What is Ghost Wolf?

Thats fine. Ghost Wolf is more than a travel form, even if you refuse to see it as more.


meanwhile people like dk’s have no speed boost, if you count only a few % counts, than it’s a terrible one at that.

Not to mention you guys have a thorns totem (which i think you still do? even so i consider it a bit bs.)


Bro really?


lol. Don’t be so dramatic. I don’t “refuse” to see it any which way. I gave my opinion. Do with it what you will.


Ok. I am just saying your opinion is short sighted and shows a clear lack of knowledge of shaman play.

i don’t even like shamans.

The point people are trying to make is that if ghost wolf is going to have every single weakness possible, it should be stronger than a 30% run speed buff.

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The sheep thing a reach but it’s dumb to get purged out of ghost wolf. Also cry about ranged interrupt but druids also have an instant cc, shaman only healer without an insta cast cc, even stub totem has a delay. Druids can stun out of stealth, Can always shift out of roots or snares, oh and druids can spam their cc, it’s more like do druids have cc? Priests have it the worst, no speed and only one self peel. Druids are immune to 2 different cc types (poly and root snare). But cry cus you don’t have a grounding totem

It gives damage reduction too through Spirit Wolf and healing through Pact Spirit.

Shamans have ways to stop being polymorphed. So no, it doesn’t need changing.

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Yes if you take a talent and sit in ghost wolf for 5 seconds (which means you are not casting, dpsing, healing), you get a whopping 20% damage reduction.

The talent is an insult.


I’m not crying. Shaman and druid are entirely different healers that play significantly different comps usually in PVP. Being purged out costs the same GCD it does to go into it. It’s not like it locks you. But cry because you don’t understand how PVP works.


Rofl??? Is that a joke? 20% damage reduction is huge, and if the enemy has CDs up and they’re about to swap to you it can be the difference between astral shifting and not. Kidney swap coming? Ghost Wolf.


don’t some of the npcs talk about how the issues with confusing both shaman and druids as the same class in wow?

even so, they do need to be unique to there playstyle like you said.

If the enemy is about to swap to me, its too late. Ghost wolf takes 5 seconds.


I don’t think you understand how to PVP.

Well break it down for me. How will ghost wolf save me in your scenario, if I have to be in it for 5 seconds to get the effect. And it could just be purged off anyways?


Druids have a better version of everything you’re crediting shamans with. Damage reduc, thorns>cs totem, hots, overall ability to get slowed or cc’d. Oh ya grounding totem and armor ghost wolf are talents, druids by default can resist 2 cc types, how much help druids need? Lol

You see them sheep your mage partner. Mage pops combust and rogue steps to you. You see that coming and ghost wolf. During the Kidney that you will undoubtedly sit in and eat you gain damage reduction.

Congrats. You’re not dead now.

While transformed into a Ghost Wolf, you gain 5% increased movement speed and 5% damage reduction every 1 sec, stacking up to 4 times.

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Must be why an Rsham won Blizzcon in 2018. Hrmmm.

Must be a bad spec to play 24/7 365

So I have to also hope that no one is able to purge in that scenario?