What is everyone’s favorite flying/ground mount(s) and how’d you acquire it?

Ground: The Brown Riding Goat from Tillers rep in MOP. It’s been my ground mount of choice when leveling through WOD, Legion, BFA, SL, and DF zones for the first time. A close second is the Brown Riding Camel from Ramkahen rep in Cata.

Flying: Eve’s Ghastly Rider has been my go-to non-dragon mount since it released last October. Before that, I used the Grand Gryphon from MOP the most often.

what kinda love rocket??

Flying; magnificent flying carpet and i got it theow tailoring.
Ground: white hawkstrider and i remember where i got it but i cant renember the bosses name or yhe the dungeon. It was the one of the blood elf guy who got psycho with fel magic.

Ground mount: Big Blizzard Bear. My boyfriend gave me the code when we watched Blizzcon together in 2008. He’s now my husband and we’ve been together for almost 17 years :blush:

Flying mount: I love love love my Otterworldly Ottuk! I’m very sad that it apparently can’t dragon ride, though :pensive:

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My favorite ground mount is probably my Swift Spectral Tiger.

Got that card and its code out of a few random packs I bought in a bargain bin at a local store. Easily the luckiest pack of cards I’ve ever opened, and it means a lot to me as a result.

As far as flying mounts go, Invincible is the one I’m most attached to. It took me a long, long time to get that one. Farming ICC was fun maybe the first 4-5 times. Not so much when I started reaching triple digits.

Grand Expedition Yak, couldn’t be bothered to change mounts for tmog or repair lol. Bought it for a hefty 120K

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I’m partial to the alliance competition chopper for ground mounts.

Hearthstone and the Flame horse are both great. I don’t use flying mounts that don’t have wings.

I like the dragons quite a bit and the Lightforged mount.

Sinrunner Blanchy, easily the best mount in game.

I had to get elbow surgery from fishing so much waiting on the river where Blanchy spawns in Revendreth.

Was well worth the pain!

I worked my a$$ off to earn Wild Dreamrunner and Lucid Nightmare. I can’t wait to use them in TWW—assuming they do have the option to sky riding.

Personally my current favorite is dead blanchy the red horse, fits best with my blood red Demon hunter, I’m also going for the first sptyrs shoulders the big red shoulders from Xavier in the emerald dream really low drop rate like .01% my other fav mount is the black widow mount but I can’t bring myself to get 2 million gold to buy it

I tried this for awhile because it was so perfect and I like the big cat mounts, but I just cannot handle the talking every time it’s summoned, and randomly during use. I tried an addon for it, but nothing actually stopped the dialog (sound or pop up speech) completely. But that was like a year or two ago so maybe something has come along. I use an addon to mute the two grummels on my expedition yak, for example. (Which turned out to be pointless since my husband sits 10ft away and I still have to hear the grummels on his expedition yak anyway.)

For ground mounts I love the Springfur Alpaca and J i g g lesworth Sr. ("An error occurred: Sorry, you can't post the word 'J i g g'; it's not allowed.") ??!

For flying I tend to use Spirit of Eche’ro (I love archaeology and have leveled it completely to 950 on 3 different toons for some odd reason), X-45 Heartbreaker, or Violet Proto-Drake.

I like to try and use mounts that match my character - either their class theme (so class mounts, except Ban-Lu) or to match by color/current transmog.

How could I forget this one?! I also have my OG Winterspring Frostsaber mount as a favorite ground mount. Man, that rep was such a chore back in the day but SO worth it!

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what is an OG winter spring nightsaber

The white hawkstrider probably

Ground Mount, the horse from Trial of the Grand Crusader 10 man no wipes. Purely because no one uses it.

Flying mount, the Chinese zodiac rat. He fits through most doors and is a silly boi.

Flying: Divine Kiss of Ohn’hra … Basically flight form as a Shaman (If I mained another class this would change)

And yes, it works as a ground mount too but just to specify…

Ground: Sunwarmed Furline … I hate that it’s a store mount and I don’t even like cats, but for whatever reason, I love this mount.

I just meant that I did the slow and tedious winterspring frostsaber grind back in vanilla.

my favorite ground mount is anurelos

my favorite flying mount is anurelos

many flying mounts are too big to be used as ground mounts when mounting up in instances like battlegrounds or mythic plus dungeons but i find anurelos to be small enough that it looks fine just as a ground mount.

i acquired it by doing a mythic fyrakk pug this season when amirdrassil was not fated - if you take only people who are 525+ ilvl, then it’s not that bad of a fight.

Good Old Blanchy. He’s my favorite too. And I maxed out fishing and caught a bunch of useful fish while waiting for the spawns.

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My favorite flying mount seems to be the epic edition “druid dragon” once they make it dynamic, but, they’re making ME dynamic too, so maybe…myself? xD

Ground mount I have always enjoyed cats. The 750 something BfA cat looks awesome, can’t remember the name.