What is so good about FF?

How come FF is not releasing sub numbers either … I mean it’s so good it must have 10 million subs right ?

If they released them then stopped, you’d have a point.


If you go to the website the FF people keep flaunting, it actually shows WoW subscriptions are rising. lol

They don’t like to mention that.


I mean…why would they?

I mean when WoW had 10 m subs they did … I guess FF will never reach that point eh ?

You can’t make this up. Shills actually believe this. Balance, combat and covenants are currently :poop:


Just see the wait times when you queue for dungeons in FF compared to WoW. It tells me enough about which game has more players … but they FF players may be hanging out in their ‘houses’ so who knows :joy::joy:

Or they’ll get 10 mill, release them and you’ll look pretty silly. :stuck_out_tongue:


its one of the most legendary and respected franchises in video game history, among the likes of legend of zelda, mario, kingdom hearts, ratchet and clank.

and the property has an MMO set within that universe? who wouldn’t love that? well, unless you’re a salty wow fanboy.

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  1. Quests
    WoW Quest = Paper parchment pop up in face.
    FF Quest = Full cutscenes with in depth dialogue and your character 24/7.

  2. Graphics
    WoW graphics = mixup of 2005 - 2020
    FF Graphics = Primarily all current gen.

  3. Story
    WoW story = Kill big bad monsters for purples.
    FF Story = Befriend last boss or shun him in final RPG decision as he commits suicide.

  4. Professions
    WoW professions = rub hands together so bar fills up
    FF Professions = Watch character conduct unique animations for each profession

  5. Player Housing
    WoW Housing = Live in abandoned house in dead zone from 2005
    FF Housing = Live in completely fully customizable room with a range of items.

I could go on and on but then I think I’d go on forever lol.


Honestly, I don’t really care about populations. It’s all about which game is more fun for me and is worth paying for. Currently, that is WoW. FF has 28 more days to hook me in. I have been having more fun than when I started, but it’s so far not as good as WoW is as far as leveling and combat goes. Hopefully, when I get some more abilities on my character the game will get as good as everyone says.


Are we actually going to pretend that queue’ing is a good representation of player population? Have we forgotten that DPS queue times are significantly longer than tank and healers?


Are you not sick of the unlimited loading screens and the 30 min cutscenes… even the quests take so long to load up :man_facepalming:t4::man_facepalming:t4:

It’s actually a very good representation of player population .

It’s really not. That’s an absolutely bonkers insane take.

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That’s why I gave up arguing with him and Fenny lol


Yeah, I don’t care for zoning in and out every time I leave a city or zone. It makes the world seem very small. I have it loaded on a SSD, so the wait time isn’t too horrible as far as that goes.

The questing would be much better if the characters were voiced. I am told that happens in later expansions, but I’m not sure if I will make it that far. We will see. Cutscenes don’t overly bother me… many seem unnecessary to me.

To be honest, call me old fashioned, but I actually like the WoW quest box lol

Yeah, have fun. Just take your time and try to explore and get to enjoy the world. That’s the best advice I received and it’s kept me playing and enjoying the game ever since. Now I’ve multiple jobs above or just under lvl 70.

I feel like a huge key to FF14 is no rush or pressure to finish–it really is about the journey.


Nothing wrong with sticking to your first class, it gives you a good feel for your role. There is a distinct breakdown with each: for example, DPS can be broken into Ranged DPS, Melee DPS, and for a bit they did go with Magic DPS, but I think that’s been largely downplayed lately.

Professions (Gladiator, Marauder, Pugilist, Thaumaturge, etc.) become their main Job at 30th (Paladin, Warrior, Monk, Black Mage, etc.). It’s like a graduation into awesomeness. By this point, you should be loving your class, if not, give another a try.

Also, I know I mentioned the killing earlier, but I want to make three amendments. For the first, look for your Hunting Log. Every profession and job gets one. This shows you creatures you can slay for heightened XP gains. This is also a way to speed up leveling, particularly for your main if you’re looking for something to do, but REALLY good for when you learn a new profession and you want to see what it’s made of.

For the second amendment: Leves. These are literally quick quests that you can pick up in bars or with city guard, or on billboards (i.e. kill quests, brief escorts, etc.). These make for GREAT ways to gain XP for a new class, or a crafting profession. Once you have access to Leves, you can get them as low as 1st level (basically, to boost a new profession). Be careful, there is a limit to the number you can do in a day, so use them wisely.

Finally, the third amendment: Fates. These are the dynamic quests that you may have seen on a map by now. Fates are EVERYWHERE, and they never stop. You could be in the field, and a Fate literally starts around you. They’re good XP and great fun, but they can be super dangerous as you get higher levels.

Again, have fun out there!


I had it on the regular drive as my SSD was full. That may make it more bearable .