What is io rating? Its ruining the WoW experience

Yes I’m a casual player. I play the game mostly solo at the moment. I would love to get into mythic+ and raids but I keep hearing something about an “io rating”. Back when I played WotLK there was no “io rating”. I can’t even get into mythic +2 or +3 even though I have 440+ ilvl. It’s an absolutely horrible system and ruins the game for returning or new players imo. It’s the same issue as back in the GearScore days of WotLK, until you implemented the ilvl system which was a good idea. It would be nice to see an actual in-game system for this so-called io rating that Blizz themselves should implement. (And don’t get me wrong I understand the entire point of the io rating system so don’t even try explaining the so-called benefits of it because I mostly likely already know)


OP: What is IO rating?

So what are you posting about again?


Raider IO is a server that tracks meta data for how you perform in WoW and awards a score based on what you are able to accomplish in raids and M+.

My suggestion, would be to get into an active guild and start working on M+ people who will be more understanding of your situation or alternately building your own key.


Ilvl was always in the game, people elucidated its existence in vanilla. It wasn’t until patch 3.2 when it was turned on to show in the tooltips on gear.

It’s a system that tells if you’re bad or not at m+ so people don’t blow their keys on people who probably don’t know the mob mechanics, boss mechanics, routes or strategies for said dungeon.

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Raider IO is the man.

The man is always trying to get you down.

Don’t let the man get you down.


Youre right. Instead it was gearscore and it served the same purpose as rio. The issue isn’t the tool, its the people handling the tool.


OMG, another one of these posts. Run your own key. Problem solved. (IF OP actually starts running his own keys, I wonder how long it will take before he starts checking RIOs😀)


I imagine people like the op will quit rather than use rio. Why make your experience better when you can quit?

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If you don’t like using RaiderIo then make your own group.

If you just want to PuG then you have to deal with waht the group creator has as criteria to run.

The RaiderIo site gathers data from the Blizzard M+ run and completion time leaderboard.

To complain and have other people read your complaining.


I do appreciate all the feedback I’m getting from this post, I mainly was curious of others opinions about it. I do run my own keys, there’s times where the group isn’t all that great, but I hardly ever get a bad group unless their gear isn’t up to par and I don’t check io’s because I refuse to use the tool, I do just fine by just going by ilvl because most people who have a decent ilvl usually know what their doing. It just hardly seems like a set back if you don’t make it on time with your key, it’s not like you lose it, it just gets downgraded and you can try again with a different group. Like I said originally it just feel like a system that’s ruining of the games core aspect.

i mean if you aren’t being taken into 2s and 3s because of IO rating then the people making those groups are probably worth avoiding anyway. the site exists for people who want to push higher keys, think 10+ and dont want to risk them depleting because of inviting a rando who doesn’t know left from right or something like that. pug players just tend to struggle in lower level keys in general because the game throws loot at players that puts them numerically in around +6 dungeons so they try doing those, regardless of if they know what they’re doing or not.


Hi Haunter

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I get that, understandable. But there was a point in time where puging wasn’t like that and everything worked out just fine? Or better perhaps.

People have always tried to keep lists of players they wanted to take or not.

In Classic it was a Block list of ‘ninja-looting’ players.
In BC it was people that didn’t know how to play the game or didn’t have their attunements done.
In Wrath it was GearScore as an addon to evaluate a players ilv.
In Cata people wouldn’t take you if you didn’t have the right ilv.
In Mists people judged you based on raid accomplishment and wouldn’t take an LFR player to Normals.
In WoD the same was generally true.

It’s always been a crapshow with PuG, the only real difference is what Blizzard has made public over time and the metrics being used to evaluate players.


I’ve been saying this for like, years.

Get in a guild.
Make your own group with said people from guild
Io no longer matters.


Nobody wants 440 players… I was 450 before the patch even hit. There’s probably tons of higher IL dps queueing beisdes you. You don’t have an IO issue. You have a gear issue.

Mythic+ uses a key system, people don’t want their keys ruined by noobs. This is why io exists.

Join a guild, you’ll never have to worry about io again.
OR, start off doing very low M+, M0s. This will get you into 2s and 3s, and eventually 4s and 5s and again 5s and 6s. After that, your score will hover around 600 to 800, where you’ll gain easy entry into 9s and 10s.

Edit: I forgot to mention, doing an M0 will get YOU a key. Level the key yourself, this is how I got geared extremely fast. Before patch 8.3, I was like ilvl 401 doing M10s getting carried because I leveled my key. If people have a problem with it, you tell them point blank “at the end of the day, It’s my key, you’re not being held hostage to run it”.

It’s really not hard to level your io score c:

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But, but… i want to be carried :'c