What is io rating? Its ruining the WoW experience

All of this can be accomplished easily if you join a guild. When I first started BfA, I of course had no M+ knowledge. They took me into +4s and 5s, learned the dungeons, and wam bam thank ya’ maam.


You will get declined with or without io, there are 10 billions of dps applying for keys. If you don’t want to push your own keys, expect to be declined.


Please leave lol. Learn how to gear/enchant. Learn how to play. Learn how to join a guild. Your agenda here tried to accomplish something that has now failed, bye.


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I had assumed I had the gist of what io was but as I’ve come to find out because of this post, that I was wrong. So what I was trying to accomplish I DID accomplish so now you’re wrong and have failed at replying, nice try though.

For some reason people like you have to act all high and mighty and assume I should be some grand master of WoW. I indicated I was a returning player. Therefore I don’t know all the ways of making my character “stronger”. I figured I was fine since all the groups I get into I do better dps than everyone else, but how could I do more dps than everyone else I group with if I don’t have enchanted gear?

YOU did this to yourself by contradicting yourself.

Continue to be mad because you can’t get into M+ without effort, we will continue to laugh.


I’m more interested in what they did with the Essence system instead of playing in 8.2.

I think ‘grand master of WoW’ is a bit of an overstatment but I do think you complaining about an extrernal system after doing …almost nothing to preempt the reasons in this thread is a bit much.

If you haven’t put any effort into working with the system that the other players are generally fine with, why should we care about your complaints with it?


Not mad in the slightest lol. Just curious what the point is of being a jerk over the internet? Lol, you’re only making a fool of yourself. This was meant to be a discussion amongst mature adults.

I just wish it DID that. it doesn’t, it tracks what keys you’ve done on ~that~ character making it much harder then it needs to be for alts or literately anyone starting new.

and to top it off people decline over geared toons for plus 2 key’s. The wow players have done this to our community

Revamped that word just a teeny weeny bit for ya, but you weren’t wrong in the direction you went. :wink:

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Well you quite failed at that one.

I called you out on your original post saying you knew how io worked, and then you post you have no clue what io is. Like what do you expect me to think?

People have given you good advice, you’re still arguing.

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Instead of attacking their character why don’t you adress the points?

(imo it’s not very mature to expect people to take you into groups becuase -reasons- when they don’t have to)

Why make up lies?

We have always used some criteria to make judgements on who to invite.

“LFM (dungeon/raid here) come to org Bank roof for inspect!”

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Dude just get off my thread lol. Your not mature enough to be posting on here, clearly. Theres no arguments here, its a discussion.

It doesn’t do that first part though. You can link your main to your account on raider. io and you may have 100 io on an alt and 1500 io on your main, people can see that and will know clearly “oh this guy can play, it’s just an alt”

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I rest my case.

Anyway, I hope you take the advice people have given you. It’s actual GOOD advice (that I contributed to as well) that will help you do M+.

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It’s too late. GearScore ruined the game 10 years ago.

The whole point of this thread was for discussion. Your the only one who made a fool of themselves. Bye

Thats a bit to far back. i’m sure they mean in legion when mythic plus first came out. out of all the mythic pluses i did in legion (which was ALOT) I only ever had 2 keys wasted (mine or someone else)

Raider io needs to be used for people plushing higher keys not +2/+3’s

There was gear score though, and now that that’s meaningless we have raider.io.

I hope you’re kidding saying people with the way of thinking that they’d take a 600Io over someone who is 430, but not gemmed or chanted is wrong.

Choosing a gemmed/chanted player over someone who hasn’t taken the time to optimize their gear is and always has been a problem. Your mindset is terrible.

It isn’t just RIO that is keeping you from being in groups, it’s your lack of care of your character, lacking those two things just shows you have no intent on bringing your best to the group.