What is going on with customer support?

You can make whatever assumptions you want.

I’m bringing up a real issue with customer support. If that causes “drama” so be it.

They are complaining just to be heard.

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Bringing up failure of the company to address bugs preventing progress.

GMs don’t fix bugs. They’re literally not developers. If the developers provide GMs with a work-around, which is rare, then they can help. Otherwise, we report the bugs we find and wait for the developers to fix it.

Do you mean they’re stuck? If that’s the case, there’s a system in place to help them get moved to a safer place.

That’s not how you worded it tho in the initial post. It was very dry and barebones coming off as trolling, and now it’s just garnering sympathy. This post adds nothing to the community as a whole or offers suggestions to help them. Just imaginary internet points.

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While Blizz does have issues with CS, mostly due to them canning most of their CS department a few years back, it is pretty obvious that the OP is either just trolling or their “bug” is more a pebkac issue hence why they won’t say what it is.

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I never claimed otherwise. But a copy/pasta response isn’t acceptable. In the very least say “we don’t have a solution for the bug but it’s b een forwarded to the correct department”.

No they cannot continue because the quest is impossible to request. Since everyone and their mom wants to know the specific bug I found some psots about it on the bug report. But this is hardly the only issue that blizzard does this with. This is just the most recent example in my friend-group.

Unable to progress with War Within Campaign - Factory Recon - Support / Bug Report - World of Warcraft Forums (blizzard.com)

Abandoned quest Factory Recon after game crash. can not pick up quest - Gameplay / Quests - World of Warcraft Forums (blizzard.com)

Factory Recon - Unable to Progress - Support / Bug Report - World of Warcraft Forums (blizzard.com)

So why are they putting in a ticket if it’s a known bug? Seems more like creating an issue just to complain about it.

Maybe if people stopped putting in tickets for issues the GMs can’t help with, they could stop giving everyone the same response (template). /shrug

Really not a CS issue though.


I want blizzard to do better.

You can tell me I’m trolling or that I’m trying to garner sympathy all you want. It’s not even my bug. But it is something that is ridiculous.

Yes because everything and everyone is trolling because real issues don’t exist apparently. /s

For clarity. My friend has tried multiple suggested solutions. Abandoning and regrabbing the quest. Going to the alternative coords listed. Relogging. War mode on and off. Disabling all add ons. Pretty much every suggested they’ve gotten.

Is it a known bug? Blizzard hasn’t acknowledged this bug what-so-ever. And the GM ticket didn’t even acknowlege it. Even if only 0.0001% of player experience this bug it’s still straight up preventing progress.

Maybe if blizzard would at least acknowledge the problem people wouldn’t feel compelled to make tickets.

“Hey we can’t help with that but we forwarded it to the correct derpartment”

BOOM. Takes almost the same time as copy/pasting. But is actually a good response.