What is happening to our Class? (Paladin)

I mean, it’s just a big bonk button. Little clumsy on prot til full talents due to the 5 hopo cost but it flows fine on ret. Didn’t try playing herald on ret since it looked… healy? Maybe that’s the class fantasy they want going into tww though, early healerless m+, just roll dawnlights and eternal flame…?

Cool. So do you have any recommendations for folks who might want to advocate for something different? Is that like a Reddit thing or did you have something else in mind? Also is all player feedback whining? Or is there a metric that moves it from feedback to whining for you?

Huh, okay, that sounds pretty cool. Thanks man!

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When the feedback is from someone without any credibility yes it’s whining.

My only recommendation is to either get better or play one of the super easy classes to play.

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Huh. That’s an interesting perspective. Thanks for sharing.

I just play DK, I have 30 Dk at max level… If something happens to my class…

it is over… it would be WWT: The war without me.

ret aura was the only worth aura besides the 20% mount speed…and they’re nerfing rets to the ground.
ret in df rn is just great, this is just nonsense, why bother now? guess I’ll retire my paladin and wait until 11.1 (hoping they fix the class by this time) 1 month for tww and ret as it is in the beta is unplayable

Ret paladins dont whine every patch/expansion challenge (difficulty impossible)

Ret is absolutely insane in DF right now and likely will continue to be in TWW

It’s just raid wide WF totem with mastery. Unless youre heavily stacked with classes that benefit it, this isn’t even a talking point.

If you spec into Riders of the Apocalypse and aren’t using the always mounted talent node so… =/=

30sec Wing cycles by using Wake of Ashes with Radiant Glory + Wings having a chance to randomly proc is pretty nuts.
Judge, Jury, and Executioner being reworked to make your Final Verdicts cleave is HUGE for a spec that has historically been lackluster at doing so (cleaving)
Tempest Strikes becoming a 1 charge that does huge dmg + a DoT

The spec still needs work and bug fixes for sure but it’s going from already being good to that much better come TWW.
You’re just woefully ignorant and want to complain.

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I dunno, personally I’m cool with losing a questionably-useful aura when I get Constant Hammer Time and More Wings in exchange.

Right? It is always kind of awkward when I join a Pug, and the Enhance Shaman is like “put me in the melee group” and everyone else is like “shut up no one cares” and ignores him.

Obviously in a good group, Windfury groups would be a consideration. But it in pugs, I often see people just ignore Shaman when they ask for a Windfury group. Too much work for some raid leaders.

I actually REALLY like the direction holy is going. I don’t play the other two so have no opinion.

Honestly as bad as this is to say Im glad we got some sort of nerf as Rets this is an alt but I admit in damage As my main Ret Im mediocre low mediocre but I always appreciated our utility and improvisational abilities. When you can sac a tank bubble it so he takes less damage swap to freedom for roots or snares. Cleanse to help out in Council or Brackenhide. It felt good yeah bop was my least used ability but when you could bop someone on the hyena boss ‘chefs kiss’. What made me annoyed was when Id try to communicate with other rets and say did you have sac on cd. And theyd answer whats that while clearly being talented. Or hey you could of cleansed that totem when Im on an alt “oh I used it on myself earlier”. Seeing they still had bubble up. Yes I want pallies nerfed so the one who know the class remain and the meta chasers find a new toy. Having uber damage is nice yes but what feels clutch is seeing the tank die so you quickly bubble to bress him and bop the highest dps or healer so you survive. I dont want rets to be lowest but middle is fine shamans deserve the limelight this time imo. But yeah be prepared for meta chasers who only want big numbers and damn the expense.

Don’t listen to snoz, he is a troll and a strict paladin hater, i’ve never whined about anything but brought attention to things I think are relevant. This guy snoz couldn’t parse his way out of a wet paper bag.

He just follows my threads I make like a weird stalker which i’m curious as to why he hasn’t been banned yet since he just constantly has a stick up his rear end for me which makes no real sense as to why, if he hates me so much why bother showing up in my articles?

Never said I wanted to complain, historically ret paladin has always received the crap end of the stick and if you say it doesn’t then the meme about it wouldn’t exist. I maybe am ignorant cause I didn’t have the money to shell out for beta access which I would have LOVED to have to actually get my hands on things and actually get a better feel for it.

Maybe next time try coming in on your main unless its banned so you have to show up on your backup character but in any case outside of ad hominem, blizzard has traditionally treated ret paladins like utter garbage at the behest of people like you so naturally i’d be a little cautious and a bit hesitant to believe that this is what they’re stopping at. I will take the ignorant part happily but when a bit of ignorance is accompanied by a history of hatred, alarm bells go a sounding

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