrong doe

If you have to convince someone how great your game is, then it’s not a very good game.

2 points.

  • Very few games are out of the box exceptional from start to finish.

  • You can’t spend 1000 hours in a genre and walk into a new series without expecting almost all of your initial experience to be be based on previous bias with similar mechanics, systems, features, or familiar styles of combat.

I can’t speak too much on ff14 as an mmo but my experiences so far with the ff universe are that it is very much influenced by jrpg design in general (or maybe jrpg foundation is ff) and that type of game is not going to feel and look the same as WoW even with similar mmo mechanics and design.

It’s not about explaining to somone “Trust me, this is a good game” as much as it is helping someone navigate through something that is still art but presented differently at times.

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The weebs make it difficult for me to enjoy the game too I can’t handle the humans w animals parts, but the few times I’ve doubled down to ignore it, the game was fairly enjoyable.

That was one of my issues with SWTOR. I loved the story aspects, but the world felt so dead. It felt like I was running through ghost towns with wax figurines standing around.

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I wouldnt say class identity matters when they stopped making class quests for role quests (which puts all of X into one quest instead of individual quests).

That would be the opposite.

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Did they remove all of the lengthy class stories? Because, last I checked, they’re still all there. There are still class-related armor sets and glamor. We get class-based weapons to build upon.

There’s a lot of flavor there for classes that stopped existing in WoW after Legion.

In the past, they wont be in the future. Similar to how WoW did that.

Interesting. You know for a fact that there will not be class glamour in Shadowbringers, huh? Can you provide your source? Because I haven’t heard of them stepping away from such things.

There isnt going to be class quests in Endwalker – meaning there wont be any class based rewards from role quests.

However, the specific level 80 gear for jobs was sold separated from the quests. They could do something similar – they also could not (seeing as we are having two more jobs come).

We also still dont know if Reaper or Sage are getting their own job quests since they start at 70 either.

It starts off slow as they ease you into the content, and after that BAM it becomes one of the best games I’ve played because its an MMO but it’s also an RPG.

Classes are designed in ways that make them fun, and effective.
They listen to the community.
Story is great.

My personal experience has been very positive.
If you like RPGs your probably much better off playing FF14, or playing both.
If you hate RPGs and skip the dialogue, or if you only want an action based lobby MMO then you should probably stick with WoW.

Trial is free though, so no reason to not check it out while your waiting for 9.1.

I’m currently playing both, and FF is more fun, but WoW is where all my gameplay from the last 16 years live. Sunk Cost fallacy is real I’m affraid.


Lol FF14 is more of a lobby game than WoW is – like its kind of funny that people suddenly forget what FF14’s endgame battle content is.

Like for real – lets stop pretending most of FF14’s endgame isnt waiting for queues to pop.

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