What is io rating? Its ruining the WoW experience

This isnt the case anymore sadly. Seeing as they basically give away gear for doing not much of anything. Did a +6 Motherlode the other day with a druid healer who didnt know what Lifebloom was. And when we told him he should be keeping it up on the tank at least, instead of learning his spec/class, he left the group and screwed up my key. BUT, he had an ilevel of 448. iLevel isnt everything. RIO score isnt everything either.


Now that high ilvl gear basically gets thrown at you, that’s no longer true. Somebody who’s essentially done nothing other than LFR and world quests could easily have a decent ilvl by now.

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sorry if that came off as an attack, i didn’t mean it that way. I was trying to continue the joke.


IO is public, they take the timed runs on your WoW armory page. All that IO does is add a formula where essentially if you made a key on time you get 10 points times they keystone level, additional points by how much time was remaining by a certain factor, or losing points if you failed to beat the timer. All it is is basically a competency check. If someone has a score of around 1000 they are likely capable of doing +10’s. Key word is likely, people just check to see to increase their odds of a successful group.

ilvl doesn’t mean anything with multiple forms of content. If you have 460+ gear you could be getting that gear from different sources compared to others. Someone who is 460 who only does PvP or Raiding likely won’t do well in M+, if someone has 460 from M+ or Raiding they may completely suck at PvP. As well as if all of their gear is from M+ or PvP they might be horrible at raiding.

Since all three major types of content being PvP, Raiding, and M+ give similar ilvl rewards based on difficulty of their (PvP bracket, keystone level, or raid difficulty) people usually check an armory page, or now they use a site like Raider IO to get a sense of how good they are. The beauty of IO is it shows their raid progression and M+ progression. As for PvP I usually check my partners Arena Rating before queuing or BG Rating if I’m going into ranked BG’s. Also if you’re an altaholic like me I link my alts to my main to show their IO progression so if they are checking scores they also see my main’s.

You simply can’t trust what people say and look for data to back up their competency.

Albeit no one should be checking IO scores for M+ keystones under 5, nor should they be checking IO for Normal raiding (less they want a speed run because of alts then ask for a AOTC achievement link), and like wise for 2’s and 3’s in PvP for ratings under 1400. (With PvP rating matters because if you have a much higher rating than others in your group you can gain less rating overall and vice versa if you have the lowest you can gain alot more)

Overall IO is a much better and fair system than Gear Score was and other prior systems for competency checks.

Then I genuinely apologize for being too dense to realize that.

How are you having trouble? I have several alts too low in IO to register (so it displays it as nothing) and getting in to 2’s and 3’s as a dps typically takes like 2-3 tries tops. Aside from bads wanting to be carried, people don’t care about io for 2’s.

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Cool flash! Do that again!

But not this topic again.

Get the add on, check out the site. Most people don’t bother with IO below a 5. There are a lot of reasons people get declined other than IO. It happens, it happens a lot if your DPS, It happens an awful lot if your feral DPS. Knowing how IO works and how best to increase your score will help make it happen less.

The main thing to help your score is doing every instance. If you completed a FH9, doing a 10 will give you less points then some other 2 if you haven’t done it.

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Mmmmmmmmmmm I’m not so sure about that.

It’s way easier to weed out inexperienced players with raiderio than it is just ilvl. It’s very useful.



“Carry me please, I’m actually trying to get into keys higher than +2 or +3. I’m an LFR hero playing an off-meta spec with no proof to my name.”

Yup, experience matters. Especially this early in the season while everyone isn’t over geared.

There is a lot of mechanics, interupts, and other repsonsibilities you just don’t learn until higher keys. Mostly because you can get away with out doing them, but also because you don’t see a lot of other affixes and know how they effect a run.

But in the higher keys you’ll be wiping parties.

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Right? That’s how these usually play out. The answer is always “make your own groups” but nobody wants an easy answer.

I play a DH because I want to get Keystone master this season. It just so happens to be very fun to play.

you’re not getting into low key groups not because r. io. You’re not getting into groups because you’re DPS. And theres always dozens of them with higher ilvl

IO is not why you are not getting invited, you are dps in a massively flooded market with low ilvl and experience

This hurts my soul to read.

At the start of a tier I just go to AH, grab a stack of 20 ring enchants for like 10k gold or something insignificant and hold it in my bags. I know at the start of the tier I will be replacing gear frequently, and don’t want to have to keep running back to the AH every time I get an upgrade.

(I do the same for gems, for an even more laughably cheap price)

Enchanting your gear is not hard. If you don’t give a crap about your character power dont expect others to invite you to group content.

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This never worked for me. I’d always go back to the AH and buy enchants and then go “omg >.>” lmao.

But yeah, this is what the player base is now. They’re entitled, they want everything NOW and they want to put in as little work as possible. It’s sad, but it is what it is.

You have no idea what io rating is, but you know it’s ruining the “wow experience”. I see. Thank you for your most informative, opinion.

Idc about that more than I care about my time. I don’t want to be in a shrine key for 2 hours because all the dps unbound their kick key. Idc about the in game timer and the ramifications as much as people literally wasting my time.

I still find it fun when people still do BoD damage numbers in almost 60 higher IL and essences though.

IO does ruin the game. Just as gearscore did before it.

You want to run a decent dungeon or normal/heroic raid but because x website says you arent top 100 you’re trash. However little johnny who can’t even pull 15k dps at 445 iLvl says your io is trash so no thanks.