What is Ghost Wolf?

If they’re purging then it’s a wasted GCD at the very least. Not every class has a purge.

It would be a wasted gcd to remove a 20% damage reduction over someone you are swapping to focus on?

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They balanced shaman with a hammer since then

It doesn’t do damage so yes, it is essentially a wasted CD. Can also use it when you see a stormbolt swap coming against DK/WAR and then you can kite away after.

It’s obvious you don’t arena if you cannot fathom how a passive stacking damage reduction could assist you.

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…and yet… it still won then… and yet… Cdew just played Rsham in the tournament till the final round going 3-4 in the last match.

You don’t have any idea how to balance PVP.

I guess it just seems odd that an ability is so important it would save my life, isn’t worth the GCD to dispel.


Them dispelling it is a wasted GCD from them doing damage. They’ll probably klepto it from you, and you’re most likely not going to run that talent against RMP anyways since they’ll be going after your dps, not you.

But it works great against melee cleaves when you need to kite away, you know unless you think face tanking would be a better option.

Anyhow, just because you think a talent and spell are awful, doesn’t mean they are. It might not be the most important talent or spell in the world, and it may not be as good as travel form, but it still has a place and a purpose. Every spell has a place and purpose. You need to play more PVP to learn those because it is evident you have literally no arena experience.

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gah, edited reply instead of new

Snarky sarcasm

You’ve been argumentative this entire back and forth, and mind you, I’m the one with actual PVP experience (you’d know if you’d bothered armorying me) and you’re the one with literally none in a competitive environment. Despite this, you’ve literally done nothing but attempted to deny everything I’ve mentioned.

Sheesh. It was a legit question I was curious about.

Calm down man.

I arena as r shaman and can confirm until the recent mana regen nerf, druids were op. They had to increase cost of spells for them too, and by a big chunk, must have forgot to carry the one I guess, pvp so balance classes losing whole abilities or changes of 20+%. But ya everything is fine

I never said PVP balance is good, but Ghost Wolf being dispellable and sheepable isn’t the reason why.

I’m not going to get into it with you though. You are literally not worth my time typing like that.

It’s totally consistent when you take into account you’re a shaman and how poorly Blizzard has treated the shaman class since day one.


OP has basically described the Shaman tax.

Forever the redheaded stepchild of WoW.


Its just dumb that blizz really does seem to hate shaman. Ele shaman are good rn, but they are usually only good like every 2 expansions. When is enhance good?

I would agree with you if there was not a trait that healed you for being in ghost wolf form, it would make shamans god mode(kiting in bgs and arenas to get health back)


I literally watched a resto shaman run across the field twice earlier today in a wsg random bg and the guy just didn’t die even with 3-5 people stunning and locking him down, we didn’t have any type of purge so they guy just ran free mostly and just capped the flag twice

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Well My succubus can not charm your ghost wolf form so, thats a thing.

They took gust of wind and second riptide, shaman prior to this ghost wolf trait have been the most trainable healers in arena for a long time