What is io rating? Its ruining the WoW experience

I feel like the solution for this raider io would be for blizz to implement their own version of it in-game instead of people relying on a 3rd party. If its not part of the core game is just doesn’t feel right to me, like it shouldn’t be there. I understand the usefulness of it for more hardcore WoW players and that it can be necessary at times. I’m sure not everyone would agree with me but its my opinion on the matter lol.

Hi, Spyro.

I was in your exact position for a while as a solo player, then joined a guild. This was on a hunter character.

Immediately, i was tossed into M+ because my new guild mates were interested in running them and have seemingly all made a decision to want to push their keys to a +10 at least. They will do this with just about whoever wants to go because they don’t emphasize timing their own keys and will push low keys for people to assist in their weekly gearing. No .io scores are checked unless its for personal reasons.

Then i got asked to tank. I admit i am very unfamiliar with these dungeons because i was a solo player and only started running them at the end of 8.2 and beginning of 8.3. The request to tank was two weeks ago. Over 60 ilvls in two weeks and my guildies love tossing me into 8s + just to get me experience with them. They don’t mind when their keys are depleted because they can, and do, push them higher.

I can only suggest joining a guild that will allow you to play the way you want to play and has friendly members that have a similar attitude. It’s possible to accomplish what you want without the hassle of .io scores but you have to be willing to make changes.

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Machinist’s Brilliance has about a 55% uptime on the buff so that is an effective:
145 Int
94 Haste

Add in 120 more haste for the ring enchants and we are at 214 haste.

My current stat weights have haste at 5.61 and int at 3.11 which means simply enchanting my gear increased my damage by about 1,650 or about 3%.

You know what else makes up for about 3% of my damage? Most of my minor essence slots. Breath of the Dying rank 2 minor is about 3%. Iris minor gives about the same amount of stats. Visions Minor only gives more damage if I actually get another infernal cast from the cooldown reduction. So on and so forth.

I would kill for the ability to increase my damage by basically adding another essence slot on my neck for a couple hundred gold.

I still go every time because most of the time my stat weights shift too much due to different rings being equipped. Unequipping one with like 250 haste usually means I have to socket and enchant for haste now instead to make up for it whereas I might have previously had mastery enchants on.

Granted most dps specs I have played usually have a lot of stat weights semi-close to each other (right now all my secondaries besides mastery are within 1 of each other) so it doesn’t matter THAT much what is in there as long as SOMETHING is there.

You must be doing something wrong then.

Join a guild.

Easily the best reply I could have gotten, I appreciate you.

I played in the beginning of BFA before the Nazjatar patch mostly then took a break. I was in a guild and I had done M+ on all the current dungeons before. Most all of them I had done on +5 or higher already so experience with M+ affixes and boss fights is nothing new to me. For some reason I didn’t have as much trouble puging then as I have now coming back. I did a mix of running with guildies, puging, and doing my own keys back then. Seems to be more difficult for me this time around. But I’ll definitely be looking into joining a guild again.