What is going on with customer support?

My friend still bugged in msq and got a copy/pasta response for the ticket that took like 4 or 5 days for a response and the copy/pasta said something about item restore. Nothing to do with a bugged quest. Doing great bliz.


They are all robots and ai machines who take care of tickets

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Soooo. What’s bugged? What does or does not work? Is it current content or older content? If you are gonna complain, use details. Anyone can go “Blugh. Bliz ignore friend. He bugged. Good job blizzard.”

Customer service has been awful at Blizz for a long time, and I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s now ran by ChatGPT.

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idk if they replaced support with ai or people who actually dont know how to support and are just handed a document with various copy pasted answers to the articles most people have already read before opening a ticket but it just isnt even worth anymore. if I cant find a solution to my problem in the forums here or on reddit I just decide “well this is my life now”

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They don’t use GPT yet so the responses are static. Once they get the GPT bot running to replace their defunct CS department you will get better programmed answers.

Bugged in what way

I haven’t heard of anybody getting stuck anywhere

Then why wasn’t her response at least in like 5-10 seconds like ai chatbots.

If you have a real issue use the customer support thread on the wow forums or twitter. Otherwise you have to open something like three tickets for in game help. One gm was so lazy they incorrectly copy pasted their answer to cut off their response for me.

Edit : forum and payment tickets are still fine so credit where its due.

idk maybe they on vacation or perpetually out to lunch.

It’s already been reported in the bugged forums. This isn’t about the specific issue but the failue of customer support.

Honest answer is that post-Microsoft acquisition, the “Game Masters” were replaced with outsourced help that pretty much have never touched the game. They announced big layoffs a while ago and this department was no doubt affected.


Okay. Why do I have to hear about it then if you don’t want help?

Try the bug report forums lol.

They laid off most of the live game GM team, so don’t be surprised if you just get ineptitude from outsourced filipino/Indian CS farms instead.


Because we’re not addressing the specific issue here. There are threads dedicated to the specific issue of the bug elsewhere. This is about customer support not the specific issue.

That’s not the best advice, you get some salty people in there that act like company man and will straight up tell you “nO oNe WoRkS hErE, iT iS jUsT pLaYeRs HeLpInG” all while false flagging your post to be actioned, But then they actually do have a few blues that help every now and then. Some people there are helpful, most are there to ridicule you with their “holier than thou” attitude.

There’s Customer Support? I thought they where all fired so Bobby whats-his-face could get more money. Imo, totally undeserved after the disaster called shadowlands. Their entire board should taken a paycut for putting us through that mess.

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What issue? Link the post on the bug forums or discuss your actual issue so that people aren’t just thinking you are being a karen.

You are posting about customer support in GD rather than the custom support forums, so pretty sure you are just wanting to cause drama.

They solved my issue with my cpu needing to be underclocked to improve stability. So ive only had good experiences.