What is happening to our Class? (Paladin)

Everytime I hear an update about the beta and TWW I know being a retribution paladin main I am gonna be slapped with bad news but with what you guys are doing it feels like i’m on a slow IV drip of Shamans getting Skyfury which I guarantee we won’t benefit from outside of the mastery buff and we go herald hero tree.

The most recent thing i’ve heard is that we are losing Retribution aura which not only effects us but also effects everyone else so what exactly are you guys doing to us? Besides stripping us clean like a fire sale and selling our utility off to every other class so long as they’re the highest bidder? Please give me an incentive to keep playing my main class and not hard switching to FF14 once I get my new computer. Why do we ALWAYS always get the crappy end of the stick?

I will admit the talent trees will be fun to playa round with and tinker with but if you keep stripping us of things how are we gonna compete with all the other classes?


ret design is easily the best its ever been and is only getting better


I feel you buddy. It was too fun to play and making the other classes and specs look bad.


HOW are we getting better? Every week I hear about something with ret paladin we’re losing.

Shamans are getting skyfury which is blessing of kings on steroids

Death knights already had a far FAR superior version of divine steed

Like where is the cool things we have left?

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huh? what else are we losing besides ret aura?

what changes are you wanting exactly?

For starters i’d like blessing of might or kings back along with Guardian

Let me play the tiniest violin for one of the most recent broken specs in the game.

Meanwhile, Shamans are going through their second ‘rework’ with nothing to show for it.


Playing Ret paladin is literally playing this game the easiest of modes. Your class/spec has absolutely everything; big dps output, ton of defensives, off-healing, auras, immunities, etc.


i feel like basically everything ret does is cool except for the new TWW s1 set transmog shoulders, wdym? easily one of the most fun specs to play

Preach sister. Those are all great things about Ret. But also, buff Ret.

not saying you’re wrong, ret does stupid damage for how much utility and survivability it has.

but there is some amount of irony in a hunter saying this.


Are you tuned in to a 4-year-old WoW balance radio or something


If I can’t play the spec half drunk on a Friday while talking crap in chat and putting out big numbers, I mean, what are we even doing here?


Yeah I mean, ret mains will be always asking for more, it’s inevitable at this point lol.

What irony exactly? I think you’ve been playing ret paladin so much you think every hunter plays BM, lol.

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I’m sorry but if you think Skyfury which is a raid wide buff you slap on everyone and every class EXCEPT ours will benefit from is “Nothing to show for it” you are just insane. You have a GUARANTEED raid spot

Lets stop you right there. Ret doesn’t do “insane” damage, we do while everyone is trying to gear up, if we pull ahead in the gearing department but as the season levels out and everyone starts plateuing to our gear score we fall off harder than your sisters mini van tumbling down a hill.

Also i’m gonna stop you right there, I NEVER said in this thread we needed “buffs” what I am asking for is if we lose our aura that EVERYONE in the raid benefitted from then give us something in place to compensate for it

They are removing our aura and removing our range, Liquid Max was calling it to be nerfed and here it is. Blizz only listen to the loud streamer noises and ignore the actual player base. Ret also don’t benefit from WF so it is another nerf.


Can’t stop won’t stop bro.

what are you smoking my guy

you know you benefit from aas right

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You have so much more utility than Shamans its not even funny.


Exactly. I’m always going to advocate for my spec to be buffed. It’s what I play so why wouldn’t I? I’m fine with being biased here.