What is "Fresh"?

IK, again these details are important.

I can 'cause of what you said here:

Which is why I agree with paying for these characters to be dumped because I visualize the stagnated servers just being a dump site. Which is why I agree with their paid cloning system to help alleviate that, some. If you don’t want to pay real life money to dump your progressed characters on, then you can level on the stagnated servers.

Forgive my double post. These conversations are being held outside of this thread, and I’m trying to bring them back into this thread and trying to refrain from de-railing prior threads :black_heart:

As long as you’ve expressed it’s what you’ve concluded, than that’s fine. I like coming up with my own conclusion which is why I ask the questions :slightly_smiling_face:

That’s all I’m asking for :slightly_smiling_face:

I feel like you agree with what the Poster said. I was seeking to to see what other people would say and come up with my own average, in what was said :slightly_smiling_face:

So, some (not all) screaming “fresh” just want new Servers, then (and some, not all, want some features while others don’t, but that’s two separate issues).

So, why not offer “Seasonal” instead of “fresh”?

But, if it’s a “fresh” MoP (when those Servers come about), Level Boosts were a feature during that expac, so it’s very much a part of that experience.

I’d (also) like to point out that some (not all) feel (keyword) BC starts in Outlands and not Level 1 in Pre-Outland zones. I want you to keep that in mind. I assume (from my research) it’ll be the same, when Wrath Servers come out, Northrend will be considered “Wrath” content and not pre-Outland and Outland. Again, that’s another conversation to be had. There’s a mix of what some (not all) feel like the game is and isn’t.

There’s a mix of what some (not all) feel like the game is and isn’t.

Fresh is a pack of new players all leveling together without t3 geared player ruining the open world PvP experience.

They’re never fresh again.

You can only transfer characters to realms in the same phase.

Can’t quite understand the question.

Seasonal get wiped. Fresh servers stay around until they become extremely inactive in which they’ll give players an option to transfer into a mega server or stay on their current realm. Whether or not your toon is kept depends on cost factors for Blizzard.

Yes. Sometime after the last phase has been cleared/farmed a new round of servers will be announced.

No. They’re just like phase 1. F R E S H

Once TBC has been finished, another round of TBC realms will open at phase 1 (tier 4). You should be able to buy 1 boost per “season”.

Nothing gets wiped. They’ll eventually transfer into a large realm or stay on their current realm. It would just be your Name-Realm if you decided to move.

Is it like TBC? A lot of players (last year) kept asking for TBC, but they were asking for different rulesets, different transfer rules, different gold rules – basically about 15 different versions of “adding TBC”.

Obviously Blizzard could only pick one version, disappointing any players what wanted something different. But most players went along with Blizzard’s decisions…

…except the ones who wanted “fresh servers”. They are still filling the forums. But I think they each want a different set of rules. They are all just using the same term “fresh servers”.

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The bottom line is every one of us wants a game customized to us, using the set of rules WE want.

Which may be totally possible in 2050…

But is totally impossible in 2021. No customized games. Sorry.

I’ve concluded in what “fresh” is, and that there’s two different types of “fresh” Groups: NEW Servers and Seasonal Servers.
I’d like to thank everyone for their contributions and helping me better understand in what “fresh” is :slightly_smiling_face:

Lol your logic is so twisted. A ton of people want the same thing. Not some custom experience.

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Again, this is NOT true. There are some (not all) out there that want NEW Servers over Seasonal. In this VERY thread, it was even expressed that NEW Servers are NOT Seasonal, and that there IS a difference!

When some (not all) want NEW Servers, they just want a “New” Server that’s going to continue to stagnate, because they want a “fresh” stagnate server. Not necessarily a Seasonal one, where that server “goes away”. BIG difference between the two.

I’m not a fan of the NEW Server movement. But, I will fight alongside the Seasonal Server crowd.

That’s not really what he is arguing though. His logic is that to make any sort of request is a demand. And that we shouldn’t do that because it’s bad manners or something (lol)

very simple on how to make fresh servers work.

  1. create two servers in each region. 1 PvE, 1 PvP. (remember, these forums love to say nobody is gonna play fresh, so thats all we need right? :^) )
  2. servers progress to phase 6.
  3. wipe servers after few months of naxx, restart the process. OR create two more fresh servers, leave old servers running. after the new servers have reached the end, wipe old servers, process repeats.

I appreciate your feedback, but you seem to be describing Seasonal Servers, as opposed to “fresh” NEW Servers, that some (not all) are looking for :slightly_smiling_face:

Maybe you need to create a thread called “What ISN’T FRESH?” to help all the confused people here

In a way, I already did LOL

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