What is io rating? Its ruining the WoW experience

It’s because time is involved.

Do it in time, get a better keystone and a chance at better loot on your next run.

Don’t do it in time and you have to do another key in time just to get back to where you were.

When time is the metric you’re trying to beat then you will always come across people who want to minmax and you do that by inviting people who have a score that shows they can actually run the dungeon at least somewhat efficiently.


People are free to set up rules as they see fit for the groups that they lead. It’s only ruining the game for those who:

1- Don’t work on their own character and want to be carried.

2- Don’t understand where their current level is and are attempting to skip ahead.

3- Solo players who are at the mercy of pugs because they won’t start their own group.

IO is very indicative of how good or bad a player is. Ilvl is no longer a reliable metric to judge player worth for a group because it’s so inflated thanks to the outrageous Titanforging and catch up mechanics in this expansion.

As far as not completing the key in time: people usually want to push keys, and that requires completing it in time. You might be casual, but many people aren’t; they want to push their keys and reach greater rewards/higher levels. And failing slows them down.

My recommendation is find a guild or group of people who are like minded and run with them. It’s what I do so I avoid the IO issue. Or run your own keys, as you said you did, and invite whoever you want.

Also remember: you’re a Mage. There will be 50 DPS to every one healer or tank. Group leaders have to filter out the DPS somehow so they’ll pick their own guidelines and rules and invite by that.


IO score is fine, PVE and grinding being the only endgame making IO necessary is ruining it.

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I didn’t play previous patch. This reply only justifies the ruining of the game for returning players. My gear isn’t the issue and I know this for fact but nice try buddy.

Your gear is the issue. Just pug your own key until you get 450+ and then maybe you can get into some keys. Anyone who currently dungeons is at least 450 (that’s low too).


M+4 is equal to 440 now. Also, none of his gear is enchanted lmao.

I’d take a 600 io 430 over him.

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Inb4 ‘just gonna replace this gear. Why waste gold to enchant it?’


LMAO I KNOW RIGHT! lolol 145 gold is srs

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Sighhhh (I literally sighed as soon as I read it), it’s people with that kind of thinking that ruin the game.

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…I’m not surprised at this response lol.

Anyway, increase your io score or don’t, I don’t really care. If people decline you, it’s because they don’t want LAZY noobs with 0 io.


Booooo this man

no it isnt. not spending literally pennies to make your character stronger shows that you don’t care enough, why would I want oyu in a key?


You have ONE +4 done.
You’re a low IL.
Just clear every dungeon on +1. Then 2. 3. 4. Etc.
I cleared every dungeon on a +6 two weeks ago.
I cleared every dungeon on a +9 last week.
I’m clearing them all on 10-12s this week.
I’m a tank. I didn’t even NEED to boost my IO score, because my IL + role = gets into anything. But I’m still raising it anyway to show I’m not garbage.
Everyone has to do it. You do too.


My point about someone claiming IO is killing the game just wants a carry stands.

If it wasn’t the score, people wouldn’t take you for not enchanting your gear. So there’s another gate keep. What, would you then say enchanting as a profession is ruining the game?

I don’t mean to sound harsh, but players like you are why people see “casual” as a bad word. You should fix your gear and ensure you’re ready to run the content you want.


If you didn’t play last patch how can you have decent Essences? From what I know they are loced behind the Najatar and Mechagon reputations for most classes (no I don’t know what essences are good for Mage).


This = success. io is NOT hard to raise. io HAS to exist because a dead mouse can get to level 120, and (pre 8.3) a skeleton could get a lucky TF 445 WQ item. io HAS to exist


“People doesn’t want to carry me, it’s ruining the WOW experience”.

:disappointed_relieved: :disappointed_relieved: :disappointed_relieved: :disappointed_relieved: :disappointed_relieved: :disappointed_relieved: :disappointed_relieved: :disappointed_relieved: :disappointed_relieved: :disappointed_relieved: :disappointed_relieved: :disappointed_relieved: :disappointed_relieved: :disappointed_relieved: :disappointed_relieved: :disappointed_relieved: :disappointed_relieved:


nope ya. io is definitely some trash that ruins things as usual.

Build your own keys up.

Go with friends.

Build your rating up.

Prove that you have the skill to mythic+.

Problem solved.

What makes it difficult is when people are of high ilvl but haven’t done any mythic+. People want others with proof of skill so they can put their keys with ease.

I’d be annoyed if I had some high ilvl turd join my mythic+ group and have no idea as to what they were doing, especially if it’s a higher key and I’m trying to push.

I have done maybe 1 or 2 mythics in my lifetime and i am ilvl 450 tank. I know not to just jump into whatever key for pugging because I don’t have the experience.

That’s what raiderio does. It shows that you have the experience. It’s really not that big of a deal.


Of course it would turn into this kind of thread. All you huffy puffy’s missed the original point of this post. I was asking what IO is because I didn’t know exactly what it was, I just kept seeing people throwing it around in chat in-game. And that it was ruining my experience as a returning player. People are so ridiculous lol.