What is happening to our Class? (Paladin)

Yeah. Shamans have been getting dookied on for twenty years. Not really the best comparable.

They’re getting rid of talents that increase melee range and instead just increasing melee range across the board.


Awesome. Do you know offhand how that compares to current? Is it 1:1 range trade-off? I know a few warriors in my guild that would love to hear that news.

So… Retribution Aura?

I mean, I don’t think it should be removed but I don’t mind it being changed if they don’t like how it’s designed.

but it seems a bit much to act like it’s the end of days for the class and to start throwing shade at other classes just cause they got something.

5%, decaying over 30 seconds. So 2.5% average assuming 100% uptime, but it’s not 100% uptime it’s more like 40% unless you have a prot paladin deliberately fishing for back hits from bosses.

Where the heck did you get 40% from?

Ret aura was just a finicky unnecessary extra raid buff for the class that already had one raid buff.

Just because something doesn’t require a crap ton of forethought to play doesn’t equal good or bad play style.

Maybe if YOU people didn’t show up in droves with your torches and pitchforks to nerf us and if there wasn’t a 15 year long hatred of our class because of pre-concieved notions of how we play and act we wouldn’t be acting the way we do.

I never once said I wanted shaman to lose out on anything they’re getting, i’m happy they are getting that and stone bulwark totem for survivability is A GOOD THING I DON’T WANT MY SHAMAN FRIENDOS TO STRUGGLE WITH LIVING.

The comparison is us losing our damage range and a raid wide aura buff that benefits everyone. I would have liked to see a 1 for 1 exchange of “Remove X thing but get Y in its place” but so far it isn’t turning out that way.

In short when YOU stop condemning us for nonsense we will start to play ball with you but I don;t see that happening so the war continues

You had 2 raid buffs, everyone else has either 1 or 0 raid buffs. You now have 1 raid buff.

Also Ret aura didn’t benefit everyone, you just had less damage if you didn’t bring 2 paladins.

Who is us? I PLAY Ret. I ENJOY Ret. I’m also keenly aware that it’s in a better spot than my preferred spec, Enhancement, right now.

Ret will be fine in tww, in spite of nerfs. Enhancement will get run over by a car again in tww, in spite of buffs. This is what we call, balance.


As long as I can do crazy DPS, keep myself alive and prevent a wipe when the heal are dead I’ll keep playing ret.

I don’t know any of the details, sorry. I just vaguely remember them saying it. So I hope it proves true and I don’t inadvertently disappoint you!

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Right now is a very short lived experience seeing as the game barely has legs cause its in hibernation till TWW and pre patch.

You assumed I was throwing crap at shaman when I wasn’t, I used them as an example I am perfectly fine with being wrong, i’m only human.

The thing is that you the hunter, the DK all came in here with the ASSUMPTION I was crapping on shaman when i’m not but that is the issue YOU. ASSUMED!!!

Which is rich coming from an A52 person blaming me of having “entitlement” but what is more entitled than accusing me of being entitled and turning around and playing innocent when I used a recent buff as a comparison?

See what people keep telling you and what I did before. See what I’m talking about?

Why does your class needs to be so relevant raid or group wise? I mean, your class has the holy Trinity already so it’s super relevant everywhereand it’s been like these for years so threads like this are just “your local paladin yelling at clouds AGAIN”.

You’re gonna take your mini nerf and you’re gonna deal with it.

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Thank you!

Removing a raid buff isn’t even a nerf. It’s not like the damage it provided was attributed to anyone. Blizzard tune content around the tools players have / their capabilities, raid groups no longer have Ret aura so raids aren’t tuned taking account of Ret aura.

Acting like going from having two raid wide buffs to one when two was the outlier is some great injustice is laughable.


But, but… They need something to complain about… Muh aURas.

I really wish blizz would stop catering so much to the giga casual audience and focus more on “complexity = + reward”.

I don’t have the holy trinity, my healing has a Achilles heel which is my pathetic mana pool. BoP doesn’t work well when the raid or M+ bosses do MAGIC damage and I can only LoH a singular person, outside of that i’m basically SoL

No i’m not gonna take the nerf i’m not taking anything I didn’t call for for ANYONE else. Me saying my class shouldn’t get nerfed is called “Stopping it before it becomes a bigger issue” i’m trying myself to keep my eyes peeled on things with how often they change stuff and honestly the only class that I could see needing a nerf is Arcane mage completely blowing everything out of the water

Whats laughable is your lack of realization that who brings what to the table is what gives what classes a place at said table. Case in point in season 3 ret wasn’t taken cause it didn’t benefit from WF totem so the people playing it or who could have played it were benched.

Before you say “But you’re not on team liquid or shouldn’t worry” You;re right i’m not, I would still want my class to be in a good enough position to at least be considered when I don’t have friends to run content with and before you give me the dumb “RuN yOuR oWn” uh huh, would love to before this becomes a case of “It becomes shadowlands and I can’t run content cause no one in their right mind is joining my group because I happen to be a ret paladin.”

Crapping on us isn’t quite what I’d call your weird takes. Asymmetric at best, delusional at worst.

Paladin also has a guaranteed raid slot. It just might not be Ret. (It probably is Ret, though.)

If you mean range you can melee from, I believe feral also losing that.

I don’t play prot or holy, I don’t WANT to play prot or holy, I want to play ret, I shouldn’t be shackled away from content because i play ret