What is GDKP?

Former vanilla player here, not a ton of classic wow experience though. Could someone explain to me what GDKP is? I am familiar with DKP, it was the go to for nearly all guilds if not all, in vanilla. It made a lot of sense, show up for a raid, slay a boss, get DKP, bid on items with said DKP earned from previous raids. I am unaware of the new GDKP system.


You bid on gear highest bid gets the gear. Everyone gets a cut sometimes the mt/top dps or organizer takes an extra. It can draw in players who would otherwise not invite low geared players as they tend to want to run achievement runs and the like.

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I don’t like the idea of gold being the currency for raid content. That’s honestly quite absurd. The guild itself should always take care of their tanks. DPS parsing and getting extra gold is hilarious. What did this community turn into?


GDKP is a way to make Classic Pay to Win. You simply buy gold from one of many gold sellers then join a GDKP to buy the gear you want.


Haven’t seen any guilds yet that do GDKP guild runs, I don’t doubt there are a few, but most guilds run EPGP or LC or some variant of DKP. Atleast from my experiences.

GDKP gives people a reason to invite badly geared people, and it gives people who don’t need any gear a reason to run the raid anyway. It’s my preferred loot system for pugging cause I end the raid on a good note either way, either I get an upgrade or I get paid.

I’m not denying there are whales who just buy gold from bots and use that to join GDKP’s but that’s Blizzard’s job to fix, unfortunately they’re lazy, possibly also a little incompetent, and don’t really care a lot.


yes, GDKP is great for these reasons
yeah i guess it might encourage some real money buying, but whatever. you can’t blame the GDKP system for that. blame blizzard for not enforcing the rules enough. even if they somehow completely made RMT impossible, GDKP would go on.

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Yeah, my buddy transferred his som toon to his wrath server carrying over 100k gold.

He got all that gold from honest gold farmers just trying to buy some gear!


GDKP is great for that ones full of gear that needs gold and that ones that have gold but not gear.


According to GDKP players, you should know what it is. It’s been around forever, they say, and is an honest way to play WoW Classic.

GDKP is cancer. It is the most popular way to cheat in Classic WoW. Gold (which can be bought with a credit card - from gold sellers or Blizzard itself through the WoW Token in Retail (which can be transferred to Classic toons) becomes an easy way to win.

GDKP players praise the fact they don’t have to deal with “guild drama” or cry because they have to help their guildmates. They get the gear they want as fast as possible. They have turned Classic WoW into Retail basically.

While there are some players that have earned their gold honestly, these players exploit the game by introducing a new gear currency (gold). The door is wide open to anyone to buy as much gold as they wish and buy all the end game raid gear they want while Blizzard looks the other way - at a price: Bots.


GDKP is great for that ones full of gear that needs gold and that ones that have gold but not gear

You buy gold and use it to bid for raid items. Gkccp’s always involve third party gold sellers.


You use gold to bid for items, and at the end of the raid the gold is redistributed to the people who performed well in the raid.

It solves two problems.

One) It gives people who don’t need items from old raids a reason to run those raids, because they earn gold for completing it

Two) It removes the RNG from the loot system allowing participants to decide what items they value most heavily.

It started in Asia during TBC and became very popular beginning around ICC in WOTLK since it’s the only form of raiding where you are guaranteed to profit from running the instance - unless you’re bad and can’t meet the cutoff for getting paid out.

Kinda says it all doesn’t it Blizzard. It’s vanilla wow alright.


Its the superior loot system for pugging. You will never leave a pug with nothing if you GDKP.


I have already said what it is and gone into great detail about it on other threads, so have many other people. Since you refuse to listen I guess all I can tell you is that it is a Greedy Death Knight Player.


this isn’t too far off the mark :expressionless:


Maybe retail should have GDKP too. It sure beat the current need greed roll

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It’s a pug thing. Not a guild thing*. Get why it’s done?

    • most guilds anyway, but some get geared then use GDKPs to keep players active.

It you’re just running Naxx and gearing alts or DEing everything… what’s the point?

Honestly love it for gearing alts.

GDKP = gold laundering scheme. Players buy gold with an alt, give it to their main and then pay for gear. It also keeps all the bots “employed.”