What is Ghost Wolf?

Its absurd, I can get purged out of Ghost wolf, druids cannot be purged out of animal form. I can get hibernated like a beast. But I can also get sheeped? What type of nonsense is this and why does blizz not fix this? This is beyond inconsistent.


The whole not polymorph thing is a druid thing.

Shamans ain’t druids.

It’s not even close to inconsistent. Two very different kinds of magic, pal.

Which hunters don’t even have… but I suspect that’s another rant.


Ghost Wolf has always been a joke. It takes a talent (which is a joke of a talent) and stacking a specific azerite trait to make it “ok”.


Splitting hairs to say one classes beast form isn’t equivalent


That is pretty damn dumb if thats all true

If its a shapeshift than it shouldnt be dispellable, I mean Dh’s cant be dispelled out of META and druids cant be dispelled out of there shapeshifts.

If you can b HIbernated than you should be flaged as a Beast and not able to be sheeped than because that makes NO SENSE!


yea fine let ghostwolf not be purge but remove the can’t be slow part and the healing like stupid part.


Yeah just make it non-dispellable and non-sheepable it shouldnt have everysingle weakness of being sheeped, dispelled AND hibernated though

So you want to remove literally the only good thing ghost wolf has, and make it even worse?

They took away our second insta heal, that’s the least they can give shaman. We have to chose between earth shield and second riptide now, never been the case before, balancing with a hammer

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I was going to make a Dark Iron Dwarf Shaman but i dont know if i want that if this is actually a thing.

AGREED. Ghostwolf takes all of the weaknesses from magic/beast/shapeshift and combines them into one form without any benefit. I feel the most frustrating part is getting dispelled with it feeling especially cruel coming form another shaman.


Classes are DIFFERENT. It’s supposed to be that way. That is not a bug. That will not be fixed. You are suffering from “envy of people who play a different class”. You can solve that by “playing that different class yourself”.


I never saw Ghost Wolf as anything more than a travel form. Each class has its own perks and draw backs. One of the perks of being a Druid is that your forms can’t be dispelled/purged or sheeped because that would kind of make the class pointless.


This (post above mine) ghost form was never meant to be like what druids have. Two different classes, 2 different styles/ways. Just cause druids can do this and that with their forms doesn’t mean shaman should. Besides shamans aren’t in their forms 24/7 like druids are. /shrugs/ Ghost Wolf is working like its intended. Which was not to be anything like druids.


bilzz do not like the shaman class at all :persevere: your bad bilzz for this

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Meh. Ghost Wolf should have just been the Shaman class mount, like the Charger is the Paladin one.

Then you could have given Shaman something like “Wind Walk”, which basically does what Ghost Wolf does now, but doesn’t have the inconsistencies of expectations.

It’s a speed buff with no CD or duration restrictions that heals you and prevents slows. Seems like a pretty nice ability.

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I used to like ghost wolf during vanilla low level battlegrounds. It was a good transportation ability for my shaman. Once you get a mount the ability is worthless.

you can use it inside places to get around. i wish this warlock or my paladin had a spell like it given how slow they are. it’s useful in a lot of ways.

Even then you can’t get purged out of travel form. And if resto you can cast hots on yourself in bear form, shaman can’t cast in ghost wolf.

The biggest absurdity is being able to get purged out of ghost wolf