What is so good about FF?

AOC, Warhammer and SWTOR were the ones I remember as being touted “WOW killers” None of them came close. Warhammer was especially embarrassing because it was shutdown after only five years. AOC and SWTOR have been limping along since going ftp.

I love how you just spoiled the entire game for a potential new player, lmfao.

Watched a friend play it didn’t like it and tried it out my self and didn’t like it

One of my employee’s brothers was so into that game he got neck tattoos. :rofl:

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Absolutely nothing. By the time you’re level 17 you’re bored to death. Unless you enjoy reading entire books worth of quest text?

But does he know he shall drink a sea of souls and gorge himself upon the darkened moon?

It’s really silly but… the thing that really broke it for me was… the characters animation. When you strafe and run forward, you look like you’re running straight, but instead you just slide diagonally. Just looks terrible. Seems crazy that such a glaring animation error is present looking at how beautiful everything is.

I know I know silly, I think the real reason though is that… I just can’t do another MMORPG. Way too much time put into this one, and at the end of the day, it feels really similar to WoW. I’d rather play something completely different.

i can’t really put a finger on it. i have finished the msq to the end. have a few jobs maxed, and done some gathering/crafting. even with that, i feel like ive barely scratched the surface of the game. the only thing i can say for sure, is that for me, i actually want to play ffxiv, and i am rapidly losing the desire to even come back for 9.1.

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I agree, I never could get into it. Husband and brother in law were really into ff starting from ff3/ff6 for the snes. They were playing ff11 until they found out about wowTBC back in 2006. I think (BiL) tried to get back into ff14 at release, and even wanted to drag husband into but he had already sold his soul to wow (no tearing up that contract)

Some of our friends have ditched for ff but its mainly because theyre following RL friends and family. Ive tried but I can’t get over the differences between WoWs world building, lore, and characters vs FFs line up. For me, its no competition. Although the idea that the community is 100x friendlier is a great selling point.

Black Mage, Red Mage, and Summoner are all considered Magic DPS.

Crafters and gatherers do not get a hunting log.

Only the classes that have a hunt log at the classes that you can start as and rogue.

Been saying this for years. All you freaking do is quest and watch cut scenes. I’d rather slit my wrist.

At least if you get a Warhammer tattoo, it’s a franchise so even if one game dies, they have an entire IP to link it to either way.

What you should feel bad about are the people that got Wildstar tattoos lol.

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cause when you get to the endgame parts it’s way better dungeons good blah blah blah. evidently it has something people like blizz deserves every negative thing there getting right now they have the money to stop this dumb crap from happening and to have enough help and poor management is like blatantly obvious nowadays. maybe they got people who actually care like the ones who walked out on blizz final fantasy has those amazing devs who actually care remember when everyone loved wow? why you think people still holding onto osrs cause the devs are active in the community.

Thanks for clarifying! I never play any of these, so I didn’t know if it was still a thing.

Granted, but rogues start at 10th level for any class (and not what I wanted to go into with the OP, as he said that going into a new class appears intimidating to him currently, so why add more when I didn’t need to?).

Also granted, crafters and gathers don’t get a hunting log, but I’d say that’s a matter of obvious semantics. I could go into leatherworkers buying or hunting skins, and the intricacies of crafting and GP, but I tried to give a quick rundown, not The Game :smiley: I’d be on here all night!

The best part about FF is that the devs actually listen to the player base. They communicate and make changes fairly quickly. They also release content fairly quickly. Coincidently these are all the worst aspects of WoW which is why I think they get compared a lot.


I love this. I can be going about my day in ffxiv and suddenly there is mate A in front of me. Oh and over there is guildie.

Not happened once in WoW. Only if we group. Happens fairly regularly in ffxiv. It’s not even like I know many people. I know maybe 10 as we’ve only just gone over from WoW whilst we wait for 9.1.

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from what i hear.

better music
better graphics obviously
better story

professions im sure are a HELL of a lot better then wtf we got in WoW. i mean WoW’s professions are so bad i think this is the worst profession system ive dealt with in any mmorpg ive seriously played. other games the professions are extremely useful throughout the entire gameplay

from what ive read classes are more balanced. racials are mediocre af in ff14 as well unlike in WoW where they matter a lot especially for say M+ and PvP at the higher end.

player housing?

old content that is actually still viable not like in WoW yea we got TW what once a month or every couple months then the gear given isn’t even good.

FF14 isn’t for everyone some like it some hate it and prefer WoW. me i don’t have enough experience in FF14 to say but if i were to quit WoW i’d go there. Had i not paid for 6 month sub 3 months ago i’d been gone by now i think.


Fair enough.

There are not CRZ in FFXIV, but you can still meet with and play with people on other servers through the world visit system and soon to be data center visit system.

Basically rather than the game just throwing everyone together, players have to manually chose to leave their server to visit another server on their data center. while on a server not your own, you’ll be given a “Wanderer” tag that lets people know you’re not on your home server. Most functions still work, but you can’t join an FC that is not on your home server and you can’t sell things on the MB(AH) if not on your home sever, but you can buy things off the MB from other servers.

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WoW has always had a cap on the max level badge too. Currently there is no max level badge. Their current “VP” system is a mockery of the real deal.

But without deliberately rushing through it, you can’t. I’ve played every day for months and am barely in the 60s. In WoW, I’m level capped in under a week, even taking it slowly.