What is Ghost Wolf?

Wait wait…ghost wolf can seriously be purged? I mean I dont play shaman ever, nor do monks have a purge effect so I wouldnt know but if that is true holy crap is that actually hilarious.

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Meant to reply to you. Yes, ghost wolf can be purged. I love doing it to other shaman… but hate having it done to me. :frowning:

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Maybe because we need to be in our animal form to do anything? Would you like a mage to be purged out of their skin?

Because they aren’t equivalent. Like I said, ghost wolf is just for movement, our cat form, bear form, etc. is necessary for us to do anything.


Which two cc types are we immune to?

Welcome to Shaman!

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Actually he has a point. It’s fine that he can be polymorphed. It is NOT fine he can be both polymorphed AND hibernated.

Mages can polymorph beasts.

Poly/ hex and root/snare

I have rooted other druids many times. I have also been rooted by mages and other druids. They are definitely not immune to roots.

Well that is our one unique thing then.

He is obviously referring to your spammable root break :slight_smile:

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He said we are immune to being rooted though :slight_smile:

To actually break free we have to waste a GCD of leaving our form and then our second GCD of re-entering our form.

Yeah. When you shapeshift, you break roots.

When a shaman shapeshifts, nothing happens. The over all point is that the shaman shape shift has all the worst attributes, with little benefits. Unless you take a talent and stack a specific azerite trait to make it worth while.

And from a PVE point of view, its a talent you dont even take for a large part of the content.

Well they should change it then, duh. :stuck_out_tongue:

Can’t you just click the button and re-ghost wolf if purged?

Considering one of the key aspects of ghost wolf that make it a survivability ability is the talent Spirit Wolf. It gives you a ramp up damage reduction that takes 5 seconds to reach 20% damage reduction (as well as run speed), that resetting that could be a big deal.

Im still trying to figure out how druids have insta-change into their class forms…but a worgen who is a werewolf has to ‘mount’ to use his running on all fours.
Nuttiest inconsistency Ive seen.
What I am physically (werewolf) would certainly be more natural then something I learned to do (class) by training.
A werewolf should be able to drop and run, assuming hes already in worgen form, just as fast as a druid can morph and run.
Absolutely no sense to it whatsoever.

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Because ours is an ability, theirs is a mount? Plus worgen can turn into cats and run like that faster than they can “Run Wild”

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Still isnt sensible.
Im a werewolf in wolf form and it takes me longer to drop and run than for a druid to change forms and run?
Not even remotely sensible.

The gameplay functional difference is between a spell that allows you assume a different shape (ghostwolf) and a stance (druid forms). Stances aren’t spells and can’t be purged. The stance also specifcally protects against polymorph.

Though, I am pretty sure that Druids in animal forms are subject to the effects of hibernate. At least they used to be.

Plus worgen can turn into cats and run like that faster than they can “Run Wild”

Did I miss something?
Im not seeing any worgen racials that let me turn into a cat.
I see DRUID abilities that do, not worgen racials.

Worgen Run Wild is 200% move
Druid cat form is 130%