What is Ghost Wolf?

OF COURSE they say its a mount. no one said otherwise.
Im talking LoGIC.
Im in wolf form. The druid isnt in cat form. Yet the druid can CHANGE form AND run off while Im still dropping down.

Since you haven’t addressed my previous posts I assume you either ignored them or haven’t even read them.

it makes no sense, friend. End of story.

To which you ignored so kindly and quoted something you already had quoted.

Well here’s an example:

In this video, Malfurion changed forms almost instantly.

Meanwhile it does take a bit of time to fall over, catch oneself, and then start running.

And Im IN WOLF FORM, which means I take NO time to morph at all.
Taking something like 10+ times longer to drop and run as opposed to morphing and then running. sorry. doesnt make any sense at all. None. zip.

nice try. Well its not. But the excuses are cute, I guess.
agree to disagree, I suppose. it makes no sense whatsoever to take that much longer to drop and run as opposed to changing forms and running.
Of course blizzard makes some whimsical illogical reason for it, like they probably did for removing a bunch of portals that didnt need to be removed. its what they do best.
Still makes no sense however.

Wow. Forgive me if I’m wrong, but, I think it takes a bit longer than 0 seconds to drop down to all fours and run.

So the Worgen can teleport into running stance? Cool, I guess.

all of this easily done by a worgen standing on two legs leaping forward onto all fours and running which would not take any more time to do than a druid changing form and running.

done here?

and uh…as a side note…worgen DONT change form to run. They take half an hour to drop down like a geriatric old man, think about it for another half hour, then sprint off into the fog.

realistically they would LEAP FORWARD from a two legged stance, thus covering ground in that initial leap as they were dropping down to all fours.
But then Blizzard would have had to have made it look cooler, which would be more time investment…and since that aint happening…yeah.

Ghost wolf has always felt like its an ability in the wrong class. The rest of shaman lore has tilted strongly towards elementalism, yet here is this one animal spirituality ability that’s from a whole different realm of magic.

And yet earlier you said that it’s quicker for them to drop down and run, and now you deflect to them leaping as quicker.

Only if you are :wink:

It’s just a game.

Yes, that would be quicker than dropping down and running.

They also intended it as a mount, as stated earlier though :slight_smile: so they have a cast time.

again…realistically they would LEAP FORWARD from a two legged stance, thus covering ground in that initial leap as they were dropping down to all fours.
sorry, but i dont care about blizzards utter lack of realism.

That is literally a copy and paste of what I just argued against, and you completely shifted goalposts

the uniquity about worgen is that they are their own mount. as in the character is the mount when mounted

the shaman’s ghost wolf is just simply a movement-speed bonus spell that changes your character into a wolf until cancelled. the only difference with the shaman is that it’s semi-permanent and talents could affect the form itself like healing 1% every 5 sec while in ghost wolf

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sorry but I didnt. I added to show what would be physically happening REALISTICALLY for a worgen on TWO feet to transition to FOUR feet.
They wouldnt just drop down like this joke ‘mount’ does.
theyd leap forward towards the direction they were going to be running in, land in a four legging running strut and move along.
Do you just like to argue for argument sake?

Well right. Obviously they made it a ridiculous ‘mount’ but even that makes no logical sense. They arent getting up on a mount which logically would take some amount of time.
Leaping forward from two feet to a four legged run should be no more time than for druids to change form and then begin to run.
Logically the worgen should probably cover even more distance initially.

Yes you did

And then you complain about lack of realism in a video game where people use magic and turn into animals while living for thousands of years.

But you said dropping to all fours is faster, which is it?

I could ask the same of you.

You and I are done here. I’m going to ignore you because this aint worth my time with you at this point.

Leaping forward from two feet to a four legged run should be no more time than for druids to change form and then begin to run.

Fine, ignore me. You haven’t countered any of my posts anyways.


you may find it ridiculous, others may not find so. different opinions are neat, eh?

what are you even talking about. do you have a werewolf rule book somewhere, ay?

logic? you’re applying logic to a fantasy based video game? really?

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