Factory Recon - Unable to Progress

Hi there! I’m writing this topic on behalf of my friend as she doesn’t use the WoW forums.
She was attempting to do the Chapter 4 Quest, “Factory Recon”.
Upon accepting the quest it was fine, but the moment she would click ZZ-01-47, her character was unable to take control of the robot. All clicking would do would summon a copy of her character, no control taken whatsoever.
She has tried abandoning and reaccepting, disabling all addons, deleting the WTF folder, and reloading the game multiple times.
Does anyone have a fix to this? She is attempting to see if phasing into Warmode could potentially help when she can.
Thank you so much!!

Hi. Said friend here. I’ve had an open ticket for four days, had repeatedly tried restarting the quest many times during that period, and finally got an automated copy/paste email from Blizzard more or less telling me this is not their problem.

I am at my wit’s end at this point. I just want to be able to play an Earthen when they become available. Is that too much to ask? Can someone from Blizzard PLEASE say something? Let me know that they’re aware of this issue? I feel like I’m being gaslighted to hell and back here and it’s driving me crazy.

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What just worked for me was to repeatedly pick up the quest and take control of the robot, and abandon quest if it didn’t. I felt like I was forcing it to comply, and it suddenly finally worked.

I have been doing this periodically throughout the last week and a half. It still has not worked.

Edit: Thought I’d add I also tried using an older computer to do it, that didn’t work either. Considering how stuck I am on this, I’m honestly shocked there hasn’t been a blue post regarding this.