Abandoned quest Factory Recon after game crash. can not pick up quest

I was starting on quest Factory Recon on the Main story line and when i went to speak with the reobot to scout the factory my game crashed as the cut scene started. After logging back in I could not talk to the bot, not could i open the sewer like the next part of the quest told me to. I adandoned the quest to repick it up and its telling me to pick up the quest in the Ringing Deep. I go there and there is no NPC where it says it is and I can not continue the quest.

Any advice?

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Ran into the same issue after joining a dungeon queue that had popped. Bot was gone when I zoned back in, could toggle the gate but nothing happened from there. Thought to drop and pick back up, but not seeing any NPC to offer it.

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are you still stuck on it?

I’m in the same position. I dropped the quest to pick it back up in hopes of fixing the bug but now I can’t pick it back up.

Same here!