What is happening to our Class? (Paladin)

And I prefer to play Enhancement.

If Enhancement isn’t doing well, I just have to live with the fact that I might not be bound for all groups.

Unlike Enhancement, Ret doesn’t have much to worry about in that regard going forward.

I mean, it puts Ret in the same place as something like Shamans which is that Skyfury is a class ability and you only need 1 Shaman to bring it. Where does that leave the other 2 specs?

Unless you want to suggest every individual spec needs to have a unique raid buff(or that Ret deserves special treatment).

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Ultimately I’m glad they’re doing what they are with Windfury Totem. It’s always been awkward to be an Enhancement only thing, and group locked within raid.


-Besides rets damage starting to fall off when everyone else catches up in gear score.

-A portion of our utility being BoP doesn’t work on magic based raid or M+ fights

-People like you and others not supporting ret in my thread who I am willing to bet scream from the roof tops at all hours of the day and night for our downfall coming or going into the new expansion

We have A LOT to be worried about especially when people like you will say in one breath “Omg rets are so busted you’re just being silly” and on the other breath “Omg don’t buff ret even though they’re struggling they’re doing fine!”

I may very well be yapping in the wind and at the very worst this is all it is, I can live with that and things will be fine for the most part

I have no clue what you’re talking about with this. Ret is fine not scaling as well as something like, say, Spriest. You don’t need to be top damage. If you wanna gripe to someone about that, ask Blizzard why Warlock’s always getting their juice from the source.

You were better? You spent all expansion making whine threads just like this :man_shrugging:t3:

This is the same guy that said ret had no utility their BR is the worst and that BOP is bad

It helps in these conversations to state which part of the game you’re talking about. Otherwise some people are talking about an area where the spec is doing good while others are talking about an area where the spec is doing bad and everyone thinks everyone else is crazy.

OP needed to clarify that this post was about “Retribution” specific and doesn’t affect “Paladin” as a whole.

Yes, this is the time of year to beg, cry, demand, “pretend to quit” if your spec doesn’t meet your personal needs.

Devs don’t read the forums. They also don’t pay much attention to mediocre paladins.


I mean when my statement is factual.

Sure, I play a mediocre Protection Paladin, though this topic was aimed at Retribution, which I have no insight into.

I was referencing OP.

He has a history of making whine threads and complaining about multiple things like ret not having utility, an inferior BR and boo being awful.

Is there content you’d find more agreeable on the General Discussion forum?

Whether or not to rename toast to twice-baked bread.

The funny thing here, is that with ret losing their aura, their main utility claim is bringing devotion aura. This means if holy and prot are bad (numbers pending) ret could throw out the other paladin specs if they are performing well (numbers pending).

Having seen ret on the beta, it feels pretty solid still, which is a lot better than holy and prot who have one of their hero trees taken up by some abomination of design called Lightsmith which I have many grievances about.

Fuuuuuuu that’s so good. Yes. You have my vote.

Generally anything where someone isn’t

  • whining about leavers
  • whining about button bloat
  • whining about how bad their class is

And then seeing they have zero credibility in the game.

Other then that I’m peachy

I hate the Templar Class Fantasy because of Dragon Age. But that’s what I’ll be rocking. That light crap sounds awful.


Sorry for the misunderstanding