What is Ghost Wolf?

At level 5 or 6 you learn cat form. I think around 14 you get travel form.

All the way at level 20 you can drop to all fours and run.

So, you can turn into an animal much quicker (keep in mind they haven’t been werewolves their entire lives either, and it has only been like 6 years)

Druid animal forms are “Shapeshifts”. Not “stances”.

Ghost wolf is not even listed as a “shapeshift”, but it has all the draw backs of being a “shapeshift”, without the bonuses. If you try to use vehicles as a ghost wolf, for example, you get told you can’t due to being shapeshifted. It changes you into a beast, and the penalties of being a beast. But you don’t get the bonus of shapeshifting. Even though…you shapeshifted.

But that is just kind of driving home that it is a different ability then druid travel form and most likely the dispel is a counter to that 20% damage reduction (which is no small thing in pvp).

I dont get cat form as a racial for WORGEN.
Im looking at my character right now. Nothing in the racials says cat form for WORGEN.
Druid is a CLASS, not a RACE

Well the abilities show up on the standard stance bar. They are also affected by stance based macros. They have for 15 years. So mechanically, they are pretty much the same.

But mechanically they are listed as a “shapeshift”. And changing stances didn’t offer the same effect for a warrior, as it did for a druid.

So while they shared the same bar, mechanically, they were completely different.

I don’t think I ever said it did. To assume all classes should get the exact same benefits is why classes are so homogenized now.

Well, since you are going this way, fine.

It functions as a mount. You can’t ride a mount until level 20. Simple.

Ghost wolf isn’t the shaman travel ability. So it really shouldn’t be compared to druid travel form.

If anything, its more like a resto druid shifting into cat form for mobility.

I didn’t say you did. I was showing how the shapeshifts are completely different from stances. Mechanically.

When did I ever ask for ghost wolf to be the exact same as any druid ability? When did anyone ask for warriors to get shapeshift animal forms? If a shaman is not shapeshifting like a druid, I should not be seen as a beast. Because…I did not shapeshift.

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I would agree that it is silly that hibernate works because that requires being a beast, but you are not shapeshifting like a druid. So either it should be treated as a shape shift and work like druid forms, or it should be treated different and therefore not as an actual beast able to be hibernate. Personally I think the ability is fine but there is a logical inconsistency as to what ghost wolf is.

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you can say its ‘simple’ friend, but again it makes no logical sense.
Im IN wolf form and it takes me 10 times longer to drop and run and it does for a druid to change forms and run.
No, that makes no logical sense at all.

You say it’s “more natural” to run in a form that the Worgen have only been in for a couple days (by the time they are 20)

Meanwhile when they level as a druid (since that is what we are comparing), they learn druidy much earlier, therefore it would be more natural.

10 x 0 = 0

They are both instant?

Guess not, only been learning druidism longer than being a werewolf.

At level 5 or 6 you learn cat form. I think around 14 you get travel form.

Im looking at a 110 worgen Warrior. I see absolutely nothing anywhere in the racials that give me cat form.
The Darkflight ability that increases my speed even more has a 2 minute cooldown…which is even WORSE than the druids abilities.

All I have is Running Wild from what I see.
sorry but I dont see how it makes any logical sense for a worgen already in werewolf form to take a LOT longer to drop and run than for a druid to literally change forms and run.

It is the PvP equivalent of druid travel form for shamans.

Honest question. Why is it considered a travel form, when its not even as good as druid cat form?

They really should buff it. I feel bad for you guys ):


My my, responding to yourself, I see. No wonder I didn’t get a notification that you finally responded.

Doesn’t even quote what I stated literally above his post

Well there is no use arguing with a brick wall. Bye.

Actually there is no arguing it at all.
Im a wolf. Im in WOLF FORM. LOGICALLY for me to drop and run should be in an instance compared to a CLASS that has to change form and then run.
youre right. There is no arguing it.

Of course. You use the same argument and don’t even come up with any new ones to any of my points.


You are not a wolf. You are a worgen, which is similar to a werewolf.

Well since you want to use logic here -

Running Wild - 'Drop to all fours to run as fast as a wild animal. Who needs a mount when you can run?"

"Racial Mount

Running Wild

Due to their ties with the wilds, worgen are able to call upon their bestial fervor to travel great distances. With the aid of all four limbs, a worgen can sprint at speeds rivaling the swiftest horses, nightsabers, and mechanostriders. As though it satisfies some primal urge deep within, worgen relish this mode of travel over those used by Azeroth’s other races, who rely on mounts to transport them."

Blizzard says it is a mount. It is their racial mount. Druids have never had a cast time. Mounts always have a cast time. Using logic, this mount should function the same way as all other mounts.

(Quoted from Blizzard’s website)

Easy. I dont like deflection / distraction from the POINT.
We can do this all day, friend, but it makes NO logical sense to be in WOLF FORM and not be able to drop and run FASTER than a class can change forms and run.
Sorry…Im not giong to change my mind just because you want me to.

I don’t need to change your mind. Blizzard says it’s a mount. It functions as a mount.